
Rig Veda Book 4 Hymn 30 नकिर इन्द्र तवद उत्तरो न जयायां अस्ति वर्त्रहन | नकिर एवा यथा तवम || सत्रा ते अनु कर्ष्टयो विश्वा चक्रेव वाव्र्तुः | सत्रा महां असि शरुतः || विश्वे चनेद अना तवा देवास इन्द्र युयुधुः | यद अहा नक्तम आतिरः || यत्रोत बाधितेभ्यश चक्रं कुत्साय युध्यते | मुषाय इन्द्र सूर्यम || यत्र देवां रघायतो विश्वां अयुध्य एक इत | तवम इन्द्र वनूंर अहन || यत्रोत मर्त्याय कम अरिणा इन्द्र सूर्यम | परावः शचीभिर एतशम || किम आद उतासि वर्त्रहन मघवन मन्युमत्तमः | अत्राह दानुम आतिरः || एतद घेद उत वीर्यम इन्द्र चकर्थ पौंस्यम | सत्रियं यद दुर्हणायुवं वधीर दुहितरं दिवः || दिवश चिद घा दुहितरम महान महीयमानाम | उषासम इन्द्र सम पिणक || अपोषा अनसः सरत सम्पिष्टाद अह बिभ्युषी | नि यत सीं शिश्नथद वर्षा || एतद अस्या अनः शये सुसम्पिष्टं विपाश्य आ | ससार सीम परावतः || उत सिन्धुं विबाल्यं वितस्थानाम अधि कषमि | परि षठा इन्द्र मायया || उत शुष्णस्य धर्ष्णुया पर मर्क्षो अभि वेदनम | पुरो यद अस्य सम्पिणक || उत दासं कौलितरम बर्हतः पर्वताद अधि | अवाहन्न इन्द्र शम्बरम || उत दासस्य वर्चिनः सहस्राणि शतावधीः | अधि पञ्च परधींर इव || उत तयम पुत्रम अग्रुवः पराव्र्क्तं शतक्रतुः | उक्थेष्व इन्द्र आभजत || उत तया तुर्वशायदू अस्नातारा शचीपतिः | इन्द्रो विद्वां अपारयत || उत तया सद्य आर्या सरयोर इन्द्र पारतः | अर्णाचित्ररथावधीः || अनु दवा जहिता नयो ऽनधं शरोणं च वर्त्रहन | न तत ते सुम्नम अष्टवे || शतम अश्मन्मयीनाम पुराम इन्द्रो वय आस्यत | दिवोदासाय दाशुषे || अस्वापयद दभीतये सहस्रा तरिंशतं हथैः | दासानाम इन्द्रो मायया || स घेद उतासि वर्त्रहन समान इन्द्र गोपतिः | यस ता विश्वानि चिच्युषे || उत नूनं यद इन्द्रियं करिष्या इन्द्र पौंस्यम | अद्या नकिष टद आ मिनत || वामं-वामं त आदुरे देवो ददात्व अर्यमा | वामम पूषा वामम भगो वामं देवः करूळती ||

