
Rig Veda Book 4 Hymn 39 आशुं दधिक्रां तम उ नु षटवाम दिवस पर्थिव्या उत चर्किराम | उछन्तीर माम उषसः सूदयन्त्व अति विश्वानि दुरितानि पर्षन || महश चर्कर्म्य अर्वतः करतुप्रा दधिक्राव्णः पुरुवारस्य वर्ष्णः | यम पूरुभ्यो दीदिवांसं नाग्निं ददथुर मित्रावरुणा ततुरिम || यो अश्वस्य दधिक्राव्णो अकारीत समिद्धे अग्ना उषसो वयुष्टौ | अनागसं तम अदितिः कर्णोतु स मित्रेण वरुणेना सजोषाः || दधिक्राव्ण इष ऊर्जो महो यद अमन्महि मरुतां नाम भद्रम | सवस्तये वरुणम मित्रम अग्निं हवामह इन्द्रं वज्रबाहुम || इन्द्रम इवेद उभये वि हवयन्त उदीराणा यज्ञम उपप्रयन्तः | दधिक्राम उ सूदनम मर्त्याय ददथुर मित्रावरुणा नो अश्वम || दधिक्राव्णो अकारिषं जिष्णोर अश्वस्य वाजिनः | सुरभि नो मुखा करत पर ण आयूंषि तारिषत ||

āśuṃ dadhikrāṃ tam u nu ṣṭavāma divas pṛthivyā uta carkirāma | uchantīr mām uṣasaḥ sūdayantv ati viśvāni duritāni parṣan || mahaś carkarmy arvataḥ kratuprā dadhikrāvṇaḥ puruvārasya vṛṣṇaḥ | yam pūrubhyo dīdivāṃsaṃ nāghniṃ dadathur mitrāvaruṇā taturim || yo aśvasya dadhikrāvṇo akārīt samiddhe aghnā uṣaso vyuṣṭau | anāghasaṃ tam aditiḥ kṛṇotu sa mitreṇa varuṇenā sajoṣāḥ || dadhikrāvṇa iṣa ūrjo maho yad amanmahi marutāṃ nāma bhadram | svastaye varuṇam mitram aghniṃ havāmaha indraṃ vajrabāhum || indram ived ubhaye vi hvayanta udīrāṇā yajñam upaprayantaḥ | dadhikrām u sūdanam martyāya dadathur mitrāvaruṇā no aśvam || dadhikrāvṇo akāriṣaṃ jiṣṇor aśvasya vājinaḥ | surabhi no mukhā karat pra ṇa āyūṃṣi tāriṣat ||


Rig Veda

  1. Now give we praise to Dadhikrās the rapid, and mention in our laud the Earth and Heaven. May the Dawns flushing move me to exertion, and bear me safely over every trouble. 2 I praise the mighty Steed who fills my spirit, the Stallion Dadhikrāvan rich in bounties, Whom, swift of foot and shining bright as Agni, ye, Varuṇa and Mitra, gave to Pūrus. 3 Him who hath honoured, when the flame is kindled at break of dawn, the Courser Dadhikrāvan, Him, of one mind with Varuṇa and Mitra may Aditi make free from all transgression. 4 When we remember mighty Dadhikrāvan our food and strength, then the blest name of Maruts, Varuṇa, Mitra, we invoke for welfare, and Agni, and the thunder-wielding Indra. 5 Both sides invoke him as they call on Indra when they stir forth and turn to sacrificing. To us have Varuṇa and Mitra granted the Courser Dadhikrās, a guide for mortals. 6 So have I glorified with praise strong Dadhikrāvan, conquering Steed. Sweet may he make our mouths; may he prolong the days we have to live.