Rig Veda Book 7 Hymn 20 उग्रो जज्ञे वीर्याय सवधावाञ्चक्रिरपो नर्यो यत करिष्यन | जग्मिर्युवा नर्षदनमवोभिस्त्राता न इन्द्र एनसो महश्चित || हन्त वर्त्रमिन्द्रः शूशुवानः परावीन नु वीरो जरितारमूती | कर्ता सुदासे अह वा उ लोकं दाता वसु मुहुरा दाशुषे भूत || युध्मो अनर्वा खजक्र्त समद्वा शूरः सत्राषाड जनुषेमषाळ्हः | वयास इन्द्रः पर्तनाः सवोजा अधा विश्वंशत्रूयन्तं जघान || उभे चिदिन्द्र रोदसी महित्वा पप्राथ तविषीभिस्तुविष्मः | नि वज्रमिन्द्रो हरिवान मिमिक्षन समन्धसा मदेषु वाुवोच || वर्षा जजान वर्षणं रणाय तमु चिन नारी नर्यं ससूव | पर यः सेनानीरध नर्भ्यो अस्तीनः सत्वा गवेषणः स धर्ष्णुः || नू चित स भरेषते जनो न रेषन मनो यो अस्य घोरमाविवासात | यज्ञैर्य इन्द्रे दधते दुवांसि कषयत स राय रतपा रतेजाः || यदिन्द्र पूर्वो अपराय शिक्षन्नयज्ज्यायान कनीयसो देष्णम | अम्र्त इत पर्यासीत दूरमा चित्र चित्र्यं भरा रयिं नः || यस्त इन्द्र परियो जनो ददाशदसन निरेके अद्रिवः सखा ते | वयं ते अस्यां सुमतौ चनिष्ठाः सयाम वरूथे अघ्नतो नर्पीतौ || एष सतोमो अचिक्रदद वर्षा त उत सतामुर्मघवन्नक्रपिष्ट | रायस कामो जरितारं त आगन तवमङग शक्र वस्व आशको नः || स न इन्द्र तवयताया इषे धास्त्मना च ये मघवानो जुनन्ति | वस्वी षु ते जरित्रे अस्तु शक्तिर्यूयं पात … ||
ughro jajñe vīryāya svadhāvāñcakrirapo naryo yat kariṣyan | jaghmiryuvā nṛṣadanamavobhistrātā na indra enaso mahaścit || hanta vṛtramindraḥ śūśuvānaḥ prāvīn nu vīro jaritāramūtī | kartā sudāse aha vā u lokaṃ dātā vasu muhurā dāśuṣe bhūt || yudhmo anarvā khajakṛt samadvā śūraḥ satrāṣāḍ januṣemaṣāḷhaḥ | vyāsa indraḥ pṛtanāḥ svojā adhā viśvaṃśatrūyantaṃ jaghāna || ubhe cidindra rodasī mahitvā paprātha taviṣībhistuviṣmaḥ | ni vajramindro harivān mimikṣan samandhasā madeṣu vāuvoca || vṛṣā jajāna vṛṣaṇaṃ raṇāya tamu cin nārī naryaṃ sasūva | pra yaḥ senānīradha nṛbhyo astīnaḥ satvā ghaveṣaṇaḥ sa dhṛṣṇuḥ || nū cit sa bhreṣate jano na reṣan mano yo asya ghoramāvivāsāt | yajñairya indre dadhate duvāṃsi kṣayat sa rāya ṛtapā ṛtejāḥ || yadindra pūrvo aparāya śikṣannayajjyāyān kanīyaso deṣṇam | amṛta it paryāsīta dūramā citra citryaṃ bharā rayiṃ naḥ || yasta indra priyo jano dadāśadasan nireke adrivaḥ sakhā te | vayaṃ te asyāṃ sumatau caniṣṭhāḥ syāma varūthe aghnato nṛpītau || eṣa stomo acikradad vṛṣā ta uta stāmurmaghavannakrapiṣṭa | rāyas kāmo jaritāraṃ ta āghan tvamaṅgha śakra vasva āśako naḥ || sa na indra tvayatāyā iṣe dhāstmanā ca ye maghavāno junanti | vasvī ṣu te jaritre astu śaktiryūyaṃ pāta … ||
Rig Veda
- STRONG, Godly-natured, born for hero exploit, man’s Friend, hedoth whatever deed he willeth. Saving us e’en from great transgression, Indra, the Youthful, visiteth man’s home with favour. 2 Waxing greatness Indra slayeth Vṛtra: the Hero with his aid hath helped the singer. He gave Sudās wide room and space, and often hath granted wealth to him who brought oblations. 3 Soldier unchecked, war-rousing, battling Hero, unconquered from of old, victorious ever, Indra the very strong hath scattered armies; yea, he hath slain each foe who fought against him. 4 Thou with thy greatness hast filled full, O Indra, even both the worlds with might, O thou Most Mighty. Lord of Bays, Indra, brandishing his thunder, is gratified with Soma at the banquet. 5 A Bull begat the Bull for joy of battle, and a strong Mother brought forth him the manly. He who is Chief of men, their armies’ Leader, is strong Hero, bold, and fain for booty. 6 The people falter not, nor suffer sorrow, who win themselves this God’s terrific spirit. He who with sacrifices worships Indra is lord of wealth, law-born and law’s protector. 7 Whene’er the elder fain would help the younger the greater cometh to the lesser’s present. Shall the Immortal sit aloof’ inactive? O Wondrous Indra, bring us wondrous riches. 8 Thy dear folk, Indra, who present oblations, are, in chief place, thy friends, O Thunder-wielder. May we be best content in this thy favour, sheltered by One who slays not, but preserves us. 9 To thee the mighty hymn hath clamoured loudly, and, Maghavan, the eloquent hath besought thee. Desire of wealth hath come upon thy singer: help us then, gakra, to our share of riches. 10 Place us by food which thou hast given, O Indra, us and the wealthy patrons who command us. Let thy great power bring good to him who lauds thee. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.