Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 100 इन्द्र दर्ह्य मघवन तवावदिद भुज इह सतुतः सुतपाबोधि नो वर्धे | देवेभिर्नः सविता परावतु शरुतमासर्वतातिमदितिं वर्णीमहे || भराय सु भरत भागं रत्वियं पर वायवे शुचिपेक्रन्ददिष्टये | गौरस्य यः पयसः पीतिमानश आसर्वतातिमदितिं वर्णीमहे || आ नो देवः सविता साविषद वय रजूयते यजमानायसुन्वते | यथा देवान परतिभूषेम पाकवदा सर्वतातिमदितिं वर्णीमहे || इन्द्रो अस्मे सुमना अस्तु विश्वहा राजा सोमः सुवितस्याध्येतु नः | यथा-यथा मित्रधितानि सन्दधुरा सर्वतातिमदितिं वर्णीमहे || इन्द्र उक्थेन शवसा परुर्दधे बर्हस्पते परतरीतास्यायुषः | यज्ञो मनुः परमतिर्नः पिता हि कमासर्वतातिमदितिं वर्णीमहे || इन्द्रस्य नु सुक्र्तं दैव्यं सहो.अग्निर्ग्र्हे जरितामेधिरः कविः | यज्ञश्च भूद विदथे चारुरन्तम आसर्वतातिमदितिं वर्णीमहे || न वो गुहा चक्र्म भूरि दुष्क्र्तं नाविष्ट्यं वसवोदेवहेळनम | माकिर्नो देवा अन्र्तस्य वर्पस आ सर्वतातिमदितिं वर्णीमहे || अपामीवां सविता साविषन नयग वरीय इदप सेधन्त्वद्रयः | गरावा यत्र मधुषुदुच्यते बर्हदासर्वतातिमदितिं वर्णीमहे || ऊर्ध्वो गरावा वसवो.अस्तु सोतरि विश्वा दवेषांसि सनुतर्युयोत | स नो देवः सविता पायुरीड्य आ सर्वतातिमदितिं वर्णीमहे || ऊर्जं गावो यवसे पीवो अत्तन रतस्य याः सदने कोशेङगध्वे | तनूरेव तन्वो अस्तु भेषजमा सर्वतातिंदितिं वर्णीमहे || करतुप्रावा जरिता शश्वतामव इन्द्र इद भद्राप्रमतिः सुतावताम | पूर्णमूधर्दिव्यं यस्य सिक्तया सर्वतातिमदितिं वर्णीमहे || चित्रस्ते भानुः करतुप्रा अभिष्टिः सन्ति सप्र्धोजरणिप्रा अध्र्ष्टाः | रजिष्ठया रज्या पश्व आ गोस्तूतूर्षत्य पर्यग्रं दुवस्युः ||
indra dṛhya maghavan tvāvadid bhuja iha stutaḥ sutapābodhi no vṛdhe | devebhirnaḥ savitā prāvatu śrutamāsarvatātimaditiṃ vṛṇīmahe || bharāya su bharata bhāghaṃ ṛtviyaṃ pra vāyave śucipekrandadiṣṭaye | ghaurasya yaḥ payasaḥ pītimānaśa āsarvatātimaditiṃ vṛṇīmahe || ā no devaḥ savitā sāviṣad vaya ṛjūyate yajamānāyasunvate | yathā devān pratibhūṣema pākavadā sarvatātimaditiṃ vṛṇīmahe || indro asme sumanā astu viśvahā rājā somaḥ suvitasyādhyetu naḥ | yathā-yathā mitradhitāni sandadhurā sarvatātimaditiṃ vṛṇīmahe || indra ukthena śavasā parurdadhe bṛhaspate pratarītāsyāyuṣaḥ | yajño manuḥ pramatirnaḥ pitā hi kamāsarvatātimaditiṃ vṛṇīmahe || indrasya nu sukṛtaṃ daivyaṃ saho.aghnirghṛhe jaritāmedhiraḥ kaviḥ | yajñaśca bhūd vidathe cārurantama āsarvatātimaditiṃ vṛṇīmahe || na vo ghuhā cakṛma bhūri duṣkṛtaṃ nāviṣṭyaṃ vasavodevaheḷanam | mākirno devā anṛtasya varpasa ā sarvatātimaditiṃ vṛṇīmahe || apāmīvāṃ savitā sāviṣan nyagh varīya idapa sedhantvadrayaḥ | ghrāvā yatra madhuṣuducyate bṛhadāsarvatātimaditiṃ vṛṇīmahe || ūrdhvo ghrāvā vasavo.astu sotari viśvā dveṣāṃsi sanutaryuyota | sa no devaḥ savitā pāyurīḍya ā sarvatātimaditiṃ vṛṇīmahe || ūrjaṃ ghāvo yavase pīvo attana ṛtasya yāḥ sadane kośeaṅghdhve | tanūreva tanvo astu bheṣajamā sarvatātiṃaditiṃ vṛṇīmahe || kratuprāvā jaritā śaśvatāmava indra id bhadrāpramatiḥ sutāvatām | pūrṇamūdhardivyaṃ yasya siktayaā sarvatātimaditiṃ vṛṇīmahe || citraste bhānuḥ kratuprā abhiṣṭiḥ santi spṛdhojaraṇiprā adhṛṣṭāḥ | rajiṣṭhayā rajyā paśva ā ghostūtūrṣaty paryaghraṃ duvasyuḥ ||
Rig Veda
- Be, like thyself, O Indra, strong for our delight: here lauded, aid us, Maghavan, drinker of the juice. Savitar with the Gods protect us: hear ye Twain. We ask for freedom and complete felicity. 2 Bring swift, for offering, the snare that suits the time, to the pure-drinker Vāyu, roaring as he goes, To him who hath approached the draught of shining milk. We ask for freedom and complete felicity. 3 May Savitar the God send us full life, to each who sacrifices, lives aright and pours the juice That we with simple hearts may wait upon the Gods. We ask for freedom and complete felicity. 4 May Indra evermore be gracious unto us, and may King Soma meditate our happiness, Even as men secure the comfort of a friend. We ask for freedom and complete felicity. 5 Indra hath given the body with its song and strength: Bṛhaspati, thou art the lengthener of life. The sacrifice is Manu, Providence, our Sire. We ask for freedom and complete felicity. 6 Indra possesseth might celestial nobly formed: the singer in the house is Agni, prudent Sage. He is the sacrifice in synod, fair, most near. We ask for freedom and complete felicity, 7 Not often have we sinned against you secretly, nor, Vasus, have we openly provoked the Gods. Not one of its, ye Gods, hath worn an alien shape. We ask for freedom and complete felicity. 8 May Savitar remove from us our malady, and may the Mountains keep it far away from where The press-stone as it sheds the meath rings loudly forth. We ask for freedom and complete felicity. 9 Ye Vasus, let the stone, the presser stand erect: avert all enmities and keep them far remote. Our guard to be adored is Savitar this God. We ask for freedom and complete felicity. 10 Eat strength and fatness in the pasture, kine, who are balmed at the reservoir and at the seat of Law. So let your body be our body’s medicine. We ask for freedom and complete felicity. 11 The singer fills the spirit: all mens, love hath he. Indra takes kindly care of those who pour the juice. For his libation is the heavenly udder full. We ask for freedom and complete felicity. 12 Wondrous thy spirit-filling light, triumpliant; thy hosts save from decay and are resistless. The pious votary by straightest pathway speeds to possess the best of all the cattle.