Rig Veda Book 9 Hymn 12 सोमा अस्र्ग्रमिन्दवः सुता रतस्य सादने | इन्द्राय मधुमत्तमाः || अभि विप्रा अनूषत गावो वत्सं न मातरः | इन्द्रं सोमस्य पीतये || मदच्युत कषेति सादने सिन्धोरूर्मा विपश्चित | सोमो गौरीधि शरितः || दिवो नाभा विचक्षणो.अव्यो वारे महीयते | सोमो यः सुक्रतुः कविः || यः सोमः कलशेष्वा अन्तः पवित्र आहितः | तमिन्दुः परि षस्वजे || पर वाचमिन्दुरिष्यति समुद्रस्याधि विष्टपि | जिन्वन कोशं मधुश्चुतम || नित्यस्तोत्रो वनस्पतिर्धीनामन्तः सबर्दुघः | हिन्वानोमानुषा युगा || अभि परिया दिवस पदा सोमो हिन्वानो अर्षति | विप्रस्य धारया कविः || आ पवमान धारय रयिं सहस्रवर्चसम | अस्मे इन्दो सवाभुवम ||
somā asṛghramindavaḥ sutā ṛtasya sādane | indrāya madhumattamāḥ || abhi viprā anūṣata ghāvo vatsaṃ na mātaraḥ | indraṃ somasya pītaye || madacyut kṣeti sādane sindhorūrmā vipaścit | somo ghaurīadhi śritaḥ || divo nābhā vicakṣaṇo.avyo vāre mahīyate | somo yaḥ sukratuḥ kaviḥ || yaḥ somaḥ kalaśeṣvā antaḥ pavitra āhitaḥ | taminduḥ pari ṣasvaje || pra vācaminduriṣyati samudrasyādhi viṣṭapi | jinvan kośaṃ madhuścutam || nityastotro vanaspatirdhīnāmantaḥ sabardughaḥ | hinvānomānuṣā yughā || abhi priyā divas padā somo hinvāno arṣati | viprasya dhārayā kaviḥ || ā pavamāna dhāraya rayiṃ sahasravarcasam | asme indo svābhuvam ||
Rig Veda
- To Indra have the Soma drops, exceeding rich in sweets, been poured, Shed in the seat of sacrifice. 2 As mother kine low to their calves, to Indra have the sages called, Called him to drink the Soma juice. 3 In the stream’s wave wise Soma dwells, distilling rapture, in his seat, Resting upon a wiId-cow’s hide. 4 Far-sighted Soma, Sage and Seer, is worshipped in the central point Of heaven, the straining-cloth of wool. 5 In close embraces Indu holds Soma when poured within the jars. And on the. purifying sieve. 6 Indu sends forth a voice on high to regions of the sea of air, Shaking the vase that drops with meath. 7 The Tree whose praises never fail yields heavenly milk among our hymns, Urging men’s generations on. 8 The Wise One, with the Sage’s stream, the Soma urged to speed, flows on To the dear places of the sky. 9 O Pavamana, bring us wealth bright with a thousand splendours. Yea. O Indu, give us ready help.