
Rig Veda Book 2 Hymn 41 वायो ये ते सहस्रिणो रथासस्तेभिरा गहि | नियुत्वान सोमपीतये || नियुत्वान वायवा गह्ययं शुक्रो अयामि ते | गन्तासि सुन्वतो गर्हम || शुक्रस्याद्य गवाशिर इन्द्रवायू नियुत्वतः | आ यातं पिबतं नरा || अयं वां मित्रावरुणा सुतः सोम रताव्र्धा | ममेदिह शरुतं हवम || राजानावनभिद्रुहा धरुवे सदस्युत्तमे | सहस्रस्थूण आसाते || ता सम्राजा घर्तासुती आदित्या दानुनस पती | सचेते अनवह्वरम || गोमदू षु नासत्याश्वावद यातमश्विना | वर्ती रुद्रा नर्पाय्यम || न यत परो नान्तर आदधर्षद वर्षण्वसू | दुःशंसो मर्त्यो रिपुः || ता न आ वोळ्हमश्विना रयिं पिशङगसन्द्र्शम | धिष्न्यावरिवोविदम || इन्द्रो अङग महद भयमभी षदप चुच्यवत | स हि सथिरो विचर्षणिः || इन्द्रश्च मर्ळयाति नो न नः पश्चादघं नशत | भद्रं भवाति नः पुरः || इन्द्र आशाभ्यस परि सर्वाभ्यो अभयं करत | जेता शत्रून विचर्शणिः || विश्वे देवास आ गत शर्णुता म इमं हवम | एदं बर्हिर्नि षीदत || तीव्रो वो मधुमानयं शुनहोत्रेषु मत्सरः | एतं पिबतकाम्यम || इन्द्रज्येष्ठा … || अम्बितमे नदीतमे देवितमे सरस्वति | अप्रशस्ता इव समसि परशस्तिमम्ब नस कर्धि || तवे विश्वा सरस्वति शरितायूंषि देव्याम | शुनहोत्रेषु मत्स्व परजां देवि दिदिड्ढि नः || इमा बरह