Rig Veda Book 7 Hymn 36 पर बरह्मैतु सदनाद रतस्य वि रश्मिभिः सस्र्जे सूर्यो गाः | वि सानुना पर्थिवी सस्र उर्वी पर्थु परतीकमध्येधे अग्निः || इमां वां मित्रावरुणा सुव्र्क्तिमिषं न कर्ण्वे असुरा नवीयः | इनो वामन्यः पदवीरदब्धो जनं च मित्रो यतति बरुवाणः || आ वातस्य धरजतो रन्त इत्या अपीपयन्त धेनवो न सूदाः | महो दिवः सदने जायमानो.अचिक्रदद वर्षभः सस्मिन्नूधन || गिरा य एता युनजद धरी त इन्द्र परिया सुरथा शूर धायू | पर यो मन्युं रिरिक्षतो मिनात्या सुक्रतुमर्यमणं वव्र्त्याम || यजन्ते अस्य सख्यं वयश्च नमस्विनः सव रतस्य धामन | वि पर्क्षो बाबधे नर्भि सतवान इदं नमो रुद्राय परेष्ठम || आ यत साकं यशसो वावशानाः सरस्वती सप्तथी सिन्धुमाता | याः सुष्वयन्त सुदुघाः सुधारा अभि सवेन पयसा पीप्यानाः || उत तये नो मरुतो मन्दसाना धियं तोकं च वाजिनो.अवन्तु | मा नः परि खयदक्षरा चरन्त्यवीव्र्धन युज्यं ते रयिं नः || पर वो महीमरमतिं कर्णुध्वं पर पूषणं विदथ्यं न वीरम | भगं धियो.अवितारं नो अस्याः सातौ वाजं रातिषाचं पुरन्धिम || अछायं वो मरुतः शलोक एत्वछा विष्णुं निषिक्तपामवोभिः | उत परजायै गर्णते वयो धुर्यूयं पात … ||
pra brahmaitu sadanād ṛtasya vi raśmibhiḥ sasṛje sūryo ghāḥ | vi sānunā pṛthivī sasra urvī pṛthu pratīkamadhyedhe aghniḥ || imāṃ vāṃ mitrāvaruṇā suvṛktimiṣaṃ na kṛṇve asurā navīyaḥ | ino vāmanyaḥ padavīradabdho janaṃ ca mitro yatati bruvāṇaḥ || ā vātasya dhrajato ranta ityā apīpayanta dhenavo na sūdāḥ | maho divaḥ sadane jāyamāno.acikradad vṛṣabhaḥ sasminnūdhan || ghirā ya etā yunajad dharī ta indra priyā surathā śūra dhāyū | pra yo manyuṃ ririkṣato minātyā sukratumaryamaṇaṃ vavṛtyām || yajante asya sakhyaṃ vayaśca namasvinaḥ sva ṛtasya dhāman | vi pṛkṣo bābadhe nṛbhi stavāna idaṃ namo rudrāya preṣṭham || ā yat sākaṃ yaśaso vāvaśānāḥ sarasvatī saptathī sindhumātā | yāḥ suṣvayanta sudughāḥ sudhārā abhi svena payasā pīpyānāḥ || uta tye no maruto mandasānā dhiyaṃ tokaṃ ca vājino.avantu | mā naḥ pari khyadakṣarā carantyavīvṛdhan yujyaṃ te rayiṃ naḥ || pra vo mahīmaramatiṃ kṛṇudhvaṃ pra pūṣaṇaṃ vidathyaṃ na vīram | bhaghaṃ dhiyo.avitāraṃ no asyāḥ sātau vājaṃ rātiṣācaṃ purandhim || achāyaṃ vo marutaḥ śloka etvachā viṣṇuṃ niṣiktapāmavobhiḥ | uta prajāyai ghṛṇate vayo dhuryūyaṃ pāta … ||
Rig Veda
- LET the prayer issue from the seat of Order, for Sūrya with his beams hath loosed the cattle. With lofty ridges earth is far extended, and Agni’s flame hath lit the spacious surface. 2 O Asuras, O Varuṇa and Mitra, this hymn to you, like food, anew I offer. One of you is a strong unerring Leader, and Mitra, speaking, stirreth men to labour. 3 The movements of the gliding wind come hither: like cows, the springs are filled to overflowing. Born in the station e’en of lofty heaven the Bull hath loudly bellowed in this region. 4 May I bring hither with my song, O Indra, wise Aryaman who yokes thy dear Bay Horses, Voracious, with thy noble car, O Hero, him who defeats the wrath of the malicious. 5 In their own place of sacrifice adorers worship to gain long life and win his friendship. He hath poured food on men when they have praised him; be this, the dearest reverence, paid to Rudra. 6 Coming together, glorious, loudly roaring - Sarasvatī, Mother of Floods, the seventh- With copious milk, with fair streams, strongly flowing, full swelling with the volume of their water;
- And may the mighty Maruts, too, rejoicing, aid our devotion and protect our offspring. Let not swift-moving Aksara neglect us: they have increased our own appropriate riches, 8 Bring ye the great Aramati before you, and Pūṣan as the Hero of the synod, Bhaga who looks upon this hymn with favour, and, as our strength, the bountiful Purandbi. 9 May this our song of praise reach you, O Maruts, and Viṣṇu guardian of the future infant. May they vouchsafe the singer strength for offspring. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.