
Rig Veda Book 5 Hymn 44 तम परत्नथा पूर्वथा विश्वथेमथा जयेष्ठतातिम बर्हिषदं सवर्विदम | परतीचीनं वर्जनं दोहसे गिराशुं जयन्तम अनु यासु वर्धसे || शरिये सुद्र्शीर उपरस्य याः सवर विरोचमानः ककुभाम अचोदते | सुगोपा असि न दभाय सुक्रतो परो मायाभिर रत आस नाम ते || अत्यं हविः सचते सच च धातु चारिष्टगातुः स होता सहोभरिः | परसर्स्राणो अनु बर्हिर वर्षा शिशुर मध्ये युवाजरो विस्रुहा हितः || पर व एते सुयुजो यामन्न इष्टये नीचीर अमुष्मै यम्य रताव्र्धः | सुयन्तुभिः सर्वशासैर अभीशुभिः करिविर नामानि परवणे मुषायति || संजर्भुराणस तरुभिः सुतेग्र्भं वयाकिनं चित्तगर्भासु सुस्वरुः | धारवाकेष्व रजुगाथ शोभसे वर्धस्व पत्नीर अभि जीवो अध्वरे || याद्र्ग एव दद्र्शे ताद्र्ग उच्यते सं छायया दधिरे सिध्रयाप्स्व आ | महीम अस्मभ्यम उरुषाम उरु जरयो बर्हत सुवीरम अनपच्युतं सहः || वेत्य अग्रुर जनिवान वा अति सप्र्धः समर्यता मनसा सूर्यः कविः | घरंसं रक्षन्तम परि विश्वतो गयम अस्माकं शर्म वनवत सवावसुः || जयायांसम अस्य यतुनस्य केतुन रषिस्वरं चरति यासु नाम ते | याद्र्श्मिन धायि तम अपस्यया विदद य उ सवयं वहते सो अरं करत || समुद्रम आसाम अव तस्थे अग्रिमा न रिष्यति सवनं यस्मिन्न आयता | अत्रा न हार्दि करवणस्य रेजते यत्रा मतिर विद्यते पूतबन्धनी || स हि कषत्रस्य मनसस्य चित्तिभिर एवावदस्य यजतस्य सध्रेः | अवत्सारस्य सप्र्णवाम रण्वभिः शविष्ठं वाजं विदुषा चिद अर्ध्यम || शयेन आसाम अदितिः कक्ष्यो मदो विश्ववारस्य यजतस्य मायिनः | सम अन्यम-अन्यम अर्थयन्त्य एतवे विदुर विषाणम परिपानम अन्ति ते || सदाप्र्णो यजतो वि दविषो वधीद बाहुव्र्क्तः शरुतवित तर्यो वः सचा | उभा स वरा परत्य एति भाति च यद ईं गणम भजते सुप्रयावभिः || सुतम्भरो यजमानस्य सत्पतिर विश्वासाम ऊधः स धियाम उदञ्चनः | भरद धेनू रसवच छिश्रिये पयो ऽनुब्रुवाणो अध्य एति न सवपन || यो जागार तम रचः कामयन्ते यो जागार तम उ सामानि यन्ति | यो जागार तम अयं सोम आह तवाहम अस्मि सख्ये नयोकाः || अग्निर जागार तम रचः कामयन्ते ऽगनिर जागार तम उ सामानि यन्ति | अग्निर जागार तम अयं सोम आह तवाहम अस्मि सख्ये नयोकाः ||

