Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 101 उद बुध्यध्वं समनसः सखायः समग्निमिन्ध्वं बहवःसनीळाः | दधिक्रामग्निमुषसं च देवीमिन्द्रावतोऽवसे नि हवये वः || मन्द्रा कर्णुध्वं धिय आ तनुध्वं नावमरित्रपरणींक्र्णुध्वम | इष्क्र्णुध्वमायुधारं कर्णुध्वं पराञ्चंयज्ञं पर णयता सखायः || युनक्त सीरा वि युगा तनुध्वं कर्ते योनौ वपतेह बीजम | गिरा च शरुष्टिः शभरा असन नो नेदीय इत सर्ण्यःपक्वमेयात || सीरा युञ्जन्ति कवयो युगा वि तन्वते पर्थक | धीरादेवेषु सुम्नया || निराहावान कर्णोतन सं वरत्रा दधातन | सिञ्चामहावतमुद्रिणं वयं सुषेकमनुपक्षितम || इष्क्र्ताहावमवतं सुवरत्रं सुषेचनम | उद्रिणं सिञ्चेक्षितम || परीणीताश्वान हितं जयाथ सवस्तिवाहं रथमित्क्र्णुध्वम | दरोणाहावमवतमश्मचक्रमंसत्रकोशंसिञ्चता नर्पाणम || वरजं कर्णुध्वं स हि वो नर्पाणो वर्म सीव्यध्वं बहुलाप्र्थूनि | पुरः कर्णुध्वमायसीरध्र्ष्टा मा वः सुस्रोच्चमसो दरंहता तम || आ वो धियं यज्ञियां वर्त ऊतये देवा देवीं यजतांयज्ञियामिह | सा नो दुहीयद यवसेव गत्वी सहस्रधारापयसा मही गौः || आ तू षिञ्च हरिमीं दरोरुपस्थे वाशीभिस्तक्षताश्मन्मयीभिः | परि षवजध्वं दश कक्ष्याभिरुभे धुरौ परति वह्निं युनक्त || उभे धुरौ वह्निरापिब्दमानो.अन्तर्योनेव चरति दविजानिः | वनस्पतिं वन आस्थापयध्वं नि षू दधिध्वमखनन्त उत्सम || कप्र्न नरः कप्र्थमुद दधातन चोदयत खुदतवाजसातये | निष्टिग्र्यः पुत्रमा चयावयोतय इन्द्रंसबाध इह सोमपीतये ||
ud budhyadhvaṃ samanasaḥ sakhāyaḥ samaghnimindhvaṃ bahavaḥsanīḷāḥ | dadhikrāmaghnimuṣasaṃ ca devīmindrāvato’vase ni hvaye vaḥ || mandrā kṛṇudhvaṃ dhiya ā tanudhvaṃ nāvamaritraparaṇīṃkṛṇudhvam | iṣkṛṇudhvamāyudhāraṃ kṛṇudhvaṃ prāñcaṃyajñaṃ pra ṇayatā sakhāyaḥ || yunakta sīrā vi yughā tanudhvaṃ kṛte yonau vapateha bījam | ghirā ca śruṣṭiḥ śabharā asan no nedīya it sṛṇyaḥpakvameyāt || sīrā yuñjanti kavayo yughā vi tanvate pṛthak | dhīrādeveṣu sumnayā || nirāhāvān kṛṇotana saṃ varatrā dadhātana | siñcāmahāavatamudriṇaṃ vayaṃ suṣekamanupakṣitam || iṣkṛtāhāvamavataṃ suvaratraṃ suṣecanam | udriṇaṃ siñceakṣitam || prīṇītāśvān hitaṃ jayātha svastivāhaṃ rathamitkṛṇudhvam | droṇāhāvamavatamaśmacakramaṃsatrakośaṃsiñcatā nṛpāṇam || vrajaṃ kṛṇudhvaṃ sa hi vo nṛpāṇo varma sīvyadhvaṃ bahulāpṛthūni | puraḥ kṛṇudhvamāyasīradhṛṣṭā mā vaḥ susroccamaso dṛṃhatā tam || ā vo dhiyaṃ yajñiyāṃ varta ūtaye devā devīṃ yajatāṃyajñiyāmiha | sā no duhīyad yavaseva ghatvī sahasradhārāpayasā mahī ghauḥ || ā tū ṣiñca harimīṃ drorupasthe vāśībhistakṣatāśmanmayībhiḥ | pari ṣvajadhvaṃ daśa kakṣyābhirubhe dhurau prati vahniṃ yunakta || ubhe dhurau vahnirāpibdamāno.antaryoneva carati dvijāniḥ | vanaspatiṃ vana āsthāpayadhvaṃ ni ṣū dadhidhvamakhananta utsam || kapṛn naraḥ kapṛthamud dadhātana codayata khudatavājasātaye | niṣṭighryaḥ putramā cyāvayotaya indraṃsabādha iha somapītaye ||
Rig Veda
- WAKE with one mind, my friends, and kindle Agni, ye who are many and who dwell together. Agni and Dadhikrās and Dawn the Goddess, you, Gods with Indra, I call down to help us. 2 Make pleasant hymns, spin out your songs and praises: build ye a ship equipped with oars for transport. Prepare the implements, make all things ready, and let the sacrifice, my friends, go forward. 3 Lay on the yokes, and fasten well the traces: formed is the furrow, sow the seed within it. Through song may we find bearing fraught with plenty: near to the ripened grain approach the sickle. 4 Wise, through desire of bliss from Gods, the skilful bind the traces fast, And lay the yokes on either side. 5 Arrange the buckets in their place securely fasten on the straps. We will pour forth the well that hath a copious stream, fair-flowing well that never fails. 6 I pour the water from the well with pails prepared and goodly straps, Unfailing, full, with plenteous stream. 7 Refresh the horses, win the prize before you: equip a chariot fraught with happy fortune. Pour forth the well with stone wheel, wooden buckets, the drink of heroes, with the trough for armour. 8 Prepare the cow-stall, for there drink your heroes: stitch ye the coats of armour, wide and many. Make iron forts, secure from all assailants let not your pitcher leak: stay it securely. 9 Hither, for help, I turn the holy heavenly mind of you the Holy Gods, that longs for sacrifice. May it pour milk for us, even as a stately cow who, having sought the pasture, yields a thousand streams. 10 Pour golden juice within the wooden vessel: with stone-made axes fashion ye and form it. Embrace and compass it with tenfold girdle, and to both chariot-poles attach the car-horse. 11 Between both poles the car-horse goes pressed closely, as in his dwelling moves the doubly-wedded. Lay in the wood the Soviran of the Forest, and sink the well although ye do not dig it. 12 Indra is he, O men, who gives us happiness: sport, urge the giver of delight to win us strength Bring quickly down, O priests, hither to give us aid, to drink the Soma, Indra Son of Nistigri.