
Rig Veda Book 6 Hymn 6 पर नव्यसा सहसः सूनुमछा यज्ञेन गातुमव इछमानः | वर्श्चद्वनं कर्ष्णयामं रुशन्तं वीती होतारन्दिव्यं जिगाति || स शवितानस्तन्यतू रोचनस्था अजरेभिर्नानदद्भिर्यविष्ठः | यः पावकः पुरुतमः पुरूणि पर्थून्यग्निरनुयाति भर्वन || वि ते विष्वग वातजूतासो अग्ने भामासः शुचे शुचयश्चरन्ति | तुविम्रक्षासो दिव्या नवग्वा वना वनन्ति धर्षता रुजन्तः || ये ते शुक्रासः शुचयः शुचिष्मः कषां वपन्ति विषितासो अश्वाः | अध भरमस्त उर्विया वि भाति यातयमानो अधि सानु पर्श्नेः || अध जिह्वा पापतीति पर वर्ष्णो गोषुयुधो नाशनिः सर्जाना | शूरस्येव परसितिः कषातिरग्नेर्दुर्वर्तुर्भीमो दयते वनानि || आ भानुना पार्थिवानि जरयांसि महस्तोदस्य धर्षता ततन्थ | स बाधस्वाप भया सहोभि सप्र्धो वनुष्यन वनुषो नि जूर्व || स चित्र चित्रं चितयन्तमस्मे चित्रक्षत्र चित्रतमं वयोधाम | चन्द्रं रयिं पुरुवीरं बर्हन्तं चन्द्र चन्द्राभिर्ग्र्णते युवस्व ||

pra navyasā sahasaḥ sūnumachā yajñena ghātumava ichamānaḥ | vṛścadvanaṃ kṛṣṇayāmaṃ ruśantaṃ vītī hotārandivyaṃ jighāti || sa śvitānastanyatū rocanasthā ajarebhirnānadadbhiryaviṣṭhaḥ | yaḥ pāvakaḥ purutamaḥ purūṇi pṛthūnyaghniranuyāti bharvan || vi te viṣvagh vātajūtāso aghne bhāmāsaḥ śuce śucayaścaranti | tuvimrakṣāso divyā navaghvā vanā vananti dhṛṣatā rujantaḥ || ye te śukrāsaḥ śucayaḥ śuciṣmaḥ kṣāṃ vapanti viṣitāso aśvāḥ | adha bhramasta urviyā vi bhāti yātayamāno adhi sānu pṛśneḥ || adha jihvā pāpatīti pra vṛṣṇo ghoṣuyudho nāśaniḥ sṛjānā | śūrasyeva prasitiḥ kṣātiraghnerdurvarturbhīmo dayate vanāni || ā bhānunā pārthivāni jrayāṃsi mahastodasya dhṛṣatā tatantha | sa bādhasvāpa bhayā sahobhi spṛdho vanuṣyan vanuṣo ni jūrva || sa citra citraṃ citayantamasme citrakṣatra citratamaṃ vayodhām | candraṃ rayiṃ puruvīraṃ bṛhantaṃ candra candrābhirghṛṇate yuvasva ||


Rig Veda

  1. HE who seeks furtherance and grace to help him goes to the Son of Strength with newest worship, Calling the heavenly Priest to share the banquet, who rends the wood, bright, with his blackened pathway. 2 White-hued and thundering he dwells in splendour, Most Youthful, with the loudvoiced and eternal- Agni, most variform, the Purifier, who follows crunching many ample forests. 3 Incited by the wind thy flames, O Agni, move onward, Pure One! pure, in all directions. Thy most destructive heavenly Navagvas break the woods down and devastate them boldly. 4 Thy pure white horses from their bonds are loosened: O Radiant One, they shear the ground beneath them, And far and wide shines out thy flame, and flickers rapidly moving over earth’s high ridges. 5 Forth darts the Bull’s tongue like the sharp stone weapon discharged by him who fights to win the cattle. Agni’s fierce flame is like a hero’s onset: dread and resistless he destroys the forests. 6 Thou with the sunlight of the great Impeller hast boldly over-spread the earth’s expanses. So drive away with conquering might all perils. fighting out foemen burn up those who harm us. 7 Wondrous! of wondrous power! give to the singer wealth wondrous, marked, most wonderful, life-giving. Wealth bright, O Bright One, vast, with many heroes, give with thy bright flames to the man who lauds thee.