Rig Veda Book 5 Hymn 41 को नु वाम मित्रावरुणाव रतायन दिवो वा महः पार्थिवस्य वा दे | रतस्य वा सदसि तरासीथां नो यज्ञायते वा पशुषो न वाजान || ते नो मित्रो वरुणो अर्यमायुर इन्द्र रभुक्षा मरुतो जुषन्त | नमोभिर वा ये दधते सुव्र्क्तिं सतोमं रुद्राय मीळ्हुषे सजोषाः || आ वां येष्ठाश्विना हुवध्यै वातस्य पत्मन रथ्यस्य पुष्टौ | उत वा दिवो असुराय मन्म परान्धांसीव यज्यवे भरध्वम || पर सक्षणो दिव्यः कण्वहोता तरितो दिवः सजोषा वातो अग्निः | पूषा भगः परभ्र्थे विश्वभोजा आजिं न जग्मुर आश्वश्वतमाः || पर वो रयिं युक्ताश्वम भरध्वं राय एषे ऽवसे दधीत धीः | सुशेव एवैर औशिजस्य होता ये व एवा मरुतस तुराणाम || पर वो वायुं रथयुजं कर्णुध्वम पर देवं विप्रम पनितारम अर्कैः | इषुध्यव रतसापः पुरंधीर वस्वीर नो अत्र पत्नीर आ धिये धुः || उप व एषे वन्द्येभिः शूषैः पर यह्वी दिवश चितयद्भिर अर्कैः | उषासानक्ता विदुषीव विश्वम आ हा वहतो मर्त्याय यज्ञम || अभि वो अर्चे पोष्यावतो नॄन वास्तोष पतिं तवष्टारं रराणः | धन्या सजोषा धिषणा नमोभिर वनस्पतींर ओषधी राय एषे || तुजे नस तने पर्वताः सन्तु सवैतवो ये वसवो न वीराः | पनित आप्त्यो यजतः सदा नो वर्धान नः शंसं नर्यो अभिष्टौ || वर्ष्णो अस्तोषि भूम्यस्य गर्भं तरितो नपातम अपां सुव्र्क्ति | गर्णीते अग्निर एतरी न शूषैः शोचिष्केशो नि रिणाति वना || कथा महे रुद्रियाय बरवाम कद राये चिकितुषे भगाय | आप ओषधीर उत नो ऽवन्तु दयौर वना गिरयो वर्क्षकेशाः || शर्णोतु न ऊर्जाम पतिर गिरः स नभस तरीयां इषिरः परिज्मा | शर्ण्वन्त्व आपः पुरो न शुभ्राः परि सरुचो बब्र्हाणस्याद्रेः || विदा चिन नु महान्तो ये व एवा बरवाम दस्मा वार्यं दधानाः | वयश चन सुभ्व आव यन्ति कषुभा मर्तम अनुयतं वधस्नैः || आ दैव्यानि पार्थिवानि जन्मापश चाछा सुमखाय वोचम | वर्धन्तां दयावो गिरश चन्द्राग्रा उदा वर्धन्ताम अभिषाता अर्णाः || पदे-पदे मे जरिमा नि धायि वरूत्री वा शक्रा या पायुभिश च | सिषक्तु माता मही रसा नः समत सूरिभिर रजुहस्त रजुवनिः || कथा दाशेम नमसा सुदानून एवया मरुतो अछोक्तौ परश्रवसो मरुतो अछोक्तौ | मा नो ऽहिर बुध्न्यो रिषे धाद अस्माकम भूद उपमातिवनिः || इति चिन नु परजायै पशुमत्यै देवासो वनते मर्त्यो व आ देवासो वनते मर्त्यो वः | अत्रा शिवां तन्वो धासिम अस्या जरां चिन मे निर्र्तिर जग्रसीत || तां वो देवाः सुमतिम ऊर्जयन्तीम इषम अश्याम वसवः शसा गोः | सा नः सुदानुर मर्ळयन्ती देवी परति दरवन्ती सुविताय गम्याः || अभि न इळा यूथस्य माता समन नदीभिर उर्वशी वा गर्णातु | उर्वशी वा बर्हद्दिवा गर्णानाभ्यूर्ण्वाना परभ्र्थस्यायोः || सिषक्तु न ऊर्जव्यस्य पुष्टेः |
ko nu vām mitrāvaruṇāv ṛtāyan divo vā mahaḥ pārthivasya vā de | ṛtasya vā sadasi trāsīthāṃ no yajñāyate vā paśuṣo na vājān || te no mitro varuṇo aryamāyur indra ṛbhukṣā maruto juṣanta | namobhir vā ye dadhate suvṛktiṃ stomaṃ rudrāya mīḷhuṣe sajoṣāḥ || ā vāṃ yeṣṭhāśvinā huvadhyai vātasya patman rathyasya puṣṭau | uta vā divo asurāya manma prāndhāṃsīva yajyave bharadhvam || pra sakṣaṇo divyaḥ kaṇvahotā trito divaḥ sajoṣā vāto aghniḥ | pūṣā bhaghaḥ prabhṛthe viśvabhojā ājiṃ na jaghmur āśvaśvatamāḥ || pra vo rayiṃ yuktāśvam bharadhvaṃ rāya eṣe ‘vase