Rig Veda Book 4 Hymn 11 भद्रं ते अग्ने सहसिन्न अनीकम उपाक आ रोचते सूर्यस्य | रुशद दर्शे दद्र्शे नक्तया चिद अरूक्षितं दर्श आ रूपे अन्नम || वि षाह्य अग्ने गर्णते मनीषां खं वेपसा तुविजात सतवानः | विश्वेभिर यद वावनः शुक्र देवैस तन नो रास्व सुमहो भूरि मन्म || तवद अग्ने काव्या तवन मनीषास तवद उक्था जायन्ते राध्यानि | तवद एति दरविणं वीरपेशा इत्थाधिये दाशुषे मर्त्याय || तवद वाजी वाजम्भरो विहाया अभिष्टिक्र्ज जायते सत्यशुष्मः | तवद रयिर देवजूतो मयोभुस तवद आशुर जूजुवां अग्ने अर्वा || तवाम अग्ने परथमं देवयन्तो देवम मर्ता अम्र्त मन्द्रजिह्वम | दवेषोयुतम आ विवासन्ति धीभिर दमूनसं गर्हपतिम अमूरम || आरे अस्मद अमतिम आरे अंह आरे विश्वां दुर्मतिं यन निपासि | दोषा शिवः सहसः सूनो अग्ने यं देव आ चित सचसे सवस्ति ||
bhadraṃ te aghne sahasinn anīkam upāka ā rocate sūryasya | ruśad dṛśe dadṛśe naktayā cid arūkṣitaṃ dṛśa ā rūpe annam || vi ṣāhy aghne ghṛṇate manīṣāṃ khaṃ vepasā tuvijāta stavānaḥ | viśvebhir yad vāvanaḥ śukra devais tan no rāsva sumaho bhūri manma || tvad aghne kāvyā tvan manīṣās tvad ukthā jāyante rādhyāni | tvad eti draviṇaṃ vīrapeśā itthādhiye dāśuṣe martyāya || tvad vājī vājambharo vihāyā abhiṣṭikṛj jāyate satyaśuṣmaḥ | tvad rayir devajūto mayobhus tvad āśur jūjuvāṃ aghne arvā || tvām aghne prathamaṃ devayanto devam martā amṛta mandrajihvam | dveṣoyutam ā vivāsanti dhībhir damūnasaṃ ghṛhapatim amūram || āre asmad amatim āre aṃha āre viśvāṃ durmatiṃ yan nipāsi | doṣā śivaḥ sahasaḥ sūno aghne yaṃ deva ā cit sacase svasti ||
Rig Veda
- THY blessed majesty, victorious Agni, shines brightly in the neighbourhood of Sūrya. Splendid to see, it shows even at nighttime, and food is fair to look on in thy beauty. 2 Agni, disclose his thought for him who singeth, the well, Strong God! while thou art praised with fervour. Vouchsafe to us that powerful hymn, O Mighty, which, Radiant One! with all the Gods thou lovest. 3 From thee, O Agni, springs poetic wisdom, from thee come thoughts and hymns of praise that prosper; From thee flows wealth, with heroes to adorn it, to the true-hearted man who gives oblation. 4 From thee the hero springs who wins the booty, bringer of help, mighty, of real courage. From thee comes wealth, sent by the Gods, bliss-giving; Agni, from thee the fleet impetuous charger. 5 Immortal Agni, thee whose voice is pleasant, as first in rank, as God, religious mortals Invite with hymns; thee who removest hatred, Friend of the Home, the household’s Lord, unerring. 6 Far from us thou removest want and sorrow, far from us all ill-will when thou protectest. Son of Strength, Agni, blest is he at evening, whom thou as God attendest for his welfare.