
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 124 इमं नो अग्न उप यज्ञमेहि पञ्चयामं तरिव्र्तंसप्ततन्तुम | असो हव्यवाळ उत नः पुरोगा जयोगेवदीर्घं तम आशयिष्ठाः || अदेवाद देवः परचता गुहा यन परपश्यमानो अम्र्तत्वमेमि | शिवं यत सन्तमशिवो जहामि सवात सख्यादरणींनाभिमेमि || पश्यन्नन्यस्या अतिथिं वयाया रतस्य धाम वि मिमेपुरूणि | शंसामि पित्रे असुराय शेवमयज्ञियाद्यज्ञियं भागमेमि || बह्वीः समा अकरमन्तरस्मिन्निन्द्रं वर्णानः पितरंजहामि | अग्निः सोमो वरुणस्ते चयवन्ते पर्यावर्द्राष्ट्रं तदवाम्यायन || निर्माया उ तये असुरा अभूवन तवं च मा वरुण कामयासे | रतेन राजन्नन्र्तं विविञ्चन मम राष्ट्रस्याधिपत्यमेहि || इदं सवरिदमिदास वाममयं परकाश उर्वन्तरिक्षम | हनाव वर्त्रं निरेहि सोम हविष टवा सन्तं हविषायजाम || कविः कवित्वा दिवि रूपमासजदप्रभूती वरुणो निरपः सर्जत | कषेमं कर्ण्वाना जनयो न सिन्धवश ता अस्यवर्णं शुचयो भरिभ्रति || ता अस्य जयेष्ठमिन्द्रियं सचन्ते ता ईमा कषेतिस्वधया मदन्तीः | ता इं विशो न राजानं वर्णानाबीभत्सुवो अप वर्त्रादतिष्ठन || बीभत्सूनां सयुजं हंसमाहुरपां दिव्यानांसख्ये चरन्तम | अनुष्टुभमनु चर्चूर्यमाणमिन्द्रं निचिक्युः कवयो मनीषा ||

imaṃ no aghna upa yajñamehi pañcayāmaṃ trivṛtaṃsaptatantum | aso havyavāḷ uta naḥ puroghā jyoghevadīrghaṃ tama āśayiṣṭhāḥ || adevād devaḥ pracatā ghuhā yan prapaśyamāno amṛtatvamemi | śivaṃ yat santamaśivo jahāmi svāt sakhyādaraṇīṃnābhimemi || paśyannanyasyā atithiṃ vayāyā ṛtasya dhāma vi mimepurūṇi | śaṃsāmi pitre asurāya śevamayajñiyādyajñiyaṃ bhāghamemi || bahvīḥ samā akaramantarasminnindraṃ vṛṇānaḥ pitaraṃjahāmi | aghniḥ somo varuṇaste cyavante paryāvardrāṣṭraṃ tadavāmyāyan || nirmāyā u tye asurā abhūvan tvaṃ ca mā varuṇa kāmayāse | ṛtena rājannanṛtaṃ viviñcan mama rāṣṭrasyādhipatyamehi || idaṃ svaridamidāsa vāmamayaṃ prakāśa urvantarikṣam | hanāva vṛtraṃ nirehi soma haviṣ ṭvā santaṃ haviṣāyajāma || kaviḥ kavitvā divi rūpamāsajadaprabhūtī varuṇo nirapaḥ sṛjat | kṣemaṃ kṛṇvānā janayo na sindhavaś tā asyavarṇaṃ śucayo bharibhrati || tā asya jyeṣṭhamindriyaṃ sacante tā īmā kṣetisvadhayā madantīḥ | tā iṃ viśo na rājānaṃ vṛṇānābībhatsuvo apa vṛtrādatiṣṭhan || bībhatsūnāṃ sayujaṃ haṃsamāhurapāṃ divyānāṃsakhye carantam | anuṣṭubhamanu carcūryamāṇamindraṃ nicikyuḥ kavayo manīṣā ||


Rig Veda

  1. COME to this sacrifice of ours, O Agni, threefold, with seven threads and five divisions. Be our oblation-bearer and preceder: thou hast lain long enough in during darkness. 2 I come a God foreseeing from the godless to immortality by secret pathways, While I, ungracious one, desert the gracious, leave mine own friends and seek the kin of strangers. 3 1, looking to the guest of other lineage, have founded many a rule of Law and Order. I bid farewell to the Great God, the Father, and, for neglect, obtain my share of worship. 4 I tarried many a year within this altar: I leave the Father, for my choice is Indra. Away pass Agni, Varuṇa and Soma. Rule ever changes: this I come to favour. 5 These Asuras have lost their powers of magic. But thou, O Varuṇa, if thou dost love me, O King, discerning truth and right from falsehood, come and be Lord and Ruler of my kingdom. 6 Here is the light of heaven, here allis lovely; here there is radiance, here is air’s wide region. Let us two slaughter Vṛtra. Forth, O Soma! Thou art oblation: we therewith will serve thee. 7 The Sage hath fixed his form by wisdom in the heavens: Varuṇa with no violence let the waters flow. Like women-folk, the floods that bring prosperity have eau lit his hue and colour as they gleamed and shone. 8 These wait upon his loftiest power and vigour: he dwells in these who triumph in their Godhead; And they, like people who elect their ruler, have in abhorrence turned away from Vṛtra. 9 They call him Swan, the abhorrent floods’ Companion, moving in friendship with celestial Waters. The poets in their thought have looked on Indra swiftly approaching when Anustup calls him.