
Rig Veda Book 9 Hymn 48 तं तवा नर्म्णानि बिभ्रतं सधस्थेषु महो दिवः | चारुं सुक्र्त्ययेमहे || संव्र्क्तध्र्ष्णुमुक्थ्यं महामहिव्रतं मदम | शतं पुरो रुरुक्षणिम || अतस्त्वा रयिमभि राजानं सुक्रतो दिवः | सुपर्णो अव्यथिर्भरत || विश्वस्मा इत सवर्द्र्शे साधारणं रजस्तुरम | गोपां रतस्य विर्भरत || अधा हिन्वान इन्द्रियं जयायो महित्वमानशे | अभिष्टिक्र्द्विचर्षणिः ||

taṃ tvā nṛmṇāni bibhrataṃ sadhastheṣu maho divaḥ | cāruṃ sukṛtyayemahe || saṃvṛktadhṛṣṇumukthyaṃ mahāmahivrataṃ madam | śataṃ puro rurukṣaṇim || atastvā rayimabhi rājānaṃ sukrato divaḥ | suparṇo avyathirbharat || viśvasmā it svardṛśe sādhāraṇaṃ rajasturam | ghopāṃ ṛtasya virbharat || adhā hinvāna indriyaṃ jyāyo mahitvamānaśe | abhiṣṭikṛdvicarṣaṇiḥ ||


Rig Veda

  1. WITH sacrifice we seek to thee kind Cherisher of manly might In mansions of the lofty heavens; 2 Gladdening crusher of the bold, ruling with very mighty sway, Destroyer of a hundred forts. 3 Hence, Sapient One! the Falcon, strong of wing, unwearied, brought thee down, Lord over riches, from the sky. 4 That each may see the light, the Bird brought us the guard of Law, the Friend Of all, the speeder through the air. 5 And now, sent forth, it hath attained to mighty power and majesty, Most active, ready to assist.