Rig Veda Book 5 Hymn 12 पराग्नये बर्हते यज्ञियाय रतस्य वर्ष्णे असुराय मन्म | घर्तं न यज्ञ आस्य सुपूतं गिरम भरे वर्षभाय परतीचीम || रतं चिकित्व रतम इच चिकिद्ध्य रतस्य धारा अनु तर्न्धि पूर्वीः | नाहं यातुं सहसा न दवयेन रतं सपाम्य अरुषस्य वर्ष्णः || कया नो अग्न रतयन्न रतेन भुवो नवेदा उचथस्य नव्यः | वेदा मे देव रतुपा रतूनां नाहम पतिं सनितुर अस्य रायः || के ते अग्ने रिपवे बन्धनासः के पायवः सनिषन्त दयुमन्तः | के धासिम अग्ने अन्र्तस्य पान्ति क आसतो वचसः सन्ति गोपाः || सखायस ते विषुणा अग्न एते शिवासः सन्तो अशिवा अभूवन | अधूर्षत सवयम एते वचोभिर रजूयते वर्जिनानि बरुवन्तः || यस ते अग्ने नमसा यज्ञम ईट्ट रतं स पात्य अरुषस्य वर्ष्णः | तस्य कषयः पर्थुर आ साधुर एतु परसर्स्राणस्य नहुषस्य शेषः ||
prāghnaye bṛhate yajñiyāya ṛtasya vṛṣṇe asurāya manma | ghṛtaṃ na yajña āsy supūtaṃ ghiram bhare vṛṣabhāya pratīcīm || ṛtaṃ cikitva ṛtam ic cikiddhy ṛtasya dhārā anu tṛndhi pūrvīḥ | nāhaṃ yātuṃ sahasā na dvayena ṛtaṃ sapāmy aruṣasya vṛṣṇaḥ || kayā no aghna ṛtayann ṛtena bhuvo navedā ucathasya navyaḥ | vedā me deva ṛtupā ṛtūnāṃ nāham patiṃ sanitur asya rāyaḥ || ke te aghne ripave bandhanāsaḥ ke pāyavaḥ saniṣanta dyumantaḥ | ke dhāsim aghne anṛtasya pānti ka āsato vacasaḥ santi ghopāḥ || sakhāyas te viṣuṇā aghna ete śivāsaḥ santo aśivā abhūvan | adhūrṣata svayam ete vacobhir ṛjūyate vṛjināni bruvantaḥ || yas te aghne namasā yajñam īṭṭa ṛtaṃ sa pāty aruṣasya vṛṣṇaḥ | tasya kṣayaḥ pṛthur ā sādhur etu prasarsrāṇasya nahuṣasya śeṣaḥ ||
Rig Veda
- To Agni, lofty Asura, meet for worship, Steer of eternal Law, my prayer I offer; I bring my song directed to the Mighty like pure oil for his mouth at sacrifices. 2 Mark the Law, thou who knowest, yea, observe it: send forth the full streams of eternal Order. I use no sorcery with might or falsehood the sacred Law of the Red Steer I follow. 3 How hast thou, follower of the Law eternal, become the knower of a new song, Agni? The God, the Guardian of the seasons, knows me: the Lord of him who won this wealth I know not. 4 Who, Agni, in alliance with thy foeman, what splendid helpers won for them their riches? Agni, who guard the dwelling-place of falsehood? Who are protectors of the speech of liars? 5 Agni, those friends of thine have turned them from thee: gracious of old, they have become ungracious. They have deceived themselves by their own speeches, uttering wicked words against the righteous. 6 He who pays sacrifice to thee with homage, O Agni, keeps the Red Steer’s Law eternal; Wide is his dwelling. May the noble offspring of Nahuṣa who wandered forth come hither.