Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 118 अग्ने हंसि नयत्रिणं दीद्यन मर्त्येष्वा | सवे कषयेशुचिव्रत || उत तिष्ठसि सवाहुतो घर्तानि परति मोदसे | यत तवा सरुचःसमस्थिरन || स आहुतो वि रोचते.अग्निरीळेन्यो गिरा | सरुचा परतीकमज्यते || घर्तेनाग्निः समज्यते मधुप्रतीक आहुतः | रोचमानोविभावसुः || जरमाणः समिध्यसे देवेभ्यो हव्यवाहन | तं तवा हवन्तमर्त्याः || तं मर्ता अमर्त्यं घर्तेनाग्निं सपर्यत | अदाभ्यंग्र्हपतिम || अदाभ्येन शोचिषाग्ने रक्षस्त्वं दह | गोपा रतस्यदीदिहि || स तवमग्ने परतीकेन परत्योष यातुधान्यः | उरुक्षयेषुदीद्यत || तं तवा गीर्भिरुरुक्षया हव्यवाहं समीधिरे | यजिष्ठं मानुषे जने ||
aghne haṃsi nyatriṇaṃ dīdyan martyeṣvā | sve kṣayeśucivrata || ut tiṣṭhasi svāhuto ghṛtāni prati modase | yat tvā srucaḥsamasthiran || sa āhuto vi rocate.aghnirīḷenyo ghirā | srucā pratīkamajyate || ghṛtenāghniḥ samajyate madhupratīka āhutaḥ | rocamānovibhāvasuḥ || jaramāṇaḥ samidhyase devebhyo havyavāhana | taṃ tvā havantamartyāḥ || taṃ martā amartyaṃ ghṛtenāghniṃ saparyata | adābhyaṃghṛhapatim || adābhyena śociṣāghne rakṣastvaṃ daha | ghopā ṛtasyadīdihi || sa tvamaghne pratīkena pratyoṣa yātudhānyaḥ | urukṣayeṣudīdyat || taṃ tvā ghīrbhirurukṣayā havyavāhaṃ samīdhire | yajiṣṭhaṃ mānuṣe jane ||
Rig Veda
- AGNI, refulgent among men thou slayest the devouring fiend, Bright Ruler in thine own abode. 2 Thou springest up when worshipped well the drops of butter are thy joy When ladies are brought near to thee. 3 Honoured with gifts he shines afar, Agni adorable with song: The dripping ladle balms his face. 4 Agni with honey in his mouth, honoured with gifts, is balmed with oil, Refulgent in his wealth of light. 5 Praised by our hymns thou kindlest thee, Oblation-bearer, for the Gods As such do mortals call on thee. 6 To that Immortal Agni pay worship with oil, ye mortal men,— Lord of the house, whom none deceives. 7 O Agni, burn the Rākṣasas with thine unconquerable flame Shine guardian of Eternal Law. 8 So, Agni, with thy glowing face burn fierce against the female fiends, Shining among Uruksayas. 9 Uruksayas have kindled thee, Oblation-bearer, thee, with hymns. Best Worshipper among mankind.