tam pratnathā pūrvathā viśvathemathā jyeṣṭhatātim barhiṣadaṃ svarvidam | pratīcīnaṃ vṛjanaṃ dohase ghirāśuṃ jayantam anu yāsu vardhase || śriye sudṛśīr uparasya yāḥ svar virocamānaḥ kakubhām acodate | sughopā asi na dabhāya sukrato paro māyābhir ṛta āsa nāma te || atyaṃ haviḥ sacate sac ca dhātu cāriṣṭaghātuḥ sa hotā sahobhariḥ | prasarsrāṇo anu barhir vṛṣā śiśur madhye yuvājaro visruhā hitaḥ || pra va ete suyujo yāmann iṣṭaye nīcīr amuṣmai yamya ṛtāvṛdhaḥ | suyantubhiḥ sarvaśāsair abhīśubhiḥ krivir nāmāni pravaṇe muṣāyati || saṃjarbhurāṇas tarubhiḥ suteghṛbhaṃ vayākinaṃ cittagharbhāsu susvaruḥ | dhāravākeṣv ṛjughātha śobhase vardhasva patnīr abhi jīvo adhvare || yādṛgh eva dadṛśe tādṛgh ucyate saṃ chāyayā dadhire sidhrayāpsv ā | mahīm asmabhyam uruṣām uru jrayo bṛhat suvīram anapacyutaṃ sahaḥ || vety aghrur janivān vā ati spṛdhaḥ samaryatā manasā sūryaḥ kaviḥ | ghraṃsaṃ rakṣantam pari viśvato ghayam asmākaṃ śarma vanavat svāvasuḥ || jyāyāṃsam asya yatunasya ketuna ṛṣisvaraṃ carati yāsu nāma te | yādṛśmin dhāyi tam apasyayā vidad ya u svayaṃ vahate so araṃ karat || samudram āsām ava tasthe aghrimā na riṣyati savanaṃ yasminn āyatā | atrā na hārdi kravaṇasya rejate yatrā matir vidyate pūtabandhanī || sa hi kṣatrasya manasasya cittibhir evāvadasya yajatasya sadhreḥ | avatsārasya spṛṇavāma raṇvabhiḥ śaviṣṭhaṃ vājaṃ viduṣā cid ardhyam || śyena āsām aditiḥ kakṣyo mado viśvavārasya yajatasya māyinaḥ | sam anyam-anyam arthayanty etave vidur viṣāṇam paripānam anti te || sadāpṛṇo yajato vi dviṣo vadhīd bāhuvṛktaḥ śrutavit taryo vaḥ sacā | ubhā sa varā praty eti bhāti ca yad īṃ ghaṇam bhajate suprayāvabhiḥ || sutambharo yajamānasya satpatir viśvāsām ūdhaḥ sa dhiyām udañcanaḥ | bharad dhenū rasavac chiśriye payo ’nubruvāṇo adhy eti na svapan || yo jāghāra tam ṛcaḥ kāmayante yo jāghāra tam u sāmāni yanti | yo jāghāra tam ayaṃ soma āha tavāham asmi sakhye nyokāḥ || aghnir jāghāra tam ṛcaḥ kāmayante ‘ghnir jāghāra tam u sāmāni yanti | aghnir jāghāra tam ayaṃ soma āha tavāham asmi sakhye nyokāḥ ||


Rig Veda

  1. As in the first old times, as all were wont, as now, he draweth forth the power turned hitherward with song, The Princedom throned on holy grass, who findeth light, swift, conquering in the’ plants wherein he waxeth strong. 2 Shining to him who leaves heaven’s regions undisturbed, which to his sheen who is beneath show fair in light, Good guardian art thou, not to be deceived, Most Wise! Far from deceits thy name dwelleth in holy Law. 3 Truth waits upon oblation present and to come: naught checks him in his way, this vic tory- bringing Priest: The Mighty Child who glides along the sacred grass, the undecaying Youth set in the midst of plants. 4 These come, well-yoked, to you for furtherance in the rite: down come the twinborn strengtheners of Law for him, With reins easily guided and commanding all. In the deep fall the hide stealeth away their names. 5 Thou, moving beauteously in visibly pregnant ones, snatching with trees the branching plant that grasps the juice, Shinest, true Singer! mid the upholders of the voice. Increase thy Consorts thou, lively at sacrifice. 6 Like as he is beheld such is he said to be. They with effectual splendour in the floods have made Earth yield us room enough and amply wide extent, great might invincible, with store of hero sons. 7 Sūrya the Sage, as if unwedded, with a Spouse, in battle-loving spirit moveth o’er the foes. May he, self-excellent, grant us a sheltering home, a house that wards the fierce heat off on every side. 8 Thy name, sung forth by Ṛṣis in these hymns of ours, goes to the loftier One with this swift mover’s light. By skill he wins the boon whereon his heart is set: he who bestirs himself shall bring the thing to pass. 9 The chief and best of these abideth in the sea, nor doth libation fail wherein it is prolonged. The heart of him who praiseth trembleth not in fear there where the hymn is found connected with the pure. 10 For it is he: with though to of Ksatra, Manasa, of Yajata, and Sadhri, and Evavada, With Avatsara’s sweet songs will we strive to win the mightiest strength which even he who knows should gain. 11 The Hawk is their full source, girth-stretching rapturous drink of Visvavara, of Mayin, and Yajata. They ever seek a fresh draught so that they may come, know when thy time to halt and drink thy fill is near. 12 Sadaprna the holy, Tarya, Srutavit, and Bahuvrkta, joined with you, have slain the foes. He gains his wish in both the worlds and brightly shines-when he adores the host with well-advancing steeds. 13 The worshipper’s defender is Sutambhara, producer and uplifter of all holy thoughts. The milch-cow brought, sweet-flavoured milk was dealt around. Who speaks the bidding text knows this, not he who sleeps. 11 The sacred hymns love him who wakes and watches: to him who watches come the Sāma verses. This Soma saith unto the man who watches, I rest and have my dwelling in thy friendship. 15 Agni is watchful, and the gcas love him; Agni is watchful, Sāma verses seek him. Agni is watchful, to him saith this Soma, I rest and have my dwelling in thy friendship.