
Rig Veda Book 9 Hymn 99 आ हर्यताय धर्ष्णवे धनुस्तन्वन्ति पौंस्यम | शुक्रांवयन्त्यसुराय निर्णिजं विपामग्रे महीयुवः || अध कषपा परिष्क्र्तो वाजानभि पर गाहते | यदी विवस्वतो धियो हरिं हिन्वन्ति यातवे || तमस्य मर्जयामसि मदो य इन्द्रपातमः | यं गाव आसभिर्दधुः पुरा नूनं च सूरयः || तं गाथया पुराण्या पुनानमभ्यनूषत | उतो कर्पन्तधीतयो देवानां नाम बिभ्रतीः || तमुक्षमाणमव्यये वारे पुनन्ति धर्णसिम | दूतं न पूर्वचित्तय आ शासते मनीषिणः || स पुनानो मदिन्तमः सोमश्चमूषु सीदति | पशौ न रेत आदधत पतिर्वचस्यते धियः || स मर्ज्यते सुकर्मभिर्देवो देवेभ्यः सुतः | विदे यदासु सन्ददिर्महीरपो वि गाहते || सुत इन्दो पवित्र आ नर्भिर्यतो वि नीयसे | इन्द्राय मत्सरिन्तमश्चमूष्वा नि षीदसि ||

ā haryatāya dhṛṣṇave dhanustanvanti pauṃsyam | śukrāṃvayantyasurāya nirṇijaṃ vipāmaghre mahīyuvaḥ || adha kṣapā pariṣkṛto vājānabhi pra ghāhate | yadī vivasvato dhiyo hariṃ hinvanti yātave || tamasya marjayāmasi mado ya indrapātamaḥ | yaṃ ghāva āsabhirdadhuḥ purā nūnaṃ ca sūrayaḥ || taṃ ghāthayā purāṇyā punānamabhyanūṣata | uto kṛpantadhītayo devānāṃ nāma bibhratīḥ || tamukṣamāṇamavyaye vāre punanti dharṇasim | dūtaṃ na pūrvacittaya ā śāsate manīṣiṇaḥ || sa punāno madintamaḥ somaścamūṣu sīdati | paśau na reta ādadhat patirvacasyate dhiyaḥ || sa mṛjyate sukarmabhirdevo devebhyaḥ sutaḥ | vide yadāsu sandadirmahīrapo vi ghāhate || suta indo pavitra ā nṛbhiryato vi nīyase | indrāya matsarintamaścamūṣvā ni ṣīdasi ||


Rig Veda

  1. THEY for the Bold and Lovely One ply manly vigour like a bow: joyous, in front of songs they weave bright raiment for the Lord Divine. 2 And he, made beautiful by night, dips forward into strengthening food’, What time the sacrificer’s thoughts speed on his way the Golden-hued. 3 We cleanse this gladdening drink of his the juice which Indra chiefly drinks—- That which kine took into their mouths, of old, and princes take it now. 4 To him, while purifying, they have raised the ancient psalm of praise: And sacred songs which bear the names of Gods have supplicated him. 5 They purify him as he drops, courageous, in the fleecy sieve. Him they instruct as messenger to bear the sage’s morning prayer. 6 Soma, best Cheerer, takes his seat, the while they cleanse him in the bowls. He as it were impregns the cow, and babbles on, the Lord of Song. 7 He is effused and beautified, a God for Gods, by skilful men. He penetrates the mighty floods collecting all he knows therein. 8 Pressed, Indu, guided by the men, thou art led to the cleaning sieve. Thou, yielding Indra highest joy, takest thy seat within the bowls.