
Rig Veda Book 9 Hymn 101 पुरोजिती वो अन्धसः सुताय मादयित्नवे | अप शवानं शनथिष्टन सखायो दीर्घजिह्व्यम || यो धारया पावकया परिप्रस्यन्दते सुतः | इन्दुरश्वो न कर्त्व्यः || तं दुरोषमभी नरः सोमं विश्वाच्या धिया | यज्ञं हिन्वन्त्यद्रिभिः || सुतासो मधुमत्तमाः सोमा इन्द्राय मन्दिनः | पवित्रवन्तोक्षरन देवान गछन्तु वो मदाः || इन्दुरिन्द्राय पवत इति देवासो अब्रुवन | वाचस पतिर्मखस्यते विश्वस्येशान ओजसा || सहस्रधारः पवते समुद्रो वाचमीङखयः | सोमः पती रयीणां सखेन्द्रस्य दिवे-दिवे || अयं पूषा रयिर्भगः सोमः पुनानो अर्षति | पतिर्विश्वस्य भूमनो वयख्यद रोदसी उभे || समु परिया अनूषत गावो मदाय घर्ष्वयः | सोमासः कर्ण्वते पथः पवमानास इन्दवः || य ओजिष्ठस्तमा भर पवमन शरवाय्यम | यः पञ्चचर्षणीरभि रयिं येन वनामहै || सोमाः पवन्त इन्दवो.अस्मभ्यं गातुवित्तमः | मित्राः सुवाना अरेपसः सवाध्यः सवर्विदः || सुष्वाणासो वयद्रिभिश्चिताना गोरधि तवचि | इषमस्मभ्यमभितः समस्वरन वसुविदः || एते पूता विपश्चितः सोमासो दध्याशिरः | सूर्यासो न दर्शतासो जिगत्नवो धरुवा घर्ते || पर सुन्वानस्यान्धसो मर्तो न वर्त तद वचः | अप शवानमराधसं हता मखं न भर्गवः || आ जामिरत्के अव्यत भुजे न पुत्र ओण्योः | सरज्जारो न योषणां वरो न योनिमासदम || स वीरो दक्षसाधनो वि यस्तस्तम्भ रोदसी | हरिः पवित्रे अव्यत वेधा न योनिमासदम || अव्यो वारेभिः पवते सोमो गव्ये अधि तवचि | कनिक्रदद वर्षा हरिरिन्द्रस्याभ्येति निष्क्र्तम ||

purojitī vo andhasaḥ sutāya mādayitnave | apa śvānaṃ śnathiṣṭana sakhāyo dīrghajihvyam || yo dhārayā pāvakayā pariprasyandate sutaḥ | induraśvo na kṛtvyaḥ || taṃ duroṣamabhī naraḥ somaṃ viśvācyā dhiyā | yajñaṃ hinvantyadribhiḥ || sutāso madhumattamāḥ somā indrāya mandinaḥ | pavitravantoakṣaran devān ghachantu vo madāḥ || indurindrāya pavata iti devāso abruvan | vācas patirmakhasyate viśvasyeśāna ojasā || sahasradhāraḥ pavate samudro vācamīṅkhayaḥ | somaḥ patī rayīṇāṃ sakhendrasya dive-dive || ayaṃ pūṣā rayirbhaghaḥ somaḥ punāno arṣati | patirviśvasya bhūmano vyakhyad rodasī ubhe || samu priyā anūṣata ghāvo madāya ghṛṣvayaḥ | somāsaḥ kṛṇvate pathaḥ pavamānāsa indavaḥ || ya ojiṣṭhastamā bhara pavamana śravāyyam | yaḥ pañcacarṣaṇīrabhi rayiṃ yena vanāmahai || somāḥ pavanta indavo.asmabhyaṃ ghātuvittamaḥ | mitrāḥ suvānā arepasaḥ svādhyaḥ svarvidaḥ || suṣvāṇāso vyadribhiścitānā ghoradhi tvaci | iṣamasmabhyamabhitaḥ samasvaran vasuvidaḥ || ete pūtā vipaścitaḥ somāso dadhyāśiraḥ | sūryāso na darśatāso jighatnavo dhruvā ghṛte || pra sunvānasyāndhaso marto na vṛta tad vacaḥ | apa śvānamarādhasaṃ hatā makhaṃ na bhṛghavaḥ || ā jāmiratke avyata bhuje na putra oṇyoḥ | sarajjāro na yoṣaṇāṃ varo na yonimāsadam || sa vīro dakṣasādhano vi yastastambha rodasī | hariḥ pavitre avyata vedhā na yonimāsadam || avyo vārebhiḥ pavate somo ghavye adhi tvaci | kanikradad vṛṣā haririndrasyābhyeti niṣkṛtam ||


Rig Veda

  1. FOR first possession of your juice, for the exhilarating drink, Drive ye away the dog, my friends, drive ye the long-tongued dog away. 2 He who with purifying stream, effused, comes flowing hitherward, Indu, is like an able steed. 3 The men with all-pervading song send unassailable Soma forth, By pressing-stones, to sacrifice. 4 The Somas, very rich in sweets, for which the sieve is destined, flow, Effused, the source of Indra’s joy: may your strong juices reach the Gods. 5 Indu flows on for Indra’s sake: thus have the Deities declared. The Lord of Speech exerts himself, Ruler of all, because of might. 6 Inciter of the voice of song, with thousand streams the ocean flows, Even Soma, Lord of opulence, the Friend of Indra, day by day. 7 As Pūṣan, Fortune, Bhaga, comes this Soma while they make him pure. He, Lord of the multitude, hath looked upon the earth and heaven. 8 The dear cows lowed in joyful mood together to the gladdening drink. The drops as they were purified, the Soma juices, made then paths. 9 O Pavamana, bring the juice, the mightiest, worthy to be famed, Which the Five Tribes have over them, whereby we may win opulence. 10 For us the Soma juices flow, the drops best furtherers of our weal, Effused as friends without a spot, benevolent, finders of the light. 11 Effused by means of pressing-stones, upon the ox-hide visible, They, treasure-finders, have announced food unto us from every side. 12 Tlese Soma juices, skilled in song, purified, blent with milk and curd, When moving and when firmly laid in oil, resemble lovely Suns. 13 Let not the power of men restrain the voice of the outpouring juice: As Bhṛgu’s sons chased Makha, so drive ye the greedy hound away. 14 The Friend hath wrapped him in his robe, as in his parents arms, a son. He went, as lover to a dame, to take his station suitor-like. 15 That Hero who produces strength, he who hath propped both worlds apart, Gold-hued, hath wrapped him in the sieve, to settle, priest-like, in his place. 16 Soma upon the ox’s skin through the sheep’s wool flows purified. Bellowing out, the Tawny Steer goes on to Indra’s special place.