
Rig Veda Book 7 Hymn 102 पर्जन्याय पर गायत दिवस पुत्राय मीळ्हुषे | स नो यवसमिछतु || यो गर्भमोषधीनां गवां कर्णोत्यर्वताम | पर्जन्यःपुरुषीणाम || तस्मा इदास्ये हविर्जुहोता मधुमत्तमम | इळां नः संयतं करत ||

parjanyāya pra ghāyata divas putrāya mīḷhuṣe | sa no yavasamichatu || yo gharbhamoṣadhīnāṃ ghavāṃ kṛṇotyarvatām | parjanyaḥpuruṣīṇām || tasmā idāsye havirjuhotā madhumattamam | iḷāṃ naḥ saṃyataṃ karat ||


Rig Veda 1 SING forth and laud Parjanya, son of Heaven, who sends the gift of rain May he provide our pasturage. 2 Parjanya is the God who forms in kine, in mares, in plants of earth, And womankind, the germ of life. 3 Offer and pour into his mouth oblation rich in savoury juice: May he for ever give us food.