Rig Veda Book 7 Hymn 55 अमीवहा वास्तोष पते विश्वा रूपाण्याविशन | सखा सुशेव एधि नः || यदर्जुन सारमेय दतः पिशङग यछसे | वीव भराजन्त रष्टय उप सरक्वेषु बप्सतो नि षु सवप || सतेनं राय सारमेय तस्करं वा पुनःसर | सतोतॄनिन्द्रस्य रायसि किमस्मान दुछुनायसे नि षु सवप || तवं सूकरस्य दर्द्र्हि तव दर्दर्तु सूकरः | सतोतॄनिन्द्रस्य … || सस्तु माता सस्तु पिता सस्तु शवा सस्तु विश्पतिः | ससन्तु सर्वे जञातयः सस्त्वयमभितो जनः || य आस्ते यश्च चरति यश्च पश्यति नो जनः | तेषांसं हन्मो अक्षाणि यथेदं हर्म्यं तथा || सहस्रश्र्ङगो वर्षभो यः समुद्रादुदाचरत | तेना सहस्येना वयं नि जनान सवापयामसि || परोष्ठशया वह्येशया नारीर्यास्तल्पशीवरीः | सत्रियो याः पुण्यगन्धास्ताः सर्वाः सवापयामसि ||
amīvahā vāstoṣ pate viśvā rūpāṇyāviśan | sakhā suśeva edhi naḥ || yadarjuna sārameya dataḥ piśaṅgha yachase | vīva bhrājanta ṛṣṭaya upa srakveṣu bapsato ni ṣu svapa || stenaṃ rāya sārameya taskaraṃ vā punaḥsara | stotṝnindrasya rāyasi kimasmān duchunāyase ni ṣu svapa || tvaṃ sūkarasya dardṛhi tava dardartu sūkaraḥ | stotṝnindrasya … || sastu mātā sastu pitā sastu śvā sastu viśpatiḥ | sasantu sarve jñātayaḥ sastvayamabhito janaḥ || ya āste yaśca carati yaśca paśyati no janaḥ | teṣāṃsaṃ hanmo akṣāṇi yathedaṃ harmyaṃ tathā || sahasraśṛṅgho vṛṣabho yaḥ samudrādudācarat | tenā sahasyenā vayaṃ ni janān svāpayāmasi || proṣṭhaśayā vahyeśayā nārīryāstalpaśīvarīḥ | striyo yāḥ puṇyaghandhāstāḥ sarvāḥ svāpayāmasi ||
Rig Veda
- VASTOSPATI, who killest all disease and wearest every form, Be an auspicious Friend to us. 2 When, O bright Son of Saramā, thou showest, tawny-hued! thy teeth, They gleam like lances’ points within thy mouth when thou wouldst bite; go thou to steep. 3 Saramā’s Son, retrace thy way: bark at the robber and the thief. At Indra’s singers barkest thou? Why dust thou seek to terrify us? Go to sleep. 4 Be on thy guard against the boar, and let the boar beware of thee. At Indra’s singers barkest thou? Why dost thou seek to terrify us? Go to sleep. 5 Sleep mother, let the father sleep, sleep dog and master of the house. Let all the kinsmen sleep, sleep all the people who are round about. 6 The man who sits, the man who walks, and whosoever looks on us, Of these we closely shut the eyes, even as we closely shut this house. 7 The Bull who hath a thousand horns, who rises up from out the sea,— By him the Strong and Mighty One we lull and make the people sleep. 8 The women sleeping in the court, lying without, or stretched on beds, The matrons with their odorous sweetsthese, one and all, we lull to sleep.