
Rig Veda Book 6 Hymn 36 सत्रा मदासस्तव विश्वजन्याः सत्रा रायो.अध ये पार्थिवासः | सत्रा वाजानामभवो विभक्ता यद देवेषु धारयथा असुर्यम || अनु पर येजे जन ओजो अस्य सत्रा दधिरे अनु वीर्याय | सयूमग्र्भे दुधये.अर्वते च करतुं वर्ञ्जन्त्यपि वर्त्रहत्ये || तं सध्रीचीरूतयो वर्ष्ण्यानि पौंस्यानि नियुतः सश्चुरिन्द्रम | समुद्रं न सिन्धव उक्थशुष्मा उरुव्यचसं गिरा विशन्ति || स रायस खामुप सर्जा गर्णानः पुरुश्चन्द्रस्य तवमिन्द्रवस्वः | पतिर्बभूथासमो जनानामेको विश्वस्य भुवनस्य राजा || स तु शरुधि शरुत्या यो दुवोयुर्द्यौर्न भूमाभि रायोर्यः | असो यथा नः शवसा चकानो युगे-युगे वयसा चेकितानः ||

satrā madāsastava viśvajanyāḥ satrā rāyo.adha ye pārthivāsaḥ | satrā vājānāmabhavo vibhaktā yad deveṣu dhārayathā asuryam || anu pra yeje jana ojo asya satrā dadhire anu vīryāya | syūmaghṛbhe dudhaye.arvate ca kratuṃ vṛñjantyapi vṛtrahatye || taṃ sadhrīcīrūtayo vṛṣṇyāni pauṃsyāni niyutaḥ saścurindram | samudraṃ na sindhava ukthaśuṣmā uruvyacasaṃ ghiraā viśanti || sa rāyas khāmupa sṛjā ghṛṇānaḥ puruścandrasya tvamindravasvaḥ | patirbabhūthāsamo janānāmeko viśvasya bhuvanasya rājā || sa tu śrudhi śrutyā yo duvoyurdyaurna bhūmābhi rāyoaryaḥ | aso yathā naḥ śavasā cakāno yughe-yughe vayasā cekitānaḥ ||


Rig Veda

  1. THY raptures ever were for all men’s profit: so evermore have been thine earthly riches. Thou still hast been the dealer-forth of vigour, since among Gods thou hast had power and Godhead. 2 Men have obtained his strength by sacrificing, and ever urged him, on to hero valour. For the rein-seizing, the impetuous Charger they furnished power even for Vṛtra’s slaughter. 3 Associate with him, as teams of horses, help, manly might, and vigour follow Indra. As rivers reach the sea, so, strong with praises, our holy songs reach him the Comprehensive. 4 Lauded by us, let flow the spring, O Indra, of excellent and brightly-shining riches. For thou art Lord of men, without an equal: of all the world thou art the only Sovran. 5 Hear what thou mayst hear, thou who, fain for worship, as heaven girds earth, guardest thy servant’s treasure; Tlat thou mayst be our own, joying in power, famed through thy might in every generation.