
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 1 अग्रे बर्हन्नुषसामूर्ध्वो अस्थान निर्जगन्वान तमसोज्योतिषागात | अग्निर्भानुना रुशता सवङग आ जातोविश्वा सद्मान्यप्राः || स जातो गर्भो असि रोदस्योरग्ने चारुर्विभ्र्त ओषधीषु | चित्रः शिशुः परि तमांस्यक्तून पर मात्र्भ्यो अधिकनिक्रदत गाः || विष्णुरित्था परममस्य विद्वाञ जातो बर्हन्नभि पातित्र्तीयम | आसा यदस्य पयो अक्रत सवं सचेतसो अभ्यर्चन्त्यत्र || अत उ तवा पितुभ्र्तो जनित्रीरन्नाव्र्धं परति चरन्त्यन्नैः | ता ईं परत्येषि पुनरन्यरूपा असि तवं विक्षुमानुषीषु होता || होतारं चित्ररथमध्वरस्य यज्ञस्य-यज्ञस्य केतुंरुशन्तम | परत्यर्धिं देवस्य-देवस्य मह्ना शरिया तवग्निमतिथिं जनानाम || स तु वस्त्राण्यध पेशनानि वसानो अग्निर्नाभाप्र्थिव्याः | अरुषो जातः पद इळायाः पुरोहितो राजन्यक्षीह देवान || आ हि दयावाप्र्थिवी अग्न उभे सदा पुत्रो न मातराततन्थ | पर याह्यछोशतो यविष्ठाथा वह सहस्येहदेवान ||

aghre bṛhannuṣasāmūrdhvo asthān nirjaghanvān tamasojyotiṣāghāt | aghnirbhānunā ruśatā svaṅgha ā jātoviśvā sadmānyaprāḥ || sa jāto gharbho asi rodasyoraghne cārurvibhṛta oṣadhīṣu | citraḥ śiśuḥ pari tamāṃsyaktūn pra mātṛbhyo adhikanikradat ghāḥ || viṣṇuritthā paramamasya vidvāñ jāto bṛhannabhi pātitṛtīyam | āsā yadasya payo akrata svaṃ sacetaso abhyarcantyatra || ata u tvā pitubhṛto janitrīrannāvṛdhaṃ prati carantyannaiḥ | tā īṃ pratyeṣi punaranyarūpā asi tvaṃ vikṣumānuṣīṣu hotā || hotāraṃ citrarathamadhvarasya yajñasya-yajñasya ketuṃruśantam | pratyardhiṃ devasya-devasya mahnā śriyā tvaghnimatithiṃ janānām || sa tu vastrāṇyadha peśanāni vasāno aghnirnābhāpṛthivyāḥ | aruṣo jātaḥ pada iḷāyāḥ purohito rājanyakṣīha devān || ā hi dyāvāpṛthivī aghna ubhe sadā putro na mātarātatantha | pra yāhyachośato yaviṣṭhāthā vaha sahasyehadevān ||


Rig Veda

  1. HIGH hath the Mighty risen before the dawning, and come to us with light from out the darkness. Fair-shapen Agni with white-shining splendour hath filled at birth all human habitations. 2 Thou, being born, art Child of Earth and Heaven, parted among the plants in beauty, Agni! The glooms of night thou, Brilliant Babe, subduest, and art come forth, loud roaring, from thy Mothers. 3 Here, being manifested, lofty Viṣṇu, full wise, protects his own supremest station. When they have offered in his mouth their sweet milk, to him with one accord they sing forth praises. 4 Thence bearing food the Mothers come to meet thee, with food for thee who givest food its increase. These in their altered form again thou meetest. Thou art Invoking Priest in homes of mortals. 5 Priest of the holy rite, with car that glitters, refulgent Banner of each act of worship, Sharinging every God through might and glory, even Agni Guest of men I summon hither. 6 So Agni stands on earth’s most central station, invested in well-decorated garments. Born, red of hue, where men pour out libations, O King, as great High Priest bring the Gods hither. 7 Over the earth and over heaven, O Agni, thou, Son, hast ever spread above thy Parents. Come, Youthfullest! to those who long to meet thee, and hither bring the Gods, O Mighty Victor.