Rig Veda Book 9 Hymn 67 तवं सोमासि धारयुर्मन्द्र ओजिष्ठो अध्वरे | पवस्व मंहयद्रयिः || तवं सुतो नर्मादनो दधन्वान मत्सरिन्तमः | इन्द्राय सूरिरन्धसा || तवं सुष्वाणो अद्रिभिरभ्यर्ष कनिक्रदत | दयुमन्तं शुष्ममुत्तमम || इन्दुर्हिन्वानो अर्षति तिरो वाराण्यव्यया | हरिर्वाजमचिक्रदत || इन्दो वयव्यमर्षसि वि शरवांसि वि सौभगा | वि वाजांसोम गोमतः || आ न इन्दो शतग्विनं रयिं गोमन्तमश्विनम | भरा सोम सहस्रिणम || पवमानास इन्दवस्तिरः पवित्रमाशवः | इन्द्रं यामेभिराशत || ककुहः सोम्यो रस इन्दुरिन्द्राय पूर्व्यः | आयुः पवत आयवे || हिन्वन्ति सूरमुस्रयः पवमानं मधुश्चुतम | अभि गिरा समस्वरन || अविता नो अजाश्वः पूषा यामनि-यामनि | आ भक्षत कन्यासु नः || अयं सोमः कपर्दिने घर्तं न पवते मधु | आ भक्षत कन्यासु नः || अयं त आघ्र्णे सुतो घर्तं न पवते शुचि | आ भक्षत कन्यासु नः || वाचो जन्तुः कवीनां पवस्व सोम धारया | देवेषु रत्नधा असि || आ कलशेषु धावति शयेनो वर्म वि गाहते | अभि दरोणा कनिक्रदत || परि पर सोम ते रसो.असर्जि कलशे सुतः | शयेनो न तक्तोर्षति || पवस्व सोम मन्दयन्निन्द्राय मधुमत्तमः || अस्र्ग्रन देववीतये वाजयन्तो रथा इव || ते सुतासो मदिन्तमाः शुक्रा वायुमस्र्क्षत || गराव्णा तुन्नो अभिष्टुतः पवित्रं सोम गछसि | दधत सतोत्रे सुवीर्यम || एष तुन्नो अभिष्टुतः पवित्रमति गाहते | रक्षोहा वारमव्ययम || यदन्ति यच्च दूरके भयं विन्दति मामिह | पवमानवि तज्जहि || पवमानः सो अद्य नः पवित्रेण विचर्षणिः | यः पोतास पुनातु नः || यत ते पवित्रमर्चिष्यग्ने विततमन्तरा | बरह्म तेन पुनीहि नः || यत ते पवित्रमर्चिवदग्ने तेन पुनीहि नः | बरह्मसवैः पुनीहि नः || उभाभ्यां देव सवितः पवित्रेण सवेन च | मां पुनीहि विश्वतः || तरिभिष टवं देव सवितर्वर्षिष्ठैः सोम धामभिः | अग्ने दक्षैः पुनीहि नः || पुनन्तु मां देवजनाः पुनन्तु वसवो धिया | विश्वे देवाः पुनीत मा जातवेदः पुनीहि मा || पर पयायस्व पर सयन्दस्व सोम विश्वेभिरंशुभिः | देवेभ्य उत्तमं हविः || उप परियं पनिप्नतं युवानमाहुतीव्र्धम | अगन्म बिभ्रतोनमः || अलाय्यस्य परशुर्ननाश तमा पवस्व देव सोम | आखुं चिदेव देव सोम || यः पावमानीरध्येत्य रषिभिः सम्भ्र्तं रसम | सर्वंस पूतमश्नाति सवदितं मातरिश्वना || पावमानीर्यो अध्येत्य रषिभिः सम्भ्र्तं रसम | तस्मै सरस्वती दुहे कषीरं सर्पिर्मधूदकम ||
tvaṃ somāsi dhārayurmandra ojiṣṭho adhvare | pavasva maṃhayadrayiḥ || tvaṃ suto nṛmādano dadhanvān matsarintamaḥ | indrāya sūrirandhasā || tvaṃ suṣvāṇo adribhirabhyarṣa kanikradat | dyumantaṃ śuṣmamuttamam || indurhinvāno arṣati tiro vārāṇyavyayā | harirvājamacikradat || indo vyavyamarṣasi vi śravāṃsi vi saubhaghā | vi vājāṃsoma ghomataḥ || ā na indo śataghvinaṃ rayiṃ ghomantamaśvinam | bharā soma sahasriṇam || pavamānāsa indavastiraḥ pavitramāśavaḥ | indraṃ yāmebhirāśata || kakuhaḥ somyo rasa indurindrāya pūrvyaḥ | āyuḥ pavata āyave || hinvanti sūramusrayaḥ pavamānaṃ madhuścutam | abhi ghirā samasvaran || avitā no ajāśvaḥ pūṣā yāmani-yāmani | ā bhakṣat kanyāsu naḥ || ayaṃ somaḥ kapardine ghṛtaṃ na pavate madhu | ā bhakṣat kanyāsu naḥ || ayaṃ ta āghṛṇe suto ghṛtaṃ na pavate śuci | ā bhakṣat kanyāsu naḥ || vāco jantuḥ kavīnāṃ pavasva soma dhārayā | deveṣu ratnadhā asi || ā kalaśeṣu dhāvati śyeno varma vi ghāhate | abhi droṇā kanikradat || pari pra soma te raso.asarji kalaśe sutaḥ | śyeno na taktoarṣati || pavasva soma mandayannindrāya madhumattamaḥ || asṛghran devavītaye vājayanto rathā iva || te sutāso madintamāḥ śukrā vāyumasṛkṣata || ghrāvṇā tunno abhiṣṭutaḥ pavitraṃ soma ghachasi | dadhat stotre suvīryam || eṣa tunno abhiṣṭutaḥ pavitramati ghāhate | rakṣohā vāramavyayam || yadanti yacca dūrake bhayaṃ vindati māmiha | pavamānavi tajjahi || pavamānaḥ so adya naḥ pavitreṇa vicarṣaṇiḥ | yaḥ potāsa punātu naḥ || yat te pavitramarciṣyaghne vitatamantarā | brahma tena punīhi naḥ || yat te pavitramarcivadaghne tena punīhi naḥ | brahmasavaiḥ punīhi naḥ || ubhābhyāṃ deva savitaḥ pavitreṇa savena ca | māṃ punīhi viśvataḥ || tribhiṣ ṭvaṃ deva savitarvarṣiṣṭhaiḥ soma dhāmabhiḥ | aghne dakṣaiḥ punīhi naḥ || punantu māṃ devajanāḥ punantu vasavo dhiyā | viśve devāḥ punīta mā jātavedaḥ punīhi mā || pra pyāyasva pra syandasva soma viśvebhiraṃśubhiḥ | devebhya uttamaṃ haviḥ || upa priyaṃ panipnataṃ yuvānamāhutīvṛdham | aghanma bibhratonamaḥ || alāyyasya paraśurnanāśa tamā pavasva deva soma | ākhuṃ cideva deva soma || yaḥ pāvamānīradhyety ṛṣibhiḥ sambhṛtaṃ rasam | sarvaṃsa pūtamaśnāti svaditaṃ mātariśvanā || pāvamānīryo adhyety ṛṣibhiḥ sambhṛtaṃ rasam | tasmai sarasvatī duhe kṣīraṃ sarpirmadhūdakam ||
