
Rig Veda Book 7 Hymn 33 शवित्यञ्चो मा दक्षिणतस्कपर्दा धियंजिन्वासो अभि हि परमन्दुः | उत्तिष्ठन वोचे परि बर्हिषो नॄन न मे दूरादवितवे वसिष्ठाः || दूरादिन्द्रमनयन्ना सुतेन तिरो वैशन्तमति पान्तमुग्रम | पाशद्युम्नस्य वायतस्य सोमात सुतादिन्द्रो.अव्र्णीतावसिष्ठान || एवेन नु कं सिन्धुमेभिस्ततारेवेन नु कं भेदमेभिर्जघान | एवेन नु कं दाशराज्ञे सुदासं परावदिन्द्रो बरह्मणा वो वसिष्ठाः || जुष्टी नरो बरह्मणा वः पितॄणामक्षमव्ययं न किला रिषाथ | यच्छक्वरीषु बर्हता रवेणेन्द्रे शुष्ममदधाता वसिष्ठाः || उद दयामिवेत तर्ष्णजो नाथितासो.अदीधयुर्दाशराज्ञे वर्तासः | वसिष्ठस्य सतुवत इन्द्रो अश्रोदुरुं तर्त्सुभ्यो अक्र्णोदु लोकम || दण्डा इवेद गोजनास आसन परिछिन्ना भरता अर्भकासः | अभवच्च पुरेता वसिष्ठ आदित तर्त्सूनां विशो अप्रथन्त || तरयः कर्ण्वन्ति भुवनेषु रेतस्तिस्रः परजा आर्या जयोतिरग्राः | तरयो घर्मास उषसं सचन्ते सर्वानित ताननुविदुर्वसिष्ठाः || सूर्यस्येव वक्षथो जयोतिरेषां समुद्रस्येव महिमा गभीरः | वातस्येव परजवो नान्येन सतोमो वसिष्ठा अन्वेतवे वः || त इन निण्यं हर्दयस्य परकेतैः सहस्रवल्शमभि संचरन्ति | यमेन ततं परिधिं वयन्तो.अप्सरस उप सेदुर्वसिष्ठाः || विद्युतो जयोतिः परि संजिहानं मित्रावरुणा यदपश्यतां तवा | तत ते जन्मोतैकं वसिष्ठागस्त्यो यत तवा विशाजभार || उतासि मैत्रावरुणो वसिष्ठोर्वश्या बरह्मन मनसो.अधि जातः | दरप्सं सकन्नं बरह्मणा दैव्येन विश्वे देवाः पुष्करे तवाददन्त || स परकेत उभयस्य परविद्वान सहस्रदान उत वा सदानः | यमेन ततं परिधिं वयिष्यन्नप्सरसः परि जज्ञे वसिष्ठः || सत्रे ह जाताविषिता नमोभिः कुम्भे रेतः सिषिचतुः समानम | ततो ह मान उदियाय मध्यात ततो जातं रषिमाहुर्वसिष्ठम || उक्थभ्र्तं सामभ्र्तं बिभर्ति गरावाणं बिभ्रत पर वदात्यग्रे | उपैनमाध्वं सुमनस्यमाना आ वो गछाति परत्र्दो वसिष्ठः ||

