Rig Veda Book 4 Hymn 41 इन्द्रा को वां वरुणा सुम्नम आप सतोमो हविष्मां अम्र्तो न होता | यो वां हर्दि करतुमां अस्मद उक्तः पस्पर्शद इन्द्रावरुणा नमस्वान || इन्द्रा ह यो वरुणा चक्र आपी देवौ मर्तः सख्याय परयस्वान | स हन्ति वर्त्रा समिथेषु शत्रून अवोभिर वा महद्भिः स पर शर्ण्वे || इन्द्रा ह रत्नं वरुणा धेष्ठेत्था नर्भ्यः शशमानेभ्यस ता | यदी सखाया सख्याय सोमैः सुतेभिः सुप्रयसा मादयैते || इन्द्रा युवं वरुणा दिद्युम अस्मिन्न ओजिष्ठम उग्रा नि वधिष्टं वज्रम | यो नो दुरेवो वर्कतिर दभीतिस तस्मिन मिमाथाम अभिभूत्य ओजः || इन्द्रा युवं वरुणा भूतम अस्या धियः परेतारा वर्षभेव धेनोः | सा नो दुहीयद यवसेव गत्वी सहस्रधारा पयसा मही गौः || तोके हिते तनय उर्वरासु सूरो दर्शीके वर्षणश च पौंस्ये | इन्द्रा नो अत्र वरुणा सयाताम अवोभिर दस्मा परितक्म्यायाम || युवाम इद धय अवसे पूर्व्याय परि परभूती गविषः सवापी | वर्णीमहे सख्याय परियाय शूरा मंहिष्ठा पितरेव शम्भू || ता वां धियो ऽवसे वाजयन्तीर आजिं न जग्मुर युवयूः सुदानू | शरिये न गाव उप सोमम अस्थुर इन्द्रं गिरो वरुणम मे मनीषाः || इमा इन्द्रं वरुणम मे मनीषा अग्मन्न उप दरविणम इछमानाः | उपेम अस्थुर जोष्टार इव वस्वो रघ्वीर इव शरवसो भिक्षमाणाः || अश्व्यस्य तमना रथ्यस्य पुष्टेर नित्यस्य रायः पतयः सयाम | ता चक्राणा ऊतिभिर नव्यसीभिर अस्मत्रा रायो नियुतः सचन्ताम || आ नो बर्हन्ता बर्हतीभिर ऊती इन्द्र यातं वरुण वाजसातौ | यद दिद्यवः पर्तनासु परक्रीळान तस्य वां सयाम सनितार आजेः ||
indrā ko vāṃ varuṇā sumnam āpa stomo haviṣmāṃ amṛto na hotā | yo vāṃ hṛdi kratumāṃ asmad uktaḥ pasparśad indrāvaruṇā namasvān || indrā ha yo varuṇā cakra āpī devau martaḥ sakhyāya prayasvān | sa hanti vṛtrā samitheṣu śatrūn avobhir vā mahadbhiḥ sa pra śṛṇve || indrā ha ratnaṃ varuṇā dheṣṭhetthā nṛbhyaḥ śaśamānebhyas tā | yadī sakhāyā sakhyāya somaiḥ sutebhiḥ suprayasā mādayaite || indrā yuvaṃ varuṇā didyum asminn ojiṣṭham ughrā ni vadhiṣṭaṃ vajram | yo no durevo vṛkatir dabhītis tasmin mimāthām abhibhūty ojaḥ || indrā yuvaṃ varuṇā bhūtam asyā dhiyaḥ pretārā vṛṣabheva dhenoḥ | sā no duhīyad yavaseva ghatvī sahasradhārā payasā mahī ghauḥ || toke hite tanaya urvarāsu sūro dṛśīke vṛṣaṇaś ca pauṃsye | indrā no atra varuṇā syātām avobhir dasmā paritakmyāyām || yuvām id dhy avase pūrvyāya pari prabhūtī ghaviṣaḥ svāpī | vṛṇīmahe sakhyāya priyāya śūrā maṃhiṣṭhā pitareva śambhū || tā vāṃ dhiyo ‘vase vājayantīr ājiṃ na jaghmur yuvayūḥ sudānū | śriye na ghāva upa somam asthur indraṃ ghiro varuṇam me manīṣāḥ || imā indraṃ varuṇam me manīṣā aghmann upa draviṇam ichamānāḥ | upem asthur joṣṭāra iva vasvo raghvīr iva śravaso bhikṣamāṇāḥ || aśvyasya tmanā rathyasya puṣṭer nityasya rāyaḥ patayaḥ syāma | tā cakrāṇā ūtibhir navyasībhir asmatrā rāyo niyutaḥ sacantām || ā no bṛhantā bṛhatībhir ūtī indra yātaṃ varuṇa vājasātau | yad didyavaḥ pṛtanāsu prakrīḷān tasya vāṃ syāma sanitāra ājeḥ ||
Rig Veda
- WHAT laud, O Indra-Varuṇa, with oblation, hath like the Immortal Priest obtained your favour? Hath our effectual laud, addressed with homage, touched you, O Indra-Varuṇa, in spirit? 2 He who with dainty food hath won you, Indra and Varuṇa, Gods, as his allies to friendship, Slayeth the Vṛtras and his foes in battles, and through your mighty favours is made famous. 3 Indra and Varuṇa are most liberal givers of treasure to the men who toil to serve them, When they, as Friends inclined to friendship, honoured with dainty food, delight in flowing Soma. 4 Indra and Varuṇa, ye hurl, O Mighty, on him your strongest flashing bolt of thunder Who treats us ill, the robber and oppressor: measure on him your overwhelming vigour. 5 O Indra-Varuṇa, be ye the lovers of this my song, as steers who love the milch-Cow. Milk may it yield us as, gone forth to pasture, the great Cow pouring out her thousand rivers. 6 For fertile fields, for worthy sons and grandsons, for the Sun’s beauty and for steer-like vigour, May Indra-Varuṇa with gracious favours work marvels for us in the stress of battle. 7 For you, as Princes, for your ancient kindness, good comrades of the man who seeks for booty, We choose to us for the dear bond of friendship, most liberal Heroes bringing bliss like parents. 8 Showing their strength, these hymns for grace, Free-givers I have gone to you, devoted, as to battle. For glory have they gone, as milk to Soma, to Indra-Varuṇa my thoughts and praises. 9 To Indra and to Varuṇa, desirous of gaining wealth have these my thoughts proceeded. They have come nigh to you as treasure-lovers, like mares, fleet-footed, eager for the glory. 10 May we ourselves be lords of during riches, of ample sustenance for car and hones. So may the Twain who work with newest succours bring yoked teams hitherward to us and riches. 11 Come with your mighty succours, O ye Mighty; come, Indra-Varuṇa, to us in battle. What time the flashing arrows play in combat, may we through you be winners in the contest.