
Rig Veda Book 7 Hymn 43 पर वो यज्ञेषु देवयन्तो अर्चन दयावा नमोभिः परिथिवी इषध्यै | येषां बरह्माण्यसमानि विप्रा विष्वग वियन्ति वनिनो न शाखाः || पर यज्ञ एतु हेत्वो न सप्तिरुद यछध्वं समनसो घर्ताचीः | सत्र्णीत बर्हिरध्वराय साधूर्ध्वा शोचींषि देवयून्यस्थुः || आ पुत्रासो न मातरं विभ्र्त्राः सानौ देवासो बर्हिषःसदन्तु | आ विश्वाची विदथ्यामनक्त्वग्ने मा नो देवताता मर्धस कः || ते सीषपन्त जोषमा यजत्रा रतस्य धाराः सुदुघा दुहानाः | जयेष्ठं वो अद्य मह आ वसूनामा गन्तन समनसो यति षठ || एवा नो अग्ने विक्ष्वा दशस्य तवया वयं सहसावन्नास्क्राः | राया युजा सधमादो अरिष्टा यूयं पात … ||

pra vo yajñeṣu devayanto arcan dyāvā namobhiḥ prithivī iṣadhyai | yeṣāṃ brahmāṇyasamāni viprā viṣvagh viyanti vanino na śākhāḥ || pra yajña etu hetvo na saptirud yachadhvaṃ samanaso ghṛtācīḥ | stṛṇīta barhiradhvarāya sādhūrdhvā śocīṃṣi devayūnyasthuḥ || ā putrāso na mātaraṃ vibhṛtrāḥ sānau devāso barhiṣaḥsadantu | ā viśvācī vidathyāmanaktvaghne mā no devatātā mṛdhas kaḥ || te sīṣapanta joṣamā yajatrā ṛtasya dhārāḥ sudughā duhānāḥ | jyeṣṭhaṃ vo adya maha ā vasūnāmā ghantana samanaso yati ṣṭha || evā no aghne vikṣvā daśasya tvayā vayaṃ sahasāvannāskrāḥ | rāyā yujā sadhamādo ariṣṭā yūyaṃ pāta … ||


Rig Veda

  1. SING out the pious at your sacrifices to move with adorations Earth and Heaven- The Holy Singers, whose unmatched devotions, like a tree’s branches, part in all directions. 2 Let sacrifice proceed like some fleet courser: with one accord lift ye on high the ladles. Strew sacred grass meet for the solenm service: bright flames that love the Gods have mounted upward. 3 Like babes in arms reposing on their mother, let the Gods sit upon the grass’s summit. Let general fire make bright the flame of worship: scorn us not, Agni, in the Gods’ assembly. 4 Gladly the Gods have let themselves be honoured, milking the copious streams of holy Order. The highest might to-day is yours, the Vasits’: come ye, as many as ye are, one-minded. 5 So, Agni, send us wealth among the people: may we be closely knit to thee, O Victor, Unharmed, and rich, and taking joy together. Preserve us evermore, ye ods, with blessings.