
Rig Veda Book 3 Hymn 12 इन्द्राग्नी आ गतं सुतं गीर्भिर्नभो वरेण्यम | अस्य पातं धियेषिता || इन्द्राग्नी जरितुः सचा यज्ञो जिगाति चेतनः | अया पातमिमं सुतम || इन्द्रमग्निं कविछदा यज्ञस्य जूत्या वर्णे | ता सोमस्येह तर्म्पताम || तोशा वर्त्रहणा हुवे सजित्वानापराजिता | इन्द्राग्नी वाजसातमा || पर वामर्चन्त्युक्थिनो नीथाविदो जरितारः | इन्द्राग्नी इष आ वर्णे || इन्द्राग्नी नवतिं पुरो दासपत्नीरधूनुतम | साकमेकेन कर्मणा || इन्द्राग्नी अपसस पर्युप पर यन्ति धीतयः | रतस्य पथ्या अनु || इन्द्राग्नी तविषाणि वां सधस्थानि परयांसि च | युवोरप्तूर्यं हितम || इन्द्राग्नी रोचना दिवः परि वाजेषु भूषथः | तद वांचेति पर वीर्यम ||

indrāghnī ā ghataṃ sutaṃ ghīrbhirnabho vareṇyam | asya pātaṃ dhiyeṣitā || indrāghnī jarituḥ sacā yajño jighāti cetanaḥ | ayā pātamimaṃ sutam || indramaghniṃ kavichadā yajñasya jūtyā vṛṇe | tā somasyeha tṛmpatām || tośā vṛtrahaṇā huve sajitvānāparājitā | indrāghnī vājasātamā || pra vāmarcantyukthino nīthāvido jaritāraḥ | indrāghnī iṣa ā vṛṇe || indrāghnī navatiṃ puro dāsapatnīradhūnutam | sākamekena karmaṇā || indrāghnī apasas paryupa pra yanti dhītayaḥ | ṛtasya pathyā anu || indrāghnī taviṣāṇi vāṃ sadhasthāni prayāṃsi ca | yuvoraptūryaṃ hitam || indrāghnī rocanā divaḥ pari vājeṣu bhūṣathaḥ | tad vāṃceti pra vīryam ||


Rig Veda

  1. MOVED, Indra-Agni, by our hymn, come to the juice, the precious dew: Drink ye thereof, impelled by song. 2 O Indra-Agni, with the man who lauds you comes the wakening rite: So drink ye both this juice assured. 3 Through force of sacrifice I choose Indra-Agni who love the wise: With Soma let these sate them here. 4 Indra and Agni I invoke, joint-victors, bounteous, unsubdued, Foe-slayers, best to win the spoil. 5 Indra and Agni, singers skilled in melody hymn you, bringing lauds: I choose you for the sacred food. 6 Indra and Agni, ye cast down the ninety forts which Dāsas held, Together, with one mighty deed. 7 To Indra-Agni reverent thoughts go forward from the holy task Along the path of sacred Law. 8 O Indra-Agni, powers are yours, and dwellings and delightful food Good is your readiness to act. 9 Indra and Agni, in your deeds of might ye deck heaven’s lucid realms: Famed is that hero strength of yours.