
Rig Veda Book 9 Hymn 90 पर हिन्वानो जनिता रोदस्यो रथो न वाजं सनिष्यन्नयासीत | इन्द्रं गछन्नायुधा संशिशानो विश्वा वसु हस्तयोरादधानः || अभि तरिप्र्ष्ठं वर्षणं वयोधामाङगूषाणामवावशन्त वाणीः | वना वसानो वरुणो न सिन्धून वि रत्नधा दयते वार्याणि || शूरग्रामः सर्ववीरः सहावाञ जेता पवस्व सनिता धनानि | तिग्मायुधः कषिप्रधन्वा समत्स्वषाळ्हः साह्वान्प्र्तनासु शत्रून || उरुगव्यूतिरभयानि कर्ण्वन समीचीने आ पवस्वा पुरन्धी | अपः सिषासन्नुषसः सवर्गाः सं चिक्रदो महो अस्मभ्यं वाजान || मत्सि सोम वरुणं मत्सि मित्रं मत्सीन्द्रमिन्दो पवमान विष्णुम | मत्सि शर्धो मारुतं मत्सि देवान मत्सि महामिन्द्रमिन्दो मदाय || एवा राजेव करतुमानमेन विश्वा घनिघ्नद दुरिता पवस्व | इन्दो सूक्ताय वचसे वयो धा यूयं पात सवस्तिभिः सदा नः ||

pra hinvāno janitā rodasyo ratho na vājaṃ saniṣyannayāsīt | indraṃ ghachannāyudhā saṃśiśāno viśvā vasu hastayorādadhānaḥ || abhi tripṛṣṭhaṃ vṛṣaṇaṃ vayodhāmāṅghūṣāṇāmavāvaśanta vāṇīḥ | vanā vasāno varuṇo na sindhūn vi ratnadhā dayate vāryāṇi || śūraghrāmaḥ sarvavīraḥ sahāvāñ jetā pavasva sanitā dhanāni | tighmāyudhaḥ kṣipradhanvā samatsvaṣāḷhaḥ sāhvānpṛtanāsu śatrūn || urughavyūtirabhayāni kṛṇvan samīcīne ā pavasvā purandhī | apaḥ siṣāsannuṣasaḥ svarghāḥ saṃ cikrado maho asmabhyaṃ vājān || matsi soma varuṇaṃ matsi mitraṃ matsīndramindo pavamāna viṣṇum | matsi śardho mārutaṃ matsi devān matsi mahāmindramindo madāya || evā rājeva kratumānamena viśvā ghanighnad duritā pavasva | indo sūktāya vacase vayo dhā yūyaṃ pāta svastibhiḥ sadā naḥ ||


Rig Veda

  1. URGED On, the Father of the Earth and Heaven hath gone forth like a car to gather booty, Going to Indra, sharpening his weapons, and in his hand containing every treasure. 2 To him the tones of sacred song have sounded, Steer of the triple height, the Life-bestower. Dwelling in wood as Varuṇa in rivers, lavishing treasure he distributes blessings 3 Great Conqueror, warnor-girt, Lord of all heroes, flow on thy way as he who winneth riches; With sharpened. arms, with swift bow, never vanquished in battle, vanquishing in fight the foemen. 4 Giving security, Lord of wide dominion, send us both earth and heaven with all their fulness. Striving to win the Dawns, the light, the waters, and cattle, call to us abundant vigour. 5 O Soma, gladden Varuṇa and Mitra; cheer, Indu Pavamana! Indra, Viṣṇu. Cheer thou the Gods, the Company of Maruts: Indu, cheer mighty Indra to rejoicing. 6 Thus like a wise and potent King flow onward, destroying with thy vigour all misfortunes. For our well-spoken hymn give life, O Indu. Do ye preserve us evermore with blessings.