Rig Veda
- THOU, Soma, hast a running stream, joyous, most strong at sacrifice: Flow bounteously bestowing wealth. 2 Effused as cheerer of the men, flowing best gladdener, thou art A Prince to Indra with thy juice. 3 Poured forth by pressing-stones, do thou with loud roar send us in a stream Most excellent illustrious might. 4 Indu, urged forward, floweth through the fleecy cloth: the Tawny One With his loud roar hath brought as strength. 5 Indu, thou flowest through the fleece, bringing felicities and fame, And, Soma, spoil and wealth in kine. 6 Hither, O Indu, bring us wealth in steeds and cattle hundredfold: Bring wealth, O Soma, thousandfold. 7 In purifying, through the sieve the rapid drops of’Soma juice Come nigh to Indra in their course. 8 For Indra floweth excellent Indu, the noblest Soma juice The Living for the Living One. 9 The glittering maids send Sūra forth they with their song have sung aloud To Pavamana dropping meath. 10 May Pūṣan, drawn by goats, be our protector, and on all his paths Bestow on us our share of maids. 11 This Soma flows like gladdening oil for him who wears the braided locks: He shall give us our share of maids. 12 This Soma juice, O glowing God, flows like pure oil, effused for thee: He shall give us our share of maids. 13 Flow onward, Soma, in thy stream, begetter of the sages’ speech: Wealth-giver among Gods art thou. 14 The Falcon dips within the jars: he wrapḥim in his robe and goes Loud roaring to the vats of wood. 15 Soma, thy juice hath been effused and poured into the pitcher: like A rapid hawk it rushes on. 16 For Indra flow most rich in sweets, O Soma, bringing him delight. 17 They were sent forth to feast the Gods, like chariots that display their strength. 18 Brilliant, best givers of delight, these juices have sent Vāyu forth. 19 Bruised by the press-stones and extolled, Soma, thou goest to the sieve, Giving the worshipper hero strength. 20 This juice bruised by the pressing-stones and lauded passes through the sieve, Slayer of demons, through the fleece. 21 O Pavamana, drive away the danger, whether near at hand Or far remote, that finds me here. 22 This day may Pavamana cleanse us with his purifying power, Most active purifying Priest. 23 O Agni, with the cleansing light diffused through all thy fiery glow, Purify thou this prayer of ours. 24 Cleanse us with thine own cleansing power, O Agni, that is bright with flame, And by libations poured to thee. 25 Savitar, God, by both of these, libation, purifying power, Purify me on every side. 26 Cleanse us, God Savitar, with Three, O Soma, with sublimest forms, Agni, with forms of power and might. 27 May the Gods’ company make me clean, and Vasus make rue pure by song. Purify me, ye General Gods; O Jātavedas, make me pure. 28 Fill thyself full of juice, flow forth, O Soma, thou with all thy stalks, The best oblation to the Gods. 29 We with our homage have approached the Friend who seeks our wondering praise, Young, strengthener of the solemn rite. 30 Lost is Alayya’s axe. O Soma, God do thou send it back hither in thy flow Even, Soma, God, if ’twere a mole. 31 The man who reads the essence stored by saints, the Pavamani hymns, Tastes food completely purified, made sweet by Mātariśvan’s touch. 32 Whoever reads the essence stored by saints, the Pavamani hymns, Sarasvatī draws forth for him water and butter, milk and meath.