Rig Veda Book 3 Hymn 23 निर्मथितः सुधित आ सधस्थे युवा कविरध्वरस्य परणेता | जूर्यत्स्वग्निरजरो वनेष्वत्रा दधे अम्र्तं जातवेदाः || अमन्थिष्टां भारता रेवदग्निं देवश्रवा देववातः सुदक्षम | अग्ने वि पश्य बर्हताभि रायेषां नो नेता भवतादनु दयून || दश कषिपः पूर्व्यं सीमजीजनन सुजातं मात्र्षु परियम | अग्निं सतुहि दैववातं देवश्रवो यो जनानामसद वशी || नि तवा दधे वर आ पर्थिव्या इळायास पदे सुदिनत्वे अह्नाम | दर्षद्वत्यां मानुष आपयायां सरस्वत्यां रेवदग्नेदिदीहि || इळामग्ने … ||
nirmathitaḥ sudhita ā sadhasthe yuvā kaviradhvarasya praṇetā | jūryatsvaghnirajaro vaneṣvatrā dadhe amṛtaṃ jātavedāḥ || amanthiṣṭāṃ bhāratā revadaghniṃ devaśravā devavātaḥ sudakṣam | aghne vi paśya bṛhatābhi rāyeṣāṃ no netā bhavatādanu dyūn || daśa kṣipaḥ pūrvyaṃ sīmajījanan sujātaṃ mātṛṣu priyam | aghniṃ stuhi daivavātaṃ devaśravo yo janānāmasad vaśī || ni tvā dadhe vara ā pṛthivyā iḷāyās pade sudinatve ahnām | dṛṣadvatyāṃ mānuṣa āpayāyāṃ sarasvatyāṃ revadaghnedidīhi || iḷāmaghne … ||
Rig Veda
- RUBBED into life, well stablished in the dwelling, Leader of sacrifice, the Sage, the youthful, Here in the wasting fuel Jātavedas, eternal, hath assumed immortal being. 2 Both Bharatas, Devaśravas, Devāvata, have strongly rubbed to life effectual Agni. O Agni, look thou forth with ample riches: be, every day, bearer of food to feed us. 3 Him nobly born of old the fingers ten produced, him whom his Mothers counted dear. Praise Devāvata’s Agni, thou Devaśravas, him who shall be the people’s Lord. 4 He set thee in the earth’s most lovely station, in Iḷā’s place, in days of fair bright weather. On man, on Āpayā, Agni! on the rivers Dṛṣadvati, Sarasvatī, shine richly. 5 Agni, as holy food to thine invoker give wealth in cattle, lasting, rich in marvels. To us be born a son and spreading offspring Agni, be this thy gracious will to us-ward