
Rig Veda Book 9 Hymn 102 कराणा शिशुर्महीनां हिन्वन्न्र्तस्य दीधितिम | विश्वापरि परिया भुवदध दविता || उप तरितस्य पाष्योरभक्त यद गुहा पदम | यज्ञस्य सप्त धामभिरध परियम || तरीणि तरितस्य धारया पर्ष्ठेष्वेरया रयिम | मिमीते अस्य योजना वि सुक्रतुः || जज्ञानं सप्त मातरो वेधामशासत शरिये | अयं धरुवो रयीणां चिकेत यत || अस्य वरते सजोषसो विश्वे देवासो अद्रुहः | सपार्हा भवन्ति रन्तयो जुषन्त यत || यमी गर्भं रताव्र्धो दर्शे चारुमजीजनन | कविं मंहिष्ठमध्वरे पुरुस्प्र्हम || समीचीने अभि तमना यह्वी रतस्य मातरा | तन्वाना यज्ञमानुषग यदञ्जते || करत्वा शुक्रेभिरक्षभिरणोरप वरजं दिवः | हिन्वन्न्र्तस्य दीधितिं पराध्वरे ||

krāṇā śiśurmahīnāṃ hinvannṛtasya dīdhitim | viśvāpari priyā bhuvadadha dvitā || upa tritasya pāṣyorabhakta yad ghuhā padam | yajñasya sapta dhāmabhiradha priyam || trīṇi tritasya dhārayā pṛṣṭheṣverayā rayim | mimīte asya yojanā vi sukratuḥ || jajñānaṃ sapta mātaro vedhāmaśāsata śriye | ayaṃ dhruvo rayīṇāṃ ciketa yat || asya vrate sajoṣaso viśve devāso adruhaḥ | spārhā bhavanti rantayo juṣanta yat || yamī gharbhaṃ ṛtāvṛdho dṛśe cārumajījanan | kaviṃ maṃhiṣṭhamadhvare puruspṛham || samīcīne abhi tmanā yahvī ṛtasya mātarā | tanvānā yajñamānuṣagh yadañjate || kratvā śukrebhirakṣabhirṇorapa vrajaṃ divaḥ | hinvannṛtasya dīdhitiṃ prādhvare ||


Rig Veda

  1. THE Child, when blended with the streams, speeding the plan of sacrifice, Surpasses all things that are dear, yea, from of old. 2 The place, near the two pressing-stones of Trita, hath he occupied, Secret and dear through seven lights of sacrifice. 3 Urge to three courses, on the heights of Trita, riches in a stream. He who is passing wise measures his courses out. 4 Even at his birth the Mothers Seven taught him, for glory, like a sage, So that he, firm and sure, hath set his mind on wealth. 5 Under his sway, of one accord, are all the guileless Deities: Warriors to be envied, they, when they are pleased. 6 The Babe whom they who strengthen Law have generated fair to see, Much longed for at the sacrifice, most liberal Sage,— 7 To him, united, of themselves, come the young Parents of the rite, When they adorn him, duly weaving sacrifice. 8 With wisdom and with radiant eyes unbar to us the stall of heaven, Speeding at solemn rite the plan of Holy Law.