Rig Veda Book 5 Hymn 39 यद इन्द्र चित्र मेहनास्ति तवादातम अद्रिवः | राधस तन नो विदद्वस उभयाहस्त्य आ भर || यन मन्यसे वरेण्यम इन्द्र दयुक्षं तद आ भर | विद्याम तस्य ते वयम अकूपारस्य दावने || यत ते दित्सु परराध्यम मनो अस्ति शरुतम बर्हत | तेन दर्ळ्हा चिद अद्रिव आ वाजं दर्षि सातये || मंहिष्ठं वो मघोनां राजानं चर्षणीनाम | इन्द्रम उप परशस्तये पूर्वीभिर जुजुषे गिरः || अस्मा इत काव्यं वच उक्थम इन्द्राय शंस्यम | तस्मा उ बरह्मवाहसे गिरो वर्धन्त्य अत्रयो गिरः शुम्भन्त्य अत्रयः ||
yad indra citra mehanāsti tvādātam adrivaḥ | rādhas tan no vidadvasa ubhayāhasty ā bhara || yan manyase vareṇyam indra dyukṣaṃ tad ā bhara | vidyāma tasya te vayam akūpārasya dāvane || yat te ditsu prarādhyam mano asti śrutam bṛhat | tena dṛḷhā cid adriva ā vājaṃ darṣi sātaye || maṃhiṣṭhaṃ vo maghonāṃ rājānaṃ carṣaṇīnām | indram upa praśastaye pūrvībhir jujuṣe ghiraḥ || asmā it kāvyaṃ vaca uktham indrāya śaṃsyam | tasmā u brahmavāhase ghiro vardhanty atrayo ghiraḥ śumbhanty atrayaḥ ||
Rig Veda
- STONE-DARTING Indra. Wondrous One, what wealth is richly given from thee, That bounty, Treasure-Finder! bring filling both thy hands, to us. 2 Bring what thou deemest worth the wish, O Indra, that which is in heaven. So may we know thee as thou art, boundless in thy munificence. 3 Thy lofty spirit, far-renowned as fain to give and prompt to win,— With this thou rendest e’en the firm, Stone-Darter! so to gain thee strength. 4 Singers with many songs have made Indra propitious to their fame, Him who is King of human kind, most liberal of your wealthy ones. 5 To him, to Indra must be sung the poet’s word, the hymn of praise. To him, accepter of the prayer, the Atris raise their songs on high, the Atris beautify their songs.