
Rig Veda Book 3 Hymn 30 इछन्ति तवा सोम्यासः सखायः सुन्वन्ति सोमं दधति परयांसि | तितिक्षन्ते अभिशस्तिं जनानामिन्द्र तवदा कश्चन हि परकेतः || न ते दूरे परमा चिद रजांस्या तु पर याहि हरिवो हरिभ्याम | सथिराय वर्ष्णे सवना कर्तेमा युक्ता गरावाणः समिधाने अग्नौ || इन्द्रः सुशिप्रो मघवा तरुत्रो महाव्रातस्तुविकूर्मिर्र्घावान | यदुग्रो धा बाधितो मर्त्येषु कव तया ते वर्षभ वीर्याणि || तवं हि षमा चयावयन्नच्युतान्येको वर्त्रा चरसि जिघ्नमानः | तव दयावाप्र्थिवी पर्वतासो.अनु वरताय निमितेव तस्थुः || उताभये पुरुहूत शरवोभिरेको दर्ळ्हमवदो वर्त्रहा सन | इमे चिदिन्द्र रोदसी अपारे यत संग्र्भ्णा मघवन काशिरित ते || पर सू त इन्द्र परवता हरिभ्यां पर ते वज्रः परम्र्णन्नेतु शत्रून | जहि परतीचो अनूचः पराचो विश्वं सत्यंक्र्णुहि विष्टमस्तु || यस्मै धायुरदधा मर्त्यायाभक्तं चिद भजते गेह्यं सः | भद्रा त इन्द्र सुमतिर्घ्र्ताची सहस्रदाना पुरुहूत रातिः || सहदानुं पुरुहूत कषियन्तमहस्तमिन्द्र सं पिणक कुणारुम | अभि वर्त्रं वर्धमानं पियारुमपादमिन्द्र तवसा जघन्थ || नि सामनामिषिरामिन्द्र भूमिं महीमपारां सदने ससत्थ | अस्तभ्नाद दयां वर्षभो अन्तरिक्षमर्षन्त्वापस्त्वयेह परसूताः || अलात्र्णो वल इन्द्र वरजो गोः पुरा हन्तोर्भयमानो वयार | सुगान पथो अक्र्णोन निरजे गाः परावन वाणीः पुरुहूतं धमन्तीः || एको दवे वसुमती समीची इन्द्र आ पप्रौ पर्थिवीमुत दयाम | उतान्तरिक्षादभि नः समीक इषो रथीः सयुजः शूर वाजान || दिशः सूर्यो न मिनाति परदिष्टा दिवे-दिवे हर्यश्वप्रसूताः | सं यदानळ अध्वन आदिदश्वैर्विमोचनं कर्णुते तत तवस्य || दिद्र्क्षन्त उषसो यामन्नक्तोर्विवस्वत्या महि चित्रमनीकम | विश्वे जानन्ति महिना यदागादिन्द्रस्य कर्म सुक्र्तापुरूणि || महि जयोतिर्निहितं वक्षणास्वामा पक्वं चरति बिभ्रती गौः | विश्वं सवाद्म सम्भ्र्तमुस्रियायां यत सीमिन्द्रो अदधाद भोजनाय || इन्द्र दर्ह्य यामकोशा अभूवन यज्ञाय शिक्ष गर्णते सखिभ्यः | दुर्मायवो दुरेवा मर्त्यासो निषङगिणो रिपवो हन्त्वासः || सं घोषः शर्ण्वे.अवमैरमित्रैर्जही नयेष्वशनिं तपिष्ठाम | वर्श्चेमधस्ताद वि रुजा सहस्व जहि रक्षो मघवन रन्धयस्व || उद वर्ह रक्षः सहमूलमिन्द्र वर्श्चा मध्यं परत्यग्रंश्र्णीहि | आ कीवतः सललूकं चकर्थ बरह्मद्विषे तपुषिं हेतिमस्य || सवस्तये वाजिभिश्च परणेतः सं यन महीरिष आसत्सिपूर्वीः | रायो वन्तारो बर्हतः सयामास्मे अस्तु भग इन्द्रप्रजावान || आ नो भर भगमिन्द्र दयुमन्तं नि ते देष्णस्य धीमहि पररेके | ऊर्व इव पप्रथे कामो अस्मे तमा पर्ण वसुपते वसूनाम || इमं कामं मन्दया गोभिरश्वैश्चन्द्रवता राधसा पप्रथश्च | सवर्यवो मतिभिस्तुभ्यं विप्रा इन्द्राय वाहःकुशिकासो अक्रन || आ नो गोत्रा दर्द्र्हि गोपते गाः समस्मभ्यं सनयो यन्तु वाजाः | दिवक्षा असि वर्षभ सत्यशुष्मो.अस्मभ्यं सु मघवन बोधि गोदाः || शुनं हुवेम मघवानमिन्द्रमस्मिन भरे नर्तमं वाजसातौ | शर्ण्वन्तमुग्रमूतये समत्सु घनन्तं वर्त्राणि संजितं धनानाम ||

ichanti tvā somyāsaḥ sakhāyaḥ sunvanti somaṃ dadhati prayāṃsi | titikṣante abhiśastiṃ janānāmindra tvadā kaścana hi praketaḥ || na te dūre paramā cid rajāṃsyā tu pra yāhi harivo haribhyām | sthirāya vṛṣṇe savanā kṛtemā yuktā ghrāvāṇaḥ samidhāne aghnau || indraḥ suśipro maghavā tarutro mahāvrātastuvikūrmirṛghāvān | yadughro dhā bādhito martyeṣu kva tyā te vṛṣabha vīryāṇi || tvaṃ hi ṣmā cyāvayannacyutānyeko vṛtrā carasi jighnamānaḥ | tava dyāvāpṛthivī parvatāso.anu vratāya nimiteva tasthuḥ || utābhaye puruhūta śravobhireko dṛḷhamavado vṛtrahā san | ime cidindra rodasī apāre yat saṃghṛbhṇā maghavan