
Rig Veda Book 6 Hymn 65 एषा सया नो दुहिता दिवोजाः कषितीरुछन्ती मानुषीरजीगः | या भानुना रुशता राम्यास्वज्ञायि तिरस्तमसश्चिदक्तून || वि तद ययुररुणयुग्भिरश्वैश्चित्रं भान्त्युषसश्चन्द्ररथाः | अग्रं यज्ञस्य बर्हतो नयन्तीर्वि ता बाधन्तेतम ऊर्म्यायाः || शरवो वाजमिषमूर्जं वहन्तीर्नि दाशुष उषसो मर्त्याय | मघोनीर्वीरवत पत्यमाना अवो धात विधते रत्नमद्य || इदा हि वो विधते रत्नमस्तीदा वीराय दाशुष उषासः | इदा विप्राय जरते यदुक्था नि षम मावते वहथ पुर चित || इदा हि त उषो अद्रिसानो गोत्रा गवामन्गिरसो गर्णन्ति | वयर्केण बिभिदुर्ब्रह्मणा च सत्या नर्णामभवद देवहूतिः || उछा दिवो दुहितः परत्नवन नो भरद्वाजवद विधते मघोनि | सुवीरं रयिं गर्णते रिरीह्युरुगायमधि धेहि शरवो नः ||

eṣā syā no duhitā divojāḥ kṣitīruchantī mānuṣīrajīghaḥ | yā bhānunā ruśatā rāmyāsvajñāyi tirastamasaścidaktūn || vi tad yayuraruṇayughbhiraśvaiścitraṃ bhāntyuṣasaścandrarathāḥ | aghraṃ yajñasya bṛhato nayantīrvi tā bādhantetama ūrmyāyāḥ || śravo vājamiṣamūrjaṃ vahantīrni dāśuṣa uṣaso martyāya | maghonīrvīravat patyamānā avo dhāta vidhate ratnamadya || idā hi vo vidhate ratnamastīdā vīrāya dāśuṣa uṣāsaḥ | idā viprāya jarate yadukthā ni ṣma māvate vahatha pura cit || idā hi ta uṣo adrisāno ghotrā ghavāmanghiraso ghṛṇanti | vyarkeṇa bibhidurbrahmaṇā ca satyā nṛṇāmabhavad devahūtiḥ || uchā divo duhitaḥ pratnavan no bharadvājavad vidhate maghoni | suvīraṃ rayiṃ ghṛṇate rirīhyurughāyamadhi dhehi śravo naḥ ||


Rig Veda

  1. SHEDDING her light on human habitations this Child of Heaven hath called us from our slumber; She who at night-time with her argent lustre hath shown herself e’en through the shades of darkness. 2 All this with red-rayed steeds have they divided: the Dawns on bright cars shine in wondrous fashion. They, bringing near the stately rite’s commencement, drive far away the night’s surrounding shadows. 3 Dawns, bringing hither, to the man who worships, glory and power and might and food and vigour, Opulent, with imperial sway like heroes, favour your servant and this day enrich him. 4 Now is there treasure for the man who serves you, now for the hero, Dawns! who brings oblation; Now for the singer when he sings the praise-song. Even to one like me ye brought aforetime. 5 O Dawn who standest on the mountain ridges, Aṅgirases now praise thy stalls of cattle. With prayer and holy hymn they burst them open: the heroes’ calling on the Gods was fruitful. 6 Shine on us as of old, thou Child of Heaven,on him, rich Maid! who serves like Bharadvāja. Give to the singer wealth with noble heroes, and upon us bestow wide-spreading glory.