Rig Veda Book 4 Hymn 10 अग्ने तम अद्याश्वं न सतोमैः करतुं न भद्रं हर्दिस्प्र्शम | रध्यामा त ओहैः || अधा हय अग्ने करतोर भद्रस्य दक्षस्य साधोः | रथीर रतस्य बर्हतो बभूथ || एभिर नो अर्कैर भवा नो अर्वाङ सवर ण जयोतिः | अग्ने विश्वेभिः सुमना अनीकैः || आभिष टे अद्य गीर्भिर गर्णन्तो ऽगने दाशेम | पर ते दिवो न सतनयन्ति शुष्माः || तव सवादिष्ठाग्ने संद्र्ष्टिर इदा चिद अह्न इदा चिद अक्तोः | शरिये रुक्मो न रोचत उपाके || घर्तं न पूतं तनूर अरेपाः शुचि हिरण्यम | तत ते रुक्मो न रोचत सवधावः || कर्तं चिद धि षमा सनेमि दवेषो ऽगन इनोषि मर्तात | इत्था यजमानाद रतावः || शिवा नः सख्या सन्तु भरात्राग्ने देवेषु युष्मे | सा नो नाभिः सदने सस्मिन्न ऊधन ||
aghne tam adyāśvaṃ na stomaiḥ kratuṃ na bhadraṃ hṛdispṛśam | ṛdhyāmā ta ohaiḥ || adhā hy aghne krator bhadrasya dakṣasya sādhoḥ | rathīr ṛtasya bṛhato babhūtha || ebhir no arkair bhavā no arvāṅ svar ṇa jyotiḥ | aghne viśvebhiḥ sumanā anīkaiḥ || ābhiṣ ṭe adya ghīrbhir ghṛṇanto ‘ghne dāśema | pra te divo na stanayanti śuṣmāḥ || tava svādiṣṭhāghne saṃdṛṣṭir idā cid ahna idā cid aktoḥ | śriye rukmo na rocata upāke || ghṛtaṃ na pūtaṃ tanūr arepāḥ śuci hiraṇyam | tat te rukmo na rocata svadhāvaḥ || kṛtaṃ cid dhi ṣmā sanemi dveṣo ‘ghna inoṣi martāt | itthā yajamānād ṛtāvaḥ || śivā naḥ sakhyā santu bhrātrāghne deveṣu yuṣme | sā no nābhiḥ sadane sasminn ūdhan ||
Rig Veda
- This day with praises, Agni, we bring thee that which thou lovest. Right judgment, like a horse, with our devotions. 2 For thou hast ever been the Car-driver, Agni, of noble Strength, lofty sacrifice, and rightful judgment. 3 Through these our praises come thou to meet us, bright as the sunlight, O Agni, well disposed, with all thine aspects. 4 Now may we serve thee singing these lauds this day to thee, Agni. Loud as the voice of Heaven thy blasts are roaring. 5 Just at this time of the day and the night thy look is the sweetest: It shineth near us even as gold for glory. 6 Spotless thy body, brilliant as gold, like clarified butter: This gleams like gold on thee, O Self. dependent. 7 All hate and mischief, yea, if committed, Agni, thou turnest, Holy One, from the man who rightly worships. 8 Agni, with you Gods, prosperous be our friendships and kinships. Be this our bond here by this place, thine altar.