
Rig Veda Book 5 Hymn 36 स आ गमद इन्द्रो यो वसूनां चिकेतद दातुं दामनो रयीणाम | धन्वचरो न वंसगस तर्षाणश चकमानः पिबतु दुग्धम अंशुम || आ ते हनू हरिवः शूर शिप्रे रुहत सोमो न पर्वतस्य पर्ष्ठे | अनु तवा राजन्न अर्वतो न हिन्वन गीर्भिर मदेम पुरुहूत विश्वे || चक्रं न वर्त्तम पुरुहूत वेपते मनो भिया मे अमतेर इद अद्रिवः | रथाद अधि तवा जरिता सदाव्र्ध कुविन नु सतोषन मघवन पुरूवसुः || एष गरावेव जरिता त इन्द्रेयर्ति वाचम बर्हद आशुषाणः | पर सव्येन मघवन यंसि रायः पर दक्षिणिद धरिवो मा वि वेनः || वर्षा तवा वर्षणं वर्धतु दयौर वर्षा वर्षभ्यां वहसे हरिभ्याम | स नो वर्षा वर्षरथः सुशिप्र वर्षक्रतो वर्षा वज्रिन भरे धाः || यो रोहितौ वाजिनौ वाजिनीवान तरिभिः शतैः सचमानाव अदिष्ट | यूने सम अस्मै कषितयो नमन्तां शरुतरथाय मरुतो दुवोया ||

sa ā ghamad indro yo vasūnāṃ ciketad dātuṃ dāmano rayīṇām | dhanvacaro na vaṃsaghas tṛṣāṇaś cakamānaḥ pibatu dughdham aṃśum || ā te hanū harivaḥ śūra śipre ruhat somo na parvatasya pṛṣṭhe | anu tvā rājann arvato na hinvan ghīrbhir madema puruhūta viśve || cakraṃ na vṛttam puruhūta vepate mano bhiyā me amater id adrivaḥ | rathād adhi tvā jaritā sadāvṛdha kuvin nu stoṣan maghavan purūvasuḥ || eṣa ghrāveva jaritā ta indreyarti vācam bṛhad āśuṣāṇaḥ | pra savyena maghavan yaṃsi rāyaḥ pra dakṣiṇid dharivo mā vi venaḥ || vṛṣā tvā vṛṣaṇaṃ vardhatu dyaur vṛṣā vṛṣabhyāṃ vahase haribhyām | sa no vṛṣā vṛṣarathaḥ suśipra vṛṣakrato vṛṣā vajrin bhare dhāḥ || yo rohitau vājinau vājinīvān tribhiḥ śataiḥ sacamānāv adiṣṭa | yūne sam asmai kṣitayo namantāṃ śrutarathāya maruto duvoyā ||


Rig Veda

  1. MAY Indra come to us, he who knows rightly to give forth treasures from his store of riches. Even as a thirsty steer who roams the deserts may he drink eagerly the milked-out Soma. 2 Lord of Bay Horses, Hero, may the Soma rise to thy cheeks and jaws like mountain-ridges. May we, O King, as he who driveth coursers, all joy in thee with hymns, invoked of many! 3 Invoked of many, Caster of the Stone my heart quakes like a rolling wheel for fear of penury. Shall not Puruvasu the singer give thee praise, O ever-prospering Maghavan, mounted on thy car? 4 Like the press-stone is this thy praiser, Indra. Loudly he lifts his voice with strong endeavour. With thy left hand, O Maghavan, give us riches: with thy right, Lord of Bays, be not reluctant. 5 May the strong Heaven make thee the Strong wax stronger: Strong, thou art borne by thy two strong Bay Horses. So, fair of cheek, with mighty chariot, mighty, uphold us, strong-willed, thunderarmed, in battle. 6 Maruts, let all the people in obeisance bow down before this youthful Srutaratha, Who, rich in steeds, gave me two dark red horses together with three hundred head of cattle.