
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 128 ममाग्ने वर्चो विहवेष्वस्तु वयं तवेन्धानास्तन्वम्पुषेम | मह्यं नमन्तां परदिशश्चतस्रस्त्वयाध्यक्षेणप्र्तना जयेम || मम देवा विहवे सन्तु सर्व इन्द्रवन्तो मरुतो विष्णुरग्निः | ममान्तरिक्षमुरुलोकमस्तु मह्यं वातः पवतांकामे अस्मिन || मयि देवा दरविणमा यजन्तां मय्याशीरस्तु मयिदेवहूतिः | दैव्या होतारो वनुषन्त पूर्वे.अरिष्टाःस्याम तन्वा सुवीराः || मह्यं यजन्तु मम यानि हव्याकूतिः सत्या मनसो मे अस्तु | एनो मा नि गां कतमच्चनाहं विश्वे देवासो अधिवोचता नः || देवीः षळ उर्वीरुरु नः कर्णोत विश्वे देवास इहवीरयध्वम | मा हास्महि परजया मा तनूभिर्मा रधामद्विषते सोम राजन || अग्ने मन्युं परतिनुदन परेषामदब्धो गोपाः परि पाहि नस्त्वम | परत्यञ्चो यन्तु निगुतः पुनस्ते.अमैषां चित्तम्प्रबुधां वि नेशत || धाता धातॄणां भुवनस्य यस पतिर्देवं तरातारमभिमातिषाहम | इमं यज्ञमश्विनोभा बर्हस्पतिर्देवाः पान्तु यजमानं नयर्थात || उरुव्यचा नो महिषः शर्म यंसदस्मिन हवे पुरुहूतःपुरुक्षुः | स नः परजायै हर्यश्व मर्ळयेन्द्र मा नोरीरिषो मा परा दाः || ये नः सपत्ना अप ते भवन्त्विन्द्राग्निभ्यामव बाधामहेतान | वसवो रुद्रा आदित्या उपरिस्प्र्शं मोग्रं चेत्तारमधिराजमक्रन ||

mamāghne varco vihaveṣvastu vayaṃ tvendhānāstanvampuṣema | mahyaṃ namantāṃ pradiśaścatasrastvayādhyakṣeṇapṛtanā jayema || mama devā vihave santu sarva indravanto maruto viṣṇuraghniḥ | mamāntarikṣamurulokamastu mahyaṃ vātaḥ pavatāṃkāme asmin || mayi devā draviṇamā yajantāṃ mayyāśīrastu mayidevahūtiḥ | daivyā hotāro vanuṣanta pūrve.ariṣṭāḥsyāma tanvā suvīrāḥ || mahyaṃ yajantu mama yāni havyākūtiḥ satyā manaso me astu | eno mā ni ghāṃ katamaccanāhaṃ viśve devāso adhivocatā naḥ || devīḥ ṣaḷ urvīruru naḥ kṛṇota viśve devāsa ihavīrayadhvam | mā hāsmahi prajayā mā tanūbhirmā radhāmadviṣate soma rājan || aghne manyuṃ pratinudan pareṣāmadabdho ghopāḥ pari pāhi nastvam | pratyañco yantu nighutaḥ punaste.amaiṣāṃ cittamprabudhāṃ vi neśat || dhātā dhātṝṇāṃ bhuvanasya yas patirdevaṃ trātāramabhimātiṣāham | imaṃ yajñamaśvinobhā bṛhaspatirdevāḥ pāntu yajamānaṃ nyarthāt || uruvyacā no mahiṣaḥ śarma yaṃsadasmin have puruhūtaḥpurukṣuḥ | sa naḥ prajāyai haryaśva mṛḷayendra mā norīriṣo mā parā dāḥ || ye naḥ sapatnā apa te bhavantvindrāghnibhyāmava bādhāmahetān | vasavo rudrā ādityā uparispṛśaṃ moghraṃ cettāramadhirājamakran ||


Rig Veda

  1. LET me win glory, Agni, in our battles: enkindling thee, may we support our bodies. May the four regions bend and bow before me: with thee for guardian may we win in combat. 2 May all the Gods be on my side in battle, the Maruts led by Indra, Viṣṇu, Agni. Mine be the middle air’s extended region, and may the wind blow favouring these my wishes. 3 May the Gods grant me riches; may the blessing and invocation of the Gods assist me. Foremost in fight be the divine Invokers: may we, unwounded, have brave heroes round us. 4 For me let them present all mine oblations, and let my mind’s intention be accomplished. May I he guiltless of the least transgression: and, all ye Gods, do ye combine to bless us. 5 Ye six divine Expanses, grant us freedom: here, all ye Gods, acquit yourselves like heroes. Let us not lose our children or our bodies: let us not benefit the foe, King Soma! 6 Baffling the wrath of our opponents, Agni, guard us as our infallible Protector. Let these thy foes turn back and seek their houses, and let their thought who watch at home be ruined. 7 Lord of the world, Creator of creators the saviour God who overcomes the foeman. May Gods, Bṛhaspati, both Aśvins shelter from ill this sacrifice and sacrificer. 8 Foodful, and much-invoked, at this our calling may the great Bull vouchsafe us wide protection. Lord of Bay Coursers, Indra, blew our children: harm us not, give us not as prey to others. 9 Let those who are our foemen stay. afar from us: with Indra and with Agni we will drive them off. Vasus, Ādityas, Rudras have exalted me, made me far-reaching, mighty, thinker, sovran lord.