
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 127 रात्री वयख्यदायती पुरुत्रा देव्यक्षभिः | विश्वाधि शरियो.अधित || ओर्वप्रा अमर्त्या निवतो देव्युद्वतः | जयोतिषा बाधतेतमः || निरु सवसारमस्क्र्तोषसं देव्यायती | अपेदु हासतेतमः || सा नो अद्य यस्या वयं नि ते यामन्न्नविक्ष्महि | वर्क्षेन वसतिं वयः || नि गरामासो अविक्षत नि पद्वन्तो नि पक्षिणः | निश्येनासश्चिदर्थिनः || यावया वर्क्यं वर्कं यवय सतेनमूर्म्ये | अथा नःसुतरा भव || उप मा पेपिशत तमः कर्ष्णं वयक्तमस्थित | उष रणेवयातय || उप ते गा इवाकरं वर्णीष्व दुहितर्दिवः | रात्रि सतोमंन जिग्युषे ||

rātrī vyakhyadāyatī purutrā devyakṣabhiḥ | viśvāadhi śriyo.adhita || orvaprā amartyā nivato devyudvataḥ | jyotiṣā bādhatetamaḥ || niru svasāramaskṛtoṣasaṃ devyāyatī | apedu hāsatetamaḥ || sā no adya yasyā vayaṃ ni te yāmannnavikṣmahi | vṛkṣena vasatiṃ vayaḥ || ni ghrāmāso avikṣata ni padvanto ni pakṣiṇaḥ | niśyenāsaścidarthinaḥ || yāvayā vṛkyaṃ vṛkaṃ yavaya stenamūrmye | athā naḥsutarā bhava || upa mā pepiśat tamaḥ kṛṣṇaṃ vyaktamasthita | uṣa ṛṇevayātaya || upa te ghā ivākaraṃ vṛṇīṣva duhitardivaḥ | rātri stomaṃna jighyuṣe ||


Rig Veda

  1. WITH all her eyes the Goddess Night looks forth approaching many a spot: She hath put all her glories on. 2 Immortal. she hath filled the waste, the Goddess hath filled height and depth: She conquers darkness with her light. 3 The Goddess as she comes hath set the Dawn her Sister in her place: And then the darkness vanishes. 4 So favour us this night, O thou whose pathways we have visited As birds their nest upon the tree. 5 The villagers have sought their homes, and all that walks and all that flies, Even the falcons fain for prey. 6 Keep off the she-wolf and the wolf, O Urmya, keep the thief away; Easy be thou for us to pass. 7 Clearly hath she come nigh to me who decks the dark with richest hues: O Morning, cancel it like debts. 8 These have I brought to thee like kine. O Night, thou Child of Heaven, accept This laud as for a conqueror.