Rig Veda Book 6 Hymn 39 मन्द्रस्य कवेर्दिव्यस्य वह्नेर्विप्रमन्मनो वचनस्य मध्वः | अपा नस्तस्य सचनस्य देवेषो युवस्व गर्णते गोग्राः || अयमुशानः पर्यद्रिमुस्र रतधीतिभिर्र्तयुग युजानः | रुजदरुग्णं वि वलस्य सानुं पणीन्र्वचोभिरभि योधदिन्द्रः || अयं दयोतयदद्युतो वयक्तून दोषा वस्तोः शरद इन्दुरिन्द्र | इमं केतुमदधुर्नू चिदह्नां शुचिजन्मन उषसश्चकार || अयं रोचयदरुचो रुचानो.अयं वासयद वय रतेन पूर्वीः | अयमीयत रतयुग्भिरश्वैः सवर्विदा नाभिना चर्षणिप्राः || नू गर्णानो गर्णते परत्न राजन्निषः पिन्व वसुदेयाय पूर्वीः | अप ओषधीरविषा वनानि गा अर्वतो नॄन रचसे रिरीहि ||
mandrasya kaverdivyasya vahnervipramanmano vacanasya madhvaḥ | apā nastasya sacanasya deveṣo yuvasva ghṛṇate ghoaghrāḥ || ayamuśānaḥ paryadrimusra ṛtadhītibhirṛtayugh yujānaḥ | rujadarughṇaṃ vi valasya sānuṃ paṇīnrvacobhirabhi yodhadindraḥ || ayaṃ dyotayadadyuto vyaktūn doṣā vastoḥ śarada indurindra | imaṃ ketumadadhurnū cidahnāṃ śucijanmana uṣasaścakāra || ayaṃ rocayadaruco rucāno.ayaṃ vāsayad vy ṛtena pūrvīḥ | ayamīyata ṛtayughbhiraśvaiḥ svarvidā nābhinā carṣaṇiprāḥ || nū ghṛṇāno ghṛṇate pratna rājanniṣaḥ pinva vasudeyāya pūrvīḥ | apa oṣadhīraviṣā vanāni ghā arvato nṝn ṛcase rirīhi ||
Rig Veda
- OF this our charming, our celestial Soma, eloquent, wise, Priest, with inspired devotion, Of this thy close attendant, hast thou drunken. God, send the singer food with milk to grace it. 2 Craving the kine, rushing against the mountain led on by Law, with holyminded comrades, He broke the never-broken ridge of Vala. With words of might Indra subdued the Paṇis. 3 This Indu lighted darksome nights, O Indra, throughout the years, at morning and at evening. Him have they stablished as the days’ bright ensign. He made the Mornings to be born in splendour. 4 He shone and caused to shme the worlds that shone not. By Law he lighted up the host of Mornings. He moves with Steeds yoked by eternal Order, contenting men with nave that finds the sunlight. 5 Now, praised, O Ancient King! fill thou the singer with plenteous food that he may deal forth treasures. Give waters, herbs that have no poison, forests, and kine, and steeds, and men, to him who lauds thee.