
Rig Veda Book 3 Hymn 36 इमामू षु परभ्र्तिं सातये धाः शश्वचः छश्वदूतिभिर्यादमानः | सुते-सुते वाव्र्धे वर्धनेभिर्यः कर्मभिर्महद्भिः सुश्रुतो भूत || इन्द्राय सोमाः परदिवो विदाना रभुर्येभिर्व्र्षपर्वा विहायाः | परयम्यमानान परति षू गर्भायेन्द्र पिब वर्षधूतस्य वर्ष्णः || पिबा वर्धस्व तव घा सुतास इन्द्र सोमासः परथमा उतेमे | यथापिबः पूर्व्यानिन्द्र सोमानेवा पाहि पन्यो अद्या नवीयान || महानमत्रो वर्जने विरप्श्युग्रं शवः पत्यते धर्ष्ण्वोजः | नाह विव्याच पर्थिवी चनैनं यत सोमासो हर्यश्वममन्दन || महानुग्रो वाव्र्धे वीर्याय समाचक्रे वर्षभः काव्येन | इन्द्रो भगो वाजदा अस्य गावः पर जायन्ते दक्षिणा अस्य पूर्वीः || पर यत सिन्धवः परसवं यथायन्नापः समुद्रं रथ्येव जग्मुः | अतश्चिदिन्द्रः सदसो वरीयान यदीं सोमः पर्णति दुग्धो अंशुः || समुद्रेण सिन्धवो यादमाना इन्द्राय सोमं सुषुतं भरन्तः | अंशुं दुहन्ति हस्तिनो भरित्रैर्मध्वः पुनन्ति धारया पवित्रैः || हरदा इव कुक्षयः सोमधानाः समी विव्याच सवना पुरूणि | अन्ना यदिन्द्रः परथमा वयाश वर्त्रं जघन्वानव्र्णीत सोमम || आ तू भर माकिरेतत परि षठाद विद्मा हि तवा वसुपतिं वसूनाम | इन्द्र यत ते माहिनं दत्रमस्त्यस्मभ्यं तद धर्यश्व पर यन्धि || अस्मे पर यन्धि मघवन्न्र्जीषिन्निन्द्र रायो विश्ववारस्य भूरेः | अस्मे शतं शरदो जीवसे धा अस्मे वीरान छश्वत इन्द्र शिप्रिन || शुनं हुवेम … ||

imāmū ṣu prabhṛtiṃ sātaye dhāḥ śaśvacḥ chaśvadūtibhiryādamānaḥ | sute-sute vāvṛdhe vardhanebhiryaḥ karmabhirmahadbhiḥ suśruto bhūt || indrāya somāḥ pradivo vidānā ṛbhuryebhirvṛṣaparvā vihāyāḥ | prayamyamānān prati ṣū ghṛbhāyendra piba vṛṣadhūtasya vṛṣṇaḥ || pibā vardhasva tava ghā sutāsa indra somāsaḥ prathamā uteme | yathāpibaḥ pūrvyānindra somānevā pāhi panyo adyā navīyān || mahānamatro vṛjane virapśyughraṃ śavaḥ patyate dhṛṣṇvojaḥ | nāha vivyāca pṛthivī canainaṃ yat somāso haryaśvamamandan || mahānughro vāvṛdhe vīryāya samācakre vṛṣabhaḥ kāvyena | indro bhagho vājadā asya ghāvaḥ pra jāyante dakṣiṇā asya pūrvīḥ || pra yat sindhavaḥ prasavaṃ yathāyannāpaḥ samudraṃ rathyeva jaghmuḥ | ataścidindraḥ sadaso varīyān yadīṃ somaḥ pṛṇati dughdho aṃśuḥ || samudreṇa sindhavo yādamānā indrāya somaṃ suṣutaṃ bharantaḥ | aṃśuṃ duhanti hastino bharitrairmadhvaḥ punanti dhārayā pavitraiḥ || hradā iva kukṣayaḥ somadhānāḥ samī vivyāca savanā purūṇi | annā yadindraḥ prathamā vyāśa vṛtraṃ jaghanvānavṛṇīta somam || ā tū bhara mākiretat pari ṣṭhād vidmā hi tvā vasupatiṃ vasūnām | indra yat te māhinaṃ datramastyasmabhyaṃ tad dharyaśva pra yandhi || asme pra yandhi maghavannṛjīṣinnindra rāyo viśvavārasya bhūreḥ | asme śataṃ śarado jīvase dhā asme vīrān chaśvata indra śiprin || śunaṃ huvema … ||


Rig Veda

  1. WITH constant succours, fain thyself to share it, make this oblation which we bring effective. Grown great through strengthening gifts at each libation, he hath become renowned by mighty exploits. 2 For Indra were the Somas erst- discovered, whereby he grew strong-jointed, vast, and skilful. Indra , take quickly these presented juices: drink of the strong, that which the strong have shaken. 3 Drink and wax great. Thine are the juices, Indra, both Somas of old time and these we bring thee. Even as thou drankest, Indra, earlier Somas, so drink to-day, a new guest, meet for praises. 4 Great and impetuous, mighty-voiced in battle, surpassing power is his, and strength resistless. Him the broad earth hath never comprehended when Somas cheered the Lord of Tawny Coursers. 5 Mighty and strong he waxed for hero exploit: the Bull was furnished a Sage’s wisdom. Indra is our kind Lord; his steers have vigour; his cows are many with abundant offspring. 6 As floods according to their stream flow onward, so to the sea, as borne on cars, the waters. Vaster is Indra even than his dwelling, what time the stalk milked out, the Soma, fills him. 7 Eager to mingle with the sea, the rivers carry the well-pressed Soma juice to Indra. They drain the stalk out with their arms, quick-banded, and cleanse it with a stream of mead and filters. 8 Like lakes appear his flanks filled full with Soma: yea, he contains libations in abundance. When Indra had consumed the first sweet viands, he, after slaying Vṛtra, claimed the Soma. 9 Then bring thou hither, and let none prevent it: we know thee well, the Lord of wealth and treasure. That splendid gift which is thine own, O Indra, vouchsafe to us, Lord of the Tawny Coursers. 10 O Indra, Maghavan, impetuous mover, grant us abundant wealth that brings all blessings. Give us a hundred autumns for our lifetime: give us, O fair-checked Indra, store of heroes. 11 Call we on Indra, Maghavan, auspicious, best Hero in the fight where spoil is gathered, The Strong, who listens, who gives aid in battles, who slays the Vṛtras, wins and gathers riches.