dadhīta dhīḥ | suśeva evair auśijasya hotā ye va evā marutas turāṇām || pra vo vāyuṃ rathayujaṃ kṛṇudhvam pra devaṃ vipram panitāram arkaiḥ | iṣudhyava ṛtasāpaḥ puraṃdhīr vasvīr no atra patnīr ā dhiye dhuḥ || upa va eṣe vandyebhiḥ śūṣaiḥ pra yahvī divaś citayadbhir arkaiḥ | uṣāsānaktā viduṣīva viśvam ā hā vahato martyāya yajñam || abhi vo arce poṣyāvato nṝn vāstoṣ patiṃ tvaṣṭāraṃ rarāṇaḥ | dhanyā sajoṣā dhiṣaṇā namobhir vanaspatīṃr oṣadhī rāya eṣe || tuje nas tane parvatāḥ santu svaitavo ye vasavo na vīrāḥ | panita āptyo yajataḥ sadā no vardhān naḥ śaṃsaṃ naryo abhiṣṭau || vṛṣṇo astoṣi bhūmyasya gharbhaṃ trito napātam apāṃ suvṛkti | ghṛṇīte aghnir etarī na śūṣaiḥ śociṣkeśo ni riṇāti vanā || kathā mahe rudriyāya bravāma kad rāye cikituṣe bhaghāya | āpa oṣadhīr uta no ‘vantu dyaur vanā ghirayo vṛkṣakeśāḥ || śṛṇotu na ūrjām patir ghiraḥ sa nabhas tarīyāṃ iṣiraḥ parijmā | śṛṇvantv āpaḥ puro na śubhrāḥ pari sruco babṛhāṇasyādreḥ || vidā cin nu mahānto ye va evā bravāma dasmā vāryaṃ dadhānāḥ | vayaś cana subhva āva yanti kṣubhā martam anuyataṃ vadhasnaiḥ || ā daivyāni pārthivāni janmāpaś cāchā sumakhāya vocam | vardhantāṃ dyāvo ghiraś candrāghrā udā vardhantām abhiṣātā arṇāḥ || pade-pade me jarimā ni dhāyi varūtrī vā śakrā yā pāyubhiś ca | siṣaktu mātā mahī rasā naḥ smat sūribhir ṛjuhasta ṛjuvaniḥ || kathā dāśema namasā sudānūn evayā maruto achoktau praśravaso maruto achoktau | mā no ‘hir budhnyo riṣe dhād asmākam bhūd upamātivaniḥ || iti cin nu prajāyai paśumatyai devāso vanate martyo va ā devāso vanate martyo vaḥ | atrā śivāṃ tanvo dhāsim asyā jarāṃ cin me nirṛtir jaghrasīta || tāṃ vo devāḥ sumatim ūrjayantīm iṣam aśyāma vasavaḥ śasā ghoḥ | sā naḥ sudānur mṛḷayantī devī prati dravantī suvitāya ghamyāḥ || abhi na iḷā yūthasya mātā sman nadībhir urvaśī vā ghṛṇātu | urvaśī vā bṛhaddivā ghṛṇānābhyūrṇvānā prabhṛthasyāyoḥ || siṣaktu na ūrjavyasya puṣṭeḥ |
Rig Veda
- WHO, Mitra-Varuṇa, is your pious servant to give you gifts from earth or mighty heaven? Preserve us in the seat of holy Order, and give the offerer power that winneth cattle. 2 May Mitra, Varuṇa, Aryaman, and Āyu, Indra Ṛbhukṣan, and the Maruts, love us, And they who of one mind with bounteous Rudra accept the hymn and laud with adorations. 3 You will I call to feed the car-horse, Aśvins, with the wind’s flight swiftest of those who travel: Or also to the Asura of heaven, Worshipful, bring a hymn as ’twere libation. 4 The heavenly Victor, he whose priest is Kaṇva, Tṛta with Dyaus accordant, Vāta, Agni, All-feeding Pūṣan, Bhaga sought the oblation, as they whose steeds are fleetest seek the contest. 5 Bring ye your riches forward borne on horses: let thought be framed for help and gain of treasure. Blest he the priest of Auśija through courses, the courses which are yours the fleet, O Maruts. 