kāśirit te || pra sū ta indra pravatā haribhyāṃ pra te vajraḥ pramṛṇannetu śatrūn | jahi pratīco anūcaḥ parāco viśvaṃ satyaṃkṛṇuhi viṣṭamastu || yasmai dhāyuradadhā martyāyābhaktaṃ cid bhajate ghehyaṃ saḥ | bhadrā ta indra sumatirghṛtācī sahasradānā puruhūta rātiḥ || sahadānuṃ puruhūta kṣiyantamahastamindra saṃ piṇak kuṇārum | abhi vṛtraṃ vardhamānaṃ piyārumapādamindra tavasā jaghantha || ni sāmanāmiṣirāmindra bhūmiṃ mahīmapārāṃ sadane sasattha | astabhnād dyāṃ vṛṣabho antarikṣamarṣantvāpastvayeha prasūtāḥ || alātṛṇo vala indra vrajo ghoḥ purā hantorbhayamāno vyāra | sughān patho akṛṇon niraje ghāḥ prāvan vāṇīḥ puruhūtaṃ dhamantīḥ || eko dve vasumatī samīcī indra ā paprau pṛthivīmuta dyām | utāntarikṣādabhi naḥ samīka iṣo rathīḥ sayujaḥ śūra vājān || diśaḥ sūryo na mināti pradiṣṭā dive-dive haryaśvaprasūtāḥ | saṃ yadānaḷ adhvana ādidaśvairvimocanaṃ kṛṇute tat tvasya || didṛkṣanta uṣaso yāmannaktorvivasvatyā mahi citramanīkam | viśve jānanti mahinā yadāghādindrasya karma sukṛtāpurūṇi || mahi jyotirnihitaṃ vakṣaṇāsvāmā pakvaṃ carati bibhratī ghauḥ | viśvaṃ svādma sambhṛtamusriyāyāṃ yat sīmindro adadhād bhojanāya || indra dṛhya yāmakośā abhūvan yajñāya śikṣa ghṛṇate sakhibhyaḥ | durmāyavo durevā martyāso niṣaṅghiṇo ripavo hantvāsaḥ || saṃ ghoṣaḥ śṛṇve.avamairamitrairjahī nyeṣvaśaniṃ tapiṣṭhām | vṛścemadhastād vi rujā sahasva jahi rakṣo maghavan randhayasva || ud vṛha rakṣaḥ sahamūlamindra vṛścā madhyaṃ pratyaghraṃśṛṇīhi | ā kīvataḥ salalūkaṃ cakartha brahmadviṣe tapuṣiṃ hetimasya || svastaye vājibhiśca praṇetaḥ saṃ yan mahīriṣa āsatsipūrvīḥ | rāyo vantāro bṛhataḥ syāmāsme astu bhagha indraprajāvān || ā no bhara bhaghamindra dyumantaṃ ni te deṣṇasya dhīmahi prareke | ūrva iva paprathe kāmo asme tamā pṛṇa vasupate vasūnām || imaṃ kāmaṃ mandayā ghobhiraśvaiścandravatā rādhasā paprathaśca | svaryavo matibhistubhyaṃ viprā indrāya vāhaḥkuśikāso akran || ā no ghotrā dardṛhi ghopate ghāḥ samasmabhyaṃ sanayo yantu vājāḥ | divakṣā asi vṛṣabha satyaśuṣmo.asmabhyaṃ su maghavan bodhi ghodāḥ || śunaṃ huvema maghavānamindramasmin bhare nṛtamaṃ vājasātau | śṛṇvantamughramūtaye samatsu ghnantaṃ vṛtrāṇi saṃjitaṃ dhanānām ||


Rig Veda

  1. THE friends who offer Soma long to find thee: they pour forth Soma and present their viands. They bear unmoved the cursing of the people, for all our wisdom comes from thee, O Indra. 2 Not far for thee are mid-air’s loftiest regions: start hither, Lord of Bays, with thy Bay Horses. Made for the Firm and Strong are these libations. The pressing-stones are set and fire is kindled. 3 Fair cheeks hath Indra, Maghavan, the Victor, Lord of a great host, Stormer, strong in action. What once thou didst in might when mortals vexed thee,—where now, O Bull, are those thy hero exploits? 4 For, overthrowing what hath ne’er been shaken, thou goest forth alone destroying Vṛtras. For him who followeth thy Law the mountains and heaven and earth stand as if firmly stablished. 5 Yea, Much-invoked! in safety through thy glories alone thou speakest truth as Vṛtra’s slayer. E’en these two boundless worlds to thee, O Indra, what time thou graspest them, are but a handful. 