Rig Veda Book 3 Hymn 58 धेनुः परत्नस्य काम्यं दुहानान्तः पुत्रश्चरति दक्षिणायाः | आ दयोतनिं वहति शुभ्रयामोषस सतोमो अश्विनावजीगः || सुयुग वहन्ति परति वां रतेनोर्ध्वा भवन्ति पितरेव मेधाः | जरेथामस्मद वि पणेर्महीषां युवोरवश्चक्र्मा यातमर्वाक || सुयुग्भिरश्वैः सुव्र्ता रथेन दस्राविमं शर्णुतं शलोकमद्रेः | किमङग वां परत्यवर्तिं गमिष्ठाहुर्विप्रासो अश्विना पुराजाः || आ मन्येथामा गतं कच्चिदेवैर्विश्वे जनासो अश्विना हवन्ते | इमा हि वां गोर्जीका मधूनि पर मित्रासो न ददुरुस्रो अग्रे || तिरः पुरू चिदश्विना रजांस्याङगूषो वां मघवाना जनेषु | एह यातं पथिभिर्देवयानैर्दस्राविमे वां निधयो मधूनाम || पुराणमोकः सख्यं शिवं वां युवोर्नरा दरविणं जह्नाव्याम | पुनः कर्ण्वानाः सख्या शिवानि मध्वा मदेमसह नू समानाः || अश्विना वायुना युवं सुदक्षा नियुद्भिष च सजोषसा युवाना | नासत्या तिरोह्न्यं जुषाणा सोमं पिबतमस्रिधा सुदानू || अश्विना परि वामिषः पुरूचीरीयुर्गीर्भिर्यतमाना अम्र्ध्राः | रथो ह वां रतजा अद्रिजूतः परि दयावाप्र्थिवी याति सद्यः || अश्विना मधुषुत्तमो युवाकुः सोमस्तं पातमा गतं दुरोणे | रथो ह वां भूरि वर्पः करिक्रत सुतावतो निष्क्र्तमागमिष्ठः ||
dhenuḥ pratnasya kāmyaṃ duhānāntaḥ putraścarati dakṣiṇāyāḥ | ā dyotaniṃ vahati śubhrayāmoṣasa stomo aśvināvajīghaḥ || suyugh vahanti prati vāṃ ṛtenordhvā bhavanti pitareva medhāḥ | jarethāmasmad vi paṇermahīṣāṃ yuvoravaścakṛmā yātamarvāk || suyughbhiraśvaiḥ suvṛtā rathena dasrāvimaṃ śṛṇutaṃ ślokamadreḥ | kimaṅgha vāṃ pratyavartiṃ ghamiṣṭhāhurviprāso aśvinā purājāḥ || ā manyethāmā ghataṃ kaccidevairviśve janāso aśvinā havante | imā hi vāṃ ghoṛjīkā madhūni pra mitrāso na dadurusro aghre || tiraḥ purū cidaśvinā rajāṃsyāṅghūṣo vāṃ maghavānā janeṣu | eha yātaṃ pathibhirdevayānairdasrāvime vāṃ nidhayo madhūnām || purāṇamokaḥ sakhyaṃ śivaṃ vāṃ yuvornarā draviṇaṃ jahnāvyām | punaḥ kṛṇvānāḥ sakhyā śivāni madhvā mademasaha nū samānāḥ || aśvinā vāyunā yuvaṃ sudakṣā niyudbhiṣ ca sajoṣasā yuvānā | nāsatyā tiroahnyaṃ juṣāṇā somaṃ pibatamasridhā sudānū || aśvinā pari vāmiṣaḥ purūcīrīyurghīrbhiryatamānā amṛdhrāḥ | ratho ha vāṃ ṛtajā adrijūtaḥ pari dyāvāpṛthivī yāti sadyaḥ || aśvinā madhuṣuttamo yuvākuḥ somastaṃ pātamā ghataṃ duroṇe | ratho ha vāṃ bhūri varpaḥ karikrat sutāvato niṣkṛtamāghamiṣṭhaḥ ||
Rig Veda
- THE Ancient’s Milch-cow yields the things we long for: the Son of Dakṣiṇā travels between them. She with the splendid chariot brings refulgence. The praise of Uṣas hath awoke the Aśvins. 2 They bear you hither by well-orderd statute: our sacred offerings rise as if to parents. Destroy in us the counsel of the niggard come hitherward, for we have shown you favour. 3 With lightly-rolling car and well-yoked horses hear this, the press-stone’s song, ye Wonder-Workers. Have not the sages of old time, ye Aśvins, called you most prompt to come and stay misfortune? 4 Remember us, and come to us, for ever men, as their wont is, invocate the Aśvins. Friends as it were have offered you these juices, sweet, blent with milk at the first break of morning. 5 Even through many regions, O ye Aśvins high praise is yours among mankind, ye Mighty- Come, helpers, on the paths which Gods have travelled: here your libations of sweet meath are ready. 6 Ancient your home, auspicious is your friendship: Heroes, your wealth is with the house of Jahnu. Forming again with you auspicious friendship, let us rejoice with draughts of meath together. 7 O Aśvins, Very Mighty ones, with Vāyu and with his steeds, one-minded, ever-youthful, Nāsatyas, joying in the third day’s Soma, drink it, not hostile, Very Bounteous Givers. 8 Aśvins, to you are brought abundant viands in rivalry with sacred songs, unceasing. Sprung from high Law your car, urged on by press-stones, goes round the earth and heaven in one brief moment. 9 Aśvins, your Soma sheds delicious sweetness: drink ye thereof and come unto our dwelling. Your car, assuming many a shape, most often goes to the Soma-presser’s place of meeting.