Rig Veda Book 7 Hymn 12 अगन्म महा नमसा यविष्ठं यो दीदाय समिद्धः सवे दुरोणे | चित्रभानुं रोदसी अन्तरुर्वी सवाहुतं विश्वतः परत्यञ्चम || स मह्ना विश्वा दुरितानि साह्वानग्निः षटवे दम आ जातवेदाः | स नो रक्षिषद दुरितादवद्यादस्मान गर्णत उत नो मघोनः || तवं वरुण उत मित्रो अग्ने तवां वर्धन्ति मतिभिर्वसिष्ठाः | तवे वसु सुषणनानि सन्तु यूयं पात … ||
aghanma mahā namasā yaviṣṭhaṃ yo dīdāya samiddhaḥ sve duroṇe | citrabhānuṃ rodasī antarurvī svāhutaṃ viśvataḥ pratyañcam || sa mahnā viśvā duritāni sāhvānaghniḥ ṣṭave dama ā jātavedāḥ | sa no rakṣiṣad duritādavadyādasmān ghṛṇata uta no maghonaḥ || tvaṃ varuṇa uta mitro aghne tvāṃ vardhanti matibhirvasiṣṭhāḥ | tve vasu suṣaṇanāni santu yūyaṃ pāta … ||
Rig Veda
- WE with great reverence have approached The Youngest who hath shone forth well-kindled in his dwelling, With wondrous light between wide earth and heaven, well-worshipped, looking forth in all directions. 2 Through his great might o’ercoming all misfortunes, praised in the house is Agni Jātavedas. May he protect us from disgrace and trouble, both us who laud him and our noble patrons. 3 O Agni, thou art Varuṇa and Mitra: Vasisthas with their holy hymns exalt thee. With thee be most abundant gain of treasure. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.