śvityañco mā dakṣiṇataskapardā dhiyaṃjinvāso abhi hi pramanduḥ | uttiṣṭhan voce pari barhiṣo nṝn na me dūrādavitave vasiṣṭhāḥ || dūrādindramanayannā sutena tiro vaiśantamati pāntamughram | pāśadyumnasya vāyatasya somāt sutādindro.avṛṇītāvasiṣṭhān || even nu kaṃ sindhumebhistatāreven nu kaṃ bhedamebhirjaghāna | even nu kaṃ dāśarājñe sudāsaṃ prāvadindro brahmaṇā vo vasiṣṭhāḥ || juṣṭī naro brahmaṇā vaḥ pitṝṇāmakṣamavyayaṃ na kilā riṣātha | yacchakvarīṣu bṛhatā raveṇendre śuṣmamadadhātā vasiṣṭhāḥ || ud dyāmivet tṛṣṇajo nāthitāso.adīdhayurdāśarājñe vṛtāsaḥ | vasiṣṭhasya stuvata indro aśroduruṃ tṛtsubhyo akṛṇodu lokam || daṇḍā ived ghoajanāsa āsan parichinnā bharatā arbhakāsaḥ | abhavacca puraetā vasiṣṭha ādit tṛtsūnāṃ viśo aprathanta || trayaḥ kṛṇvanti bhuvaneṣu retastisraḥ prajā āryā jyotiraghrāḥ | trayo gharmāsa uṣasaṃ sacante sarvānit tānanuvidurvasiṣṭhāḥ || sūryasyeva vakṣatho jyotireṣāṃ samudrasyeva mahimā ghabhīraḥ | vātasyeva prajavo nānyena stomo vasiṣṭhā anvetave vaḥ || ta in niṇyaṃ hṛdayasya praketaiḥ sahasravalśamabhi saṃcaranti | yamena tataṃ paridhiṃ vayanto.apsarasa upa sedurvasiṣṭhāḥ || vidyuto jyotiḥ pari saṃjihānaṃ mitrāvaruṇā yadapaśyatāṃ tvā | tat te janmotaikaṃ vasiṣṭhāghastyo yat tvā viśaājabhāra || utāsi maitrāvaruṇo vasiṣṭhorvaśyā brahman manaso.adhi jātaḥ | drapsaṃ skannaṃ brahmaṇā daivyena viśve devāḥ puṣkare tvādadanta || sa praketa ubhayasya pravidvān sahasradāna uta vā sadānaḥ | yamena tataṃ paridhiṃ vayiṣyannapsarasaḥ pari jajñe vasiṣṭhaḥ || satre ha jātāviṣitā namobhiḥ kumbhe retaḥ siṣicatuḥ samānam | tato ha māna udiyāya madhyāt tato jātaṃ ṛṣimāhurvasiṣṭham || ukthabhṛtaṃ sāmabhṛtaṃ bibharti ghrāvāṇaṃ bibhrat pra vadātyaghre | upainamādhvaṃ sumanasyamānā ā vo ghachāti pratṛdo vasiṣṭhaḥ ||


Rig Veda

  1. THESE who wear hair-knots on the right, the movers of holy thought, white-robed, have won me over. I warned the men, when from the grass I raised me, Not from afar can my Vasisthas help you. 2 With Soma they brought Indra from a distance, Over Vaisanta, from the strong libation. Indra preferred Vasisthas to the Soma pressed by the son of Vayata, Pasadyumna. 3 So, verily, with these he crossed the river, in company with these he slaughtered Bheda. So in the fight with the Ten Kings, Vasisthas! did Indra help Sudās through your devotions. 4 I gladly, men I with prayer prayed by our fathers have fixed your axle: ye shall not be injured: Since, when ye sang aloud the Sakvari verses, Vasisthas! ye invigorated Indra. 5 Like thirsty men they looked to heaven, in battle with the Ten Kings, surrounded and imploring. Then Indra heard Vasiṣṭha as he praised him, and gave the Trtsus ample room and freedom. 6 Like sticks and staves wherewith they drive the cattle, Stripped bare, the Bharatas were found defenceless: Vasiṣṭha then became their chief and leader: then widely. were the Trtsus’ clans extended. 7 Three fertilize the worlds with genial moisture: three noble Creatures cast a light before them. Three that give warmth to all attend the morning. All these have they discovered, these Vasisthas. 8 Like the Sun’s growing glory is their splendour, and like the sea’s is their unflathomed greatness. Their course is like the wind’s. Your laud, Vasisthas, can never be attained by any other. 9 They with perceptions of the heart in secret resort to that which spreads a thousand branches. The Apsaras brought hither the Vasisthas wearing the vesture spun for them by Yama. 10 A form of lustre springing from the lightning wast thou, when Varuṇa and Mitra saw thee. Tliy one and only birth was then, Vasiṣṭha, when from thy stock Agastya brought thee hither. 11 Born of their love for Urvasi, Vasiṣṭha thou, priest, art son of Varuṇa and Mitra; And as a fallen drop, in heavenly fervour, all the Gods laid thee on a lotus-blossorn. 12 He thinker, knower both of earth and heaven, endowed with many a gift, bestowing thousands, Destined to wear the vesture spun by Yama, sprang from the Apsaras to life, Vasiṣṭha. 13 Born at the sacrifice, urged by adorations, both with a common flow bedewed the pitcher. Then from the midst thereof there rose up Māna, and thence they say was born the sage Vasiṣṭha. 14 He brings the bearer of the laud and Sāman: first shall he speak bringing the stone for pressing. With grateful hearts in reverence approach him: to you, O Pratrdas, Vasiṣṭha cometh.