6 Bring hither him who yokes the car, your Vāyu, who praises with his songs, the God and Singer; And, praying and devout, noble and prudent, may the Gods’ Spouses in their thoughts retain us. 7 I speed to you with powers that should be honoured, with songs distinguishing Heaven’s mighty Daughters, Morning and Night, the Two, as ’twere all-knowing: these bring the sacrifice unto the mortal. 8 You I extol, the nourishers of heroes bringing you gifts, Vastospati and Tvaṣṭar- Rich Dhiṣaṇā accords through our obeisance - andTrees and Plants, for the swift gain of riches. 9 Ours be the Parvatas, even they, for offspring, free-moving, who are Heroes like the Vasus. May holy Āptya, Friend of man, exalted, strengthen our word for ever and be near us. 10 Tṛta praised him, germ of the earthly hero, with pure songs him the Offspring of the Waters. Agn; with might neighs loudly like a charger: he of the flaming hair destroys the forests. 11 How shall we speak to the great might of Rudra? How speak to Bhaga who takes thought for riches? May Plants, the Waters, and the Sky preserve us, and Woods and Mountains with their trees for tresses. 12 May the swift Wanderer, Lord of refreshments listen to our songs, who speeds throuih cloudy heaven: And may the Waters, bright like castles, hear us, as they flow onward from the cloven mountain. 13 We know your ways, ye Mighty Ones receiving choice meed, ye Wonderful, we will proclaim it. Even strong birds descend not to the mortal who strives to reach them with swift blow and weapons. 14 Celestial and terrestrial generations, and Waters will I summon to the feasting. May days with bright dawns cause my songs to prosper, and may the conquered streams increase their waters. 15 Duly to each one hath my laud been offered. Strong be Varūtrī with her powers to succour. May the great Mother Rasā here befriend us, straight-handed, with the princes, striving forward. 16 How may we serve the Liberal Ones with worship, the Maruts swift of course in invocation, the Maruts far-renowned in invocation? Let not the Dragon of the Deep annoy us, and gladly may he welcome our addresses. 17 Thus thinking, O ye Gods, the mortal wins you to give him increase of his herds of cattle: the mortal wins him, O ye Gods, your favour. Here he wins wholesome food to feed this body: as for mine old age, Nirrti consume it 18 O Gods, may we obtain from you this favour, strengthening food through the Cow’s praise, ye Vasus. May she who gives good gifts, the gracious Goddes. s, come speeding nigh to us for our well-being. 19 May Iḷā, Mother of the herds of cattle, and Urvasi with all the streams accept us; May Urvasi in lofty heaven accepting, as she partakes the oblation of the living, 20 Visit us while she shares Urjavya’s food.