Rig Veda Book 7 Hymn 11 महानस्यध्वरस्य परकेतो न रते तवदम्र्ता मादयन्ते | आ विश्वेभिः सरथं याहि देवैर्न्यग्ने होता परथमः सदेह || तवामीळते अजिरं दूत्याय हविष्मन्तः सदमिन मानुषासः | यस्य देवैरासदो बर्हिरग्ने.अहान्यस्मै सुदिना भवन्ति || तरिश्चिदक्तोः पर चिकितुर्वसूनि तवे अन्तर्दाशुषे मर्त्याय | मनुष्वदग्न इह यक्षि देवान भवा नो दूतो अधिशस्तिपावा || अग्निरीशे बर्हतो अध्वरस्याग्निर्विश्वस्य हविषः कर्तस्य | करतुं हयस्य वसवो जुषन्ताथा देवा दधिरे हव्यवाहम || आग्ने वह हविरद्याय देवानिन्द्रज्येष्ठास इह मादयन्ताम | इमं यज्ञं दिवि देवेषु धेहि यूयं पात … ||
mahānasyadhvarasya praketo na ṛte tvadamṛtā mādayante | ā viśvebhiḥ sarathaṃ yāhi devairnyaghne hotā prathamaḥ sadeha || tvāmīḷate ajiraṃ dūtyāya haviṣmantaḥ sadamin mānuṣāsaḥ | yasya devairāsado barhiraghne.ahānyasmai sudinā bhavanti || triścidaktoḥ pra cikiturvasūni tve antardāśuṣe martyāya | manuṣvadaghna iha yakṣi devān bhavā no dūto adhiśastipāvā || aghnirīśe bṛhato adhvarasyāghnirviśvasya haviṣaḥ kṛtasya | kratuṃ hyasya vasavo juṣantāthā devā dadhire havyavāham || āghne vaha haviradyāya devānindrajyeṣṭhāsa iha mādayantām | imaṃ yajñaṃ divi deveṣu dhehi yūyaṃ pāta … ||
Rig Veda
- GREAT art thou, Agni, sacrifice’s Herald: not without thee are deathless Gods made joyful. Come hither with all Deities about thee here take thy seat, the first, as Priest, O Agni. 2 Men with oblations evermore entreat thee, the swift, to undertake an envoy’s duty. He on whose sacred grass with Gods thou sittest, to him, O Agni, are the days propitious. 3 Three times a day in thee are shown the treasures sent for the mortal who presents oblation. Bring the Gods hither like a man, O Agni: be thou our envoy, guarding us from curses. 4 Lord of the lofty sacrifice is Agni, Agni is Lord of every gift presented. The Vasus were contented with his wisdom, so the Gods made him their oblationbearer. 5 O Agni, bring the Gods to taste our presents: with Indra leading, here let them be joyful. Convey this sacrifice to Gods in heaven. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.