Rig Veda Book 5 Hymn 20 यम अग्ने वाजसातम तवं चिन मन्यसे रयिम | तं नो गीर्भिः शरवाय्यं देवत्रा पनया युजम || ये अग्ने नेरयन्ति ते वर्द्धा उग्रस्य शवसः | अप दवेषो अप हवरो ऽनयव्रतस्य सश्चिरे || होतारं तवा वर्णीमहे ऽगने दक्षस्य साधनम | यज्ञेषु पूर्व्यं गिरा परयस्वन्तो हवामहे || इत्था यथा त ऊतये सहसावन दिवे-दिवे | राय रताय सुक्रतो गोभिः षयाम सधमादो वीरैः सयाम सधमादः ||
yam aghne vājasātama tvaṃ cin manyase rayim | taṃ no ghīrbhiḥ śravāyyaṃ devatrā panayā yujam || ye aghne nerayanti te vṛddhā ughrasya śavasaḥ | apa dveṣo apa hvaro ’nyavratasya saścire || hotāraṃ tvā vṛṇīmahe ‘ghne dakṣasya sādhanam | yajñeṣu pūrvyaṃ ghirā prayasvanto havāmahe || itthā yathā ta ūtaye sahasāvan dive-dive | rāya ṛtāya sukrato ghobhiḥ ṣyāma sadhamādo vīraiḥ syāma sadhamādaḥ ||
Rig Veda
- AGNI, best winner of the spoil, cause us to praise before the Gods As our associate meet for lauds, wealth which thou verily deemest wealth. 2 Agni, the great who ward not off the anger of thy power and might Stir up the wrath and hatred due to one who holds an alien creed. 3 Thee, Agni, would we choose as Priest, the perfecter of strength and skill; We who bring sacred food invoke with song thee Chief at holy rites. 4 Here as is needful for thine aid we toil, O Conqueror, day by day, For wealth, for Law. May we rejoice, Most Wise One! at the feast, with kine, rejoice, with heroes, at the feast.