nakir indra tvad uttaro na jyāyāṃ asti vṛtrahan | nakir evā yathā tvam || satrā te anu kṛṣṭayo viśvā cakreva vāvṛtuḥ | satrā mahāṃ asi śrutaḥ || viśve caned anā tvā devāsa indra yuyudhuḥ | yad ahā naktam ātiraḥ || yatrota bādhitebhyaś cakraṃ kutsāya yudhyate | muṣāya indra sūryam || yatra devāṃ ṛghāyato viśvāṃ ayudhya eka it | tvam indra vanūṃr ahan || yatrota martyāya kam ariṇā indra sūryam | prāvaḥ śacībhir etaśam || kim ād utāsi vṛtrahan maghavan manyumattamaḥ | atrāha dānum ātiraḥ || etad ghed uta vīryam indra cakartha pauṃsyam | striyaṃ yad durhaṇāyuvaṃ vadhīr duhitaraṃ divaḥ || divaś cid ghā duhitaram mahān mahīyamānām | uṣāsam indra sam piṇak || apoṣā anasaḥ sarat sampiṣṭād aha bibhyuṣī | ni yat sīṃ śiśnathad vṛṣā || etad asyā anaḥ śaye susampiṣṭaṃ vipāśy ā | sasāra sīm parāvataḥ || uta sindhuṃ vibālyaṃ vitasthānām adhi kṣami | pari ṣṭhā indra māyayā || uta śuṣṇasya dhṛṣṇuyā pra mṛkṣo abhi vedanam | puro yad asya sampiṇak || uta dāsaṃ kaulitaram bṛhataḥ parvatād adhi | avāhann indra śambaram || uta dāsasya varcinaḥ sahasrāṇi śatāvadhīḥ | adhi pañca pradhīṃr iva || uta tyam putram aghruvaḥ parāvṛktaṃ śatakratuḥ | uktheṣv indra ābhajat || uta tyā turvaśāyadū asnātārā śacīpatiḥ | indro vidvāṃ apārayat || uta tyā sadya āryā sarayor indra pārataḥ | arṇācitrarathāvadhīḥ || anu dvā jahitā nayo ’ndhaṃ śroṇaṃ ca vṛtrahan | na tat te sumnam aṣṭave || śatam aśmanmayīnām purām indro vy āsyat | divodāsāya dāśuṣe || asvāpayad dabhītaye sahasrā triṃśataṃ hathaiḥ | dāsānām indro māyayā || sa ghed utāsi vṛtrahan samāna indra ghopatiḥ | yas tā viśvāni cicyuṣe || uta nūnaṃ yad indriyaṃ kariṣyā indra pauṃsyam | adyā nakiṣ ṭad ā minat || vāmaṃ-vāmaṃ ta ādure devo dadātv aryamā | vāmam pūṣā vāmam bhagho vāmaṃ devaḥ karūḷatī ||


Rig Veda

  1. O INDRA, Vṛtra-slayer, none is better, mightier than thou: Verily there is none like thee. 2 Like chariot-wheels these people all together follow after thee: Thou ever art renowned as Great. 3 Not even all the gathered Gods conquered thee, Indra, in the war, When thou didst lengthen days by night. 4 When for the sake of those oppressed, and Kutsa as he battled, Thou stolest away the Sun’s car-wheel. 5 When, fighting singly, Indra. thou o’ercamest all the furious Gods, thou slewest those who strove with thee. 6 When also for a mortal man, Indra, thou speddest forth the Sun, And holpest Etaśa with might. 7 What? Vṛtra-slayer, art not thou, Maghavan, fiercest in thy wrath? So hast thou quelled the demon too. 8 And this heroic deed of might thou, Indra, also hast achieved, That thou didst smite to death the Dame, Heaven’s Daughter, meditating ill. 9 Thou, Indra, Mighty One, didst crush Uṣas, though Daughter of the Sky. When lifting up herself in pride. 10 Then from her chariot Uṣas fled, affrighted, from her ruined car. When the strong God had shattered it. 11 So there this car of Uṣas lay, broken to pieces, in Vipāś, And she herself fled far away. 12 Thou, Indra, didst. with magic power resist the overflowing stream Who spread her waters o’er the land. 13 Valiantly didst thou seize and take the store which Śuṣṇa had amassed, When thou didst crush his fortresses. 14 Thou, Indra, also smotest down Kulitara’s son Śambara, The Dāsa, from the lofty hill. 15 Of Dāsa Varcin’s thou didst slay the hundred thousand and the five, Crushed like the fellies, of a car. 16 So Indra, Lord of Heroes, Powers, caused the unwedded damsel’s son, The castaway, to share the lauds. 17 So sapient Indra, Lord of Might, brought Turvaśa and Yadu, those Who feared the flood, in safety o’er. 18 Arṇa and Citraratha, both Āryas, thou, Indra, slewest swift, On yonder side of Sarayu, 19 Thou, Vṛtra-slayer, didst conduct those two forlorn, the blind, the lame. None may attain this bliss of thine. 20 For Divodāsa, him who brought oblations, Indra overthrew A hundred fortresses of stone. 21 The thirty thousand Dāsas he with magic power and weapons sent To slumber, for Dabhīti’s sake. 22 As such, O Vṛtra-slayer, thou art general Lord of kine for all, Thou Shaker of all things that be. 23 Indra, whatever deed of might thou hast this day to execute, None be there now to hinder it. 24 O Watchful One, may Aryaman the God give thee all goodly things. May Pūṣan, Bhaga, and the God Karūḷatī give all things fair.