Rig Veda Book 3 Hymn 43 आ याह्यर्वां उप वन्धुरेष्ठास्तवेदनु परदिवः सोमपेयम | परिया सखाया वि मुचोप बर्हिस्त्वामिमे हव्यवाहो हवन्ते || आ याहि पूर्वीरति चर्षणीरानर्य आशिष उप नो हरिभ्याम | इमा हि तवा मतय सतोमतष्टा इन्द्र हवन्ते सख्यं जुषाणाः || आ नो यज्ञं नमोव्र्धं सजोषा इन्द्र देव हरिभिर्याहि तूयम | अहं हि तवा मतिभिर्जोहवीमि घर्तप्रयाः सधमादे मधूनाम || आ च तवामेता वर्षणा वहातो हरी सखाया सुधुरा सवङगा | धानावदिन्द्रः सवनं जुषाणः सखा सख्युः शर्णवद वन्दनानि || कुविन मा गोपां करसे जनस्य कुविद राजानं मघवन्न्र्जीषिन | कुविन म रषिं पपिवांसं सुतस्य कुविन मे वस्वो अम्र्तस्य शिक्षाः || आ तवा बर्हन्तो हरयो युजाना अर्वागिन्द्र सधमादो वहन्तु | पर ये दविता दिव रञ्जन्त्याताः सुसम्म्र्ष्टासो वर्षभस्य मूराः || इन्द्र पिब वर्षधूतस्य वर्ष्ण आ यं ते शयेन उशते जभार | यस्य मदे चयावयसि पर कर्ष्टीर्यस्य मदे अप गोत्रा ववर्थ || शुनं हुवेम … ||
ā yāhyarvāṃ upa vandhureṣṭhāstavedanu pradivaḥ somapeyam | priyā sakhāyā vi mucopa barhistvāmime havyavāho havante || ā yāhi pūrvīrati carṣaṇīrānarya āśiṣa upa no haribhyām | imā hi tvā mataya stomataṣṭā indra havante sakhyaṃ juṣāṇāḥ || ā no yajñaṃ namovṛdhaṃ sajoṣā indra deva haribhiryāhi tūyam | ahaṃ hi tvā matibhirjohavīmi ghṛtaprayāḥ sadhamāde madhūnām || ā ca tvāmetā vṛṣaṇā vahāto harī sakhāyā sudhurā svaṅghā | dhānāvadindraḥ savanaṃ juṣāṇaḥ sakhā sakhyuḥ śṛṇavad vandanāni || kuvin mā ghopāṃ karase janasya kuvid rājānaṃ maghavannṛjīṣin | kuvin ma ṛṣiṃ papivāṃsaṃ sutasya kuvin me vasvo amṛtasya śikṣāḥ || ā tvā bṛhanto harayo yujānā arvāghindra sadhamādo vahantu | pra ye dvitā diva ṛñjantyātāḥ susammṛṣṭāso vṛṣabhasya mūrāḥ || indra piba vṛṣadhūtasya vṛṣṇa ā yaṃ te śyena uśate jabhāra | yasya made cyāvayasi pra kṛṣṭīryasya made apa ghotrā vavartha || śunaṃ huvema … ||
Rig Veda
- MOUNTED upon thy chariot-seat approach us: thine is the Soma-draught from days aforetime. Loose for the sacred grass thy dear companions. These men who bring oblation call thee hither. 2 Come our true Friend, passing by many people; come with thy two Bay Steeds to our devotions; For these our hymns are calling thee, O Indra, hymns formed for praise, soliciting thy friendship. 3 Pleased, with thy Bay Steeds, Indra, God, come quickly to this our sacrifice that heightens worship; For with my thoughts, presenting oil to feed thee, I call thee to the feast of sweet libations. 4 Yea, let thy two Bay Stallions bear thee hither, well limbed and good to draw, thy dear companions. Pleased with the corn-blent offering which we bring thee, may Indra, Friend, hear his friend’s adoration. 5 Wilt thou not make me guardian of the people, make me, impetuous Maghavan, their ruler? Make me a Ṛṣi having drunk of Soma? Wilt thou not give me wealth that lasts for ever? 6 Yoked to thy chariot, led thy tall Bays, Indra, companions of thy banquet, bear thee hither, Who from of old press to heaven’s farthest limits, the Bull’s impetuous and well-groomed Horses. 7 Drink of the strong pressed out by strong ones, Indra, that which the Falcon brought thee when thou longedst; In whose wild joy thou stirrest up the people, in whose wild joy thou didst unbar the cow-stalls. 8 Call we on Indra, Makhavan, auspicious, best Hero in the fight where spoil is gathered; The Strong, who listens, who gives aid in battles, who slays the Vṛtras, wins and gathers riches.