Rig Veda Book 7 Hymn 95 पर कषोदसा धायसा सस्र एषा सरस्वती धरुणमायसी पूः | परबाबधाना रथ्येव याति विश्वा अपो महिना सिन्धुरन्याः || एकाचेतत सरस्वती नदीनां शुचिर्यती गिरिभ्य आ समुद्रात | रायश्चेतन्ती भुवनस्य भूरेर्घ्र्तं पयो दुदुहे नाहुषाय || स वाव्र्धे नर्यो योषणासु वर्षा शिशुर्व्र्षभो यज्ञियासु | स वाजिनं मघवद्भ्यो दधाति वि सातये तन्वं माम्र्जीत || उत सया नः सरस्वती जुषाणोप शरवत सुभगा यज्णे अस्मिन | मितज्ञुभिर्नमस्यैरियाना राया युजा चिदुत्तरा सखिभ्यः || इमा जुह्वाना युष्मदा नमोभिः परति सतोमं सरस्वति जुषस्व | तव शर्मन परियतमे दधाना उप सथेयाम शरणं न वर्क्षम || अयमु ते सरस्वति वसिष्ठो दवाराव रतस्य सुभगे वयावः | वर्ध शुभ्रे सतुवते रासि वाजान यूयं पात … ||
pra kṣodasā dhāyasā sasra eṣā sarasvatī dharuṇamāyasī pūḥ | prabābadhānā rathyeva yāti viśvā apo mahinā sindhuranyāḥ || ekācetat sarasvatī nadīnāṃ śuciryatī ghiribhya ā samudrāt | rāyaścetantī bhuvanasya bhūrerghṛtaṃ payo duduhe nāhuṣāya || sa vāvṛdhe naryo yoṣaṇāsu vṛṣā śiśurvṛṣabho yajñiyāsu | sa vājinaṃ maghavadbhyo dadhāti vi sātaye tanvaṃ māmṛjīta || uta syā naḥ sarasvatī juṣāṇopa śravat subhaghā yajṇe asmin | mitajñubhirnamasyairiyānā rāyā yujā ciduttarā sakhibhyaḥ || imā juhvānā yuṣmadā namobhiḥ prati stomaṃ sarasvati juṣasva | tava śarman priyatame dadhānā upa stheyāma śaraṇaṃ na vṛkṣam || ayamu te sarasvati vasiṣṭho dvārāv ṛtasya subhaghe vyāvaḥ | vardha śubhre stuvate rāsi vājān yūyaṃ pāta … ||
Rig Veda
- THIS stream Sarasvatī with fostering current comes forth, our sure defence, our fort of iron. As on a car, the flood flows on, surpassing in majesty and might all other waters. 2 Pure in her course from mountains to the ocean, alone of streams Sarasvatī hath listened. Thinking of wealth and the great world of creatures, she poured for Nahuṣa her milk and fatness. 3 Friendly to man he grew among the women, a strong young Steer amid the Holy Ladies. He gives the fleet steed to our wealthy princes, and decks their bodies for success in battle. 4 May this Sarasvatī be pleased and listen at this our sacrifice, auspicious Lady, When we with reverence, on our knees, implore her close-knit to wealth, most kind to those she loveth. 5 These offerings have ye made with adoration: say this, Sarasvatī, and accept our praises; And, placing us under thy dear protection, may we approach thee, as a tree, for shelter. 6 For thee, O Blest Sarasvatī, Vasiṣṭha hath here unbarred the doors d sacred Order. Wax, Bright One, and give strength to him who lauds thee. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.