Rig Veda Book 5 Hymn 79 महे नो अद्य बोधयोषो राये दिवित्मती | यथा चिन नो अबोधयः सत्यश्रवसि वाय्ये सुजाते अश्वसून्र्ते || या सुनीथे शौचद्रथे वय औछो दुहितर दिवः | सा वय उछ सहीयसि सत्यश्रवसि वाय्ये सुजाते अश्वसून्र्ते || सा नो अद्याभरद्वसुर वय उछा दुहितर दिवः | यो वय औछः सहीयसि सत्यश्रवसि वाय्ये सुजाते अश्वसून्र्ते || अभि ये तवा विभावरि सतोमैर गर्णन्ति वह्नयः | मघैर मघोनि सुश्रियो दामन्वन्तः सुरातयः सुजाते अश्वसून्र्ते || यच चिद धि ते गणा इमे छदयन्ति मघत्तये | परि चिद वष्टयो दधुर ददतो राधो अह्रयं सुजाते अश्वसून्र्ते || ऐषु धा वीरवद यश उषो मघोनि सूरिषु | ये नो राधांस्य अह्रया मघवानो अरासत सुजाते अश्वसून्र्ते || तेभ्यो दयुम्नम बर्हद यश उषो मघोन्य आ वह | ये नो राधांस्य अश्व्या गव्या भजन्त सूरयः सुजाते अश्वसून्र्ते || उत नो गोमतीर इष आ वहा दुहितर दिवः | साकं सूर्यस्य रश्मिभिः शुक्रैः शोचद्भिर अर्चिभिः सुजाते अश्वसून्र्ते || वय उछा दुहितर दिवो मा चिरं तनुथा अपः | नेत तवा सतेनं यथा रिपुं तपाति सूरो अर्चिषा सुजाते अश्वसून्र्ते || एतावद वेद उषस तवम भूयो वा दातुम अर्हसि | या सतोत्र्भ्यो विभावर्य उछन्ती न परमीयसे सुजाते अश्वसून्र्ते ||
mahe no adya bodhayoṣo rāye divitmatī | yathā cin no abodhayaḥ satyaśravasi vāyye sujāte aśvasūnṛte || yā sunīthe śaucadrathe vy aucho duhitar divaḥ | sā vy ucha sahīyasi satyaśravasi vāyye sujāte aśvasūnṛte || sā no adyābharadvasur vy uchā duhitar divaḥ | yo vy auchaḥ sahīyasi satyaśravasi vāyye sujāte aśvasūnṛte || abhi ye tvā vibhāvari stomair ghṛṇanti vahnayaḥ | maghair maghoni suśriyo dāmanvantaḥ surātayaḥ sujāte aśvasūnṛte || yac cid dhi te ghaṇā ime chadayanti maghattaye | pari cid vaṣṭayo dadhur dadato rādho ahrayaṃ sujāte aśvasūnṛte || aiṣu dhā vīravad yaśa uṣo maghoni sūriṣu | ye no rādhāṃsy ahrayā maghavāno arāsata sujāte aśvasūnṛte || tebhyo dyumnam bṛhad yaśa uṣo maghony ā vaha | ye no rādhāṃsy aśvyā ghavyā bhajanta sūrayaḥ sujāte aśvasūnṛte || uta no ghomatīr iṣa ā vahā duhitar divaḥ | sākaṃ sūryasya raśmibhiḥ śukraiḥ śocadbhir arcibhiḥ sujāte aśvasūnṛte || vy uchā duhitar divo mā ciraṃ tanuthā apaḥ | net tvā stenaṃ yathā ripuṃ tapāti sūro arciṣā sujāte aśvasūnṛte || etāvad ved uṣas tvam bhūyo vā dātum arhasi | yā stotṛbhyo vibhāvary uchantī na pramīyase sujāte aśvasūnṛte ||
Rig Veda
- O HEAVENLY Dawn, awaken us to ample opulence to-day Even as thou hast wakened us with Satyasravas, Vayya’s son, high-born! delightful with thy steeds! 2 Daughter of Heaven, thou dawnedst on Sunitha Sucadratha’s son, So dawn thou on one mightier still, on Satyasravas, Vayya’s son, high-born! delightful with thy steeds! 3 So, bringing treasure, dawn to-day on us thou Daughter of the Sky, As thou, O mightier yet. didst shine for Satyatravas, Vayya’s son, high-born! delightful with thy steeds! 4 Here round about thee are the priests who laud thee, Bright One, with their hymns, And men with gifts, O Bounteous Dame, splendid with wealth and offering much, high-born! delightful with thy steeds! 5 Whatever these thy bands perform to please thee or to win them wealth, E’en fain they gird us round and give rich gifts which ne’er are reft away, high-born! delightful with thy steeds! 6 Give to these wealthy patrons fame, O affluent Dawn, with hero sons, To these our princes who have brought rich gifts ne’er to be reft away, highborn! delightful with thy steeds! 7 Bring lofty and resplendent fame, O thou munificent Dawn, to these Our wealthy patrons who bestow rich gifts on us of steeds and kine, high-born! delightful with thy steeds! 8 Bring us, O Daughter of the Sky, subsistence in our herds of kine, Together with the sunbeams, with the shine of pure refulgent flames, highborn! delightful with thy steeds! 9 O Daughter of the Sky, shine forth; delay not to perform thy task. Let not the Sun with fervent heat consume thee like a robber foe, high-born! delightful with the steeds! 10 So much, and more exceedingly, O Dawn, it suits thee to bestow, Thou Radiant One who ceasest not to shine for those who sing thy praise, highborn! delightful with thy steeds!