6 Forthwith thy Bay steeds down the steep, O Indra, forth, crushing foemen, go thy bolt of thunder! Slay those who meet thee, those who flee, who follow: make all thy promise true; be all completed. 7 The man to whom thou givest as Provider enjoys domestic plenty undivided. Blest, Indra, is thy favour dropping fatness: thy worship, Much-invoked! brings gifts in thousands. 8 Thou, Indra, Much-invoked! didst crush to pieces Kunaru handless fiend who dwelt with Danu. Thou with might, Indra, smotest dead the scorner, the footless Vṛtra as he waxed in vigour. 9 Thou hast established in her seat, O Indra, the level earth, vast, vigorous, unbounded. The Bull hath propped the heaven and air’s mid-region. By thee sent onward let the floods flow hither. 10 He who withheld the kine, in silence I yielded in fear before thy blow, O Indra. He made paths easy to drive forth the cattle. Loud-breathing praises helped the Much-invoked One. 11 Indra alone filled full the earth and heaven, the Pair who meet together, rich in treasures. Yea, bring thou near us from the air’s mid-region strength, on thy car, and wholesome food, O Hero. 12 Sūrya transgresses not the ordered limits set daily by the Lord of Tawny Coursers. When to the goal he comes, his journey ended, his Steeds he looses: this is Indra’s doing. 13 Men gladly in the course of night would look on the broad bright front of the refulgent Morning; And all acknowledge, when she comes in glory, the manifold and goodly works of Indra. 14 A mighty splendour rests upon her bosom: bearing ripe milk the Cow, unripe, advances. All sweetness is collected in the Heifer, sweetness which Indra made for our enjoyment. 15 Barring the way they come. Be firm, O Indra; aid friends to sacrifice and him who singeth. These must be slain by thee, malignant mortals, armed with ill arts, our quiverbearing foemen. 16 A cry is beard from enemies most near us: against them send thy fiercest-flaming weapon. Rend them from under, crush them and subdue them. Slay, Maghavan, and make the fiends our booty. 17 Root up the race of Rākṣasas, O Indra rend it in front and crush it in the middle. How long hast thou bebaved as one who wavers? Cast thy hot dart at him who hates devotion: 18 When borne by strong Steeds for our weal, O Leader, thou seatest thee at many noble viands. May we be winners of abundant riches. May Indra be our wealth with store of children. 19 Bestow on us resplendent wealth. O Indra let us enjoy thine overflow of bounty. Wide as a sea our longing hath expanded, fulfil it, O thou Treasure-Lord of treasures. 20 With kine and horses satisfy this longing with very splendid bounty skill extend it. Seeking the light, with hymns to thee, O Indra, Kuśikas have brought their gift, the singers. 21 Lord of the kine, burst the kine’s stable open: cows shall be ours, and strength that wins the booty. Hero, whose might is true, thy home is heaven: to us, O Maghavan, grant gifts of cattle. 22 Call we on Maghavan, auspicious Indra, best Hero in this fight where spoil is gathered, The Strong who listens, who gives aid in battles, who slays the Vṛtras, wins and gathers riches.