
Rig Veda Book 7 Hymn 67 परति वां रथं नर्पती जरध्यै हविष्मता मनसा यज्ञियेन | यो वां दूतो न धिष्ण्यावजीगरछा सूनुर्न पितरा विवक्मि || अशोच्यग्निः समिधानो अस्मे उपो अद्र्श्रन तमसश्चिदन्ताः | अचेति केतुरुषसः पुरस्ताच्छ्रिये दिवो दुहितुर्जायमानः || अभि वां नूनमश्विना सुहोता सतोमैः सिषक्ति नासत्या विवक्वान | पूर्वीभिर्यातं पथ्याभिरर्वाक सवर्विदा वसुमता रथेन || अवोर्वां नूनमश्विना युवाकुर्हुवे यद वां सुते माध्वीवसूयुः | आ वां वहन्तु सथविरासो अश्वाः पिबाथो अस्मेसुषुता मधूनि || पराचीमु देवाश्विना धियं मे.अम्र्ध्रां सातये कर्तं वसूयुम | विश्वा अविष्टं वाज आ पुरन्धीस्ता नः शक्तं शचीपती शचीभिः || अविष्टं धीष्वश्विना न आसु परजावद रेतो अह्रयं नो अस्तु | आ वां तोके तनये तूतुजानाः सुरत्नासो देववीतिंगमेम || एष सय वां पूर्वगत्वेव सख्ये निधिर्हितो माध्वी रातो अस्मे | अहेळता मनसा यातमर्वागश्नन्ता हव्यं मानुषीषु विक्षु || एकस्मिन योगे भुरणा समाने परि वां सप्त सरवतो रथो गात | न वायन्ति सुभ्वो देवयुक्ता ये वां धूर्षु तरणयोवहन्ति || असश्चता मघवद्भ्यो हि भूतं ये राया मघदेयं जुनन्ति | पर ये बन्धुं सून्र्ताभिस्तिरन्ते गव्या पर्ञ्चन्तो अश्व्या मघानि || नू मे हवमा शर्णुतं युवाना यासिष्टं वर्तिरश्विनाविरावत | धत्तं रत्नानि जरतं च सूरीन यूयं पात .. . ||

prati vāṃ rathaṃ nṛpatī jaradhyai haviṣmatā manasā yajñiyena | yo vāṃ dūto na dhiṣṇyāvajīgharachā sūnurna pitarā vivakmi || aśocyaghniḥ samidhāno asme upo adṛśran tamasaścidantāḥ | aceti keturuṣasaḥ purastācchriye divo duhiturjāyamānaḥ || abhi vāṃ nūnamaśvinā suhotā stomaiḥ siṣakti nāsatyā vivakvān | pūrvībhiryātaṃ pathyābhirarvāk svarvidā vasumatā rathena || avorvāṃ nūnamaśvinā yuvākurhuve yad vāṃ sute mādhvīvasūyuḥ | ā vāṃ vahantu sthavirāso aśvāḥ pibātho asmesuṣutā madhūni || prācīmu devāśvinā dhiyaṃ me.amṛdhrāṃ sātaye kṛtaṃ vasūyum | viśvā aviṣṭaṃ vāja ā purandhīstā naḥ śaktaṃ śacīpatī śacībhiḥ || aviṣṭaṃ dhīṣvaśvinā na āsu prajāvad reto ahrayaṃ no astu | ā vāṃ toke tanaye tūtujānāḥ suratnāso devavītiṃghamema || eṣa sya vāṃ pūrvaghatveva sakhye nidhirhito mādhvī rāto asme | aheḷatā manasā yātamarvāghaśnantā havyaṃ mānuṣīṣu vikṣu || ekasmin yoghe bhuraṇā samāne pari vāṃ sapta sravato ratho ghāt | na vāyanti subhvo devayuktā ye vāṃ dhūrṣu taraṇayovahanti || asaścatā maghavadbhyo hi bhūtaṃ ye rāyā maghadeyaṃ junanti | pra ye bandhuṃ sūnṛtābhistirante ghavyā pṛñcanto aśvyā maghāni || nū me havamā śṛṇutaṃ yuvānā yāsiṣṭaṃ vartiraśvināvirāvat | dhattaṃ ratnāni jarataṃ ca sūrīn yūyaṃ pāta .. . ||


Rig Veda

  1. I WITH a holy heart that brings oblation will sing forth praise to meet your car, ye Princes, Which, Much-desired! hath wakened as your envoy. I call you hither as a son his parents. 2 Brightly hath Agni shone by us enkindled: the limits even of darkness were apparent. Eastward is seen the Banner of the Morning, the Banner born to give Heaven’s Daughter glory. 3 With hymns the deft priest is about you, Aśvins, the eloquent priest attends you now, Nāsatyas. Come by the paths that ye are wont to travel, on car that finds the light, laden with treasure. 4 When, suppliant for your help, Lovers of Sweetness! I seeking wealth call you to our libation, Hitherward let your vigorous horses bear you: drink ye with us the well-pressed Soma juices. 5 Bring forward, Aśvins, Gods, to its fulfilment my never-wearied prayer that asks for riches. Vouchsafe us all high spirit in the combat, and with your powers, O Lords of Power, assist us. 6 Favour us in these prayers of ours, O Aśvins. May we have genial vigour, ne’er to fail us. So may we, strong in children and descendants, go, wealthy, to the banquet that awaits you. 7 Lovers of Sweetness, we have brought this treasure to you as ’twere an envoy sent for friendship. Come unto us with spirits free from anger, in homes of men enjoying our oblation. 8 With one, the same, intention, ye swift movers, o’er the Seven Rivers hath your chariot travelled. Yoked by the Gods, your strong steeds never weary while speeding forward at the pole they bear you. 9 Exhaustless be your bounty to our princes who with their wealth incite the gift of riches, Who further friendship with their noble natures, combining wealth in kine with wealth in herses. 10 Now hear, O Youthful Twain, mine invocation: come, Aśvins, to the home where food aboundeth. Vouchsafe us wealth, do honour to our nobles. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.