Rig Veda Book 6 Hymn 33 य ओजिष्ठ इन्द्र तं सु नो दा मदो वर्षन सवभिष्टिर्दास्वान | सौवश्व्यं यो वनवत सवश्वो वर्त्रा समत्सु सासहदमित्रान || तवां हीन्द्रावसे विवाचो हवन्ते चर्षणयः शूरसातौ | तवं विप्रेभिर्वि पणीन्रशायस्त्वोत इत सनिता वाजमर्वा || तवं तानिन्द्रोभयानमित्रान दासा वर्त्राण्यार्या च शूर | वधीर्वनेव सुधितेभिरत्कैरा पर्त्सु दर्षि नर्णां नर्तम || स तवं न इन्द्राकवाभिरूती सखा विश्वायुरविता वर्धे भूः | सवर्षाता यद धवयामसि तवा युध्यन्तो नेमधिताप्र्त्सु शूर || नूनं न इन्द्रापराय च सया भवा मर्ळीक उत नो अभिष्टौ | इत्था गर्णन्तो महिनस्य शर्मन दिवि षयाम पार्ये गोषतमाः ||
ya ojiṣṭha indra taṃ su no dā mado vṛṣan svabhiṣṭirdāsvān | sauvaśvyaṃ yo vanavat svaśvo vṛtrā samatsu sāsahadamitrān || tvāṃ hīndrāvase vivāco havante carṣaṇayaḥ śūrasātau | tvaṃ viprebhirvi paṇīnraśāyastvota it sanitā vājamarvā || tvaṃ tānindrobhayānamitrān dāsā vṛtrāṇyāryā ca śūra | vadhīrvaneva sudhitebhiratkairā pṛtsu darṣi nṛṇāṃ nṛtama || sa tvaṃ na indrākavābhirūtī sakhā viśvāyuravitā vṛdhe bhūḥ | svarṣātā yad dhvayāmasi tvā yudhyanto nemadhitāpṛtsu śūra || nūnaṃ na indrāparāya ca syā bhavā mṛḷīka uta no abhiṣṭau | itthā ghṛṇanto mahinasya śarman divi ṣyāma pārye ghoṣatamāḥ ||
Rig Veda
- GIVE us the rapture that is mightiest, Indra, prompt to bestow and swift to aid, O Hero, That wins with brave steeds where brave steeds encounter, and quells the Vṛtras and the foes in battle. 2 For with loud voice the tribes invoke thee, Indra, to aid them in the battlefield of heroes. Thou, with the singers, hast pierced through the Paṇis: the charger whom thou aidest wins the booty. 3 Both races, Indra, of opposing foemen, O Hero, both the Ārya and the Dāsa, Hast thou struck down like woods with well-shot lightnings: thou rentest them in fight, most manly Chieftain! 4 Indra, befriend us with no scanty succour, prosper and aid us, Loved of all that liveth, When, fighting for the sunlight, we invoke thee, O Hero, in the fray, in war’s division. 5 Be ours, O Indra, now and for the future, be graciously inclined and near to help us. Thus may we, singing, sheltered by the Mighty, win many cattle on the day of trial.