
Rig Veda Book 8 Hymn 29 बभ्रुरेको विषुणः सूनरो युवाञ्ज्यङकते हिरण्ययम || योनिमेक आ ससाद दयोतनो.अन्तर्देवेषु मेधिरः || वाशीमेको बिभर्ति हस्त आयसीमन्तर्देवेषु निध्रुविः || वज्रमेको बिभर्ति हस्त आहितं तेन वर्त्राणि जिघ्नते || तिग्ममेको बिभर्ति हस्त आयुधं शुचिरुग्रो जलाषभेषजः || पथ एकः पीपाय तस्करो यथा एष वेद निधीनाम || तरीण्येक उरुगायो वि चक्रमे यत्र देवासो मदन्ति || विभिर्द्वा चरत एकया सह पर परवासेव वसतः || सदो दवा चक्राते उपमा दिवि सम्राजा सर्पिरासुती || अर्चन्त एके महि साम मन्वत तेन सूर्यमरोचयन ||

babhrureko viṣuṇaḥ sūnaro yuvāñjyaṅkte hiraṇyayam || yonimeka ā sasāda dyotano.antardeveṣu medhiraḥ || vāśīmeko bibharti hasta āyasīmantardeveṣu nidhruviḥ || vajrameko bibharti hasta āhitaṃ tena vṛtrāṇi jighnate || tighmameko bibharti hasta āyudhaṃ śucirughro jalāṣabheṣajaḥ || patha ekaḥ pīpāya taskaro yathā eṣa veda nidhīnām || trīṇyeka urughāyo vi cakrame yatra devāso madanti || vibhirdvā carata ekayā saha pra pravāseva vasataḥ || sado dvā cakrāte upamā divi samrājā sarpirāsutī || arcanta eke mahi sāma manvata tena sūryamarocayan ||


Rig Veda

  1. ONE is a youth brown, active, manifold he decks the golden one with ornament. 2 Another, luminous, occupies the place of sacritice, Sage, among the Gods. 3 One brandishes in his hand an iron knife, firm, in his seat amid the Deities. 4 Another holds the thunderbolt, wherewith he slays the Vṛtras, resting in his hand. 5 Another bears a pointed weapon: bright is he, and strong, with healing medicines. 6 Another, thief-like, watches well the ways, and knows the places where the treasures lie. 7 Another with his mighty stride hath made his three steps thither where the Gods rejoice. 8 Two with one Dame ride on with winged steeds, and journey forth like travellers on their way. 9 Two, highest, in the heavens have set their seat, worshipped with holy oil, imperial Kings. 10 Some, singing lauds, conceived the Sāma-hymn, great hymn whereby they caused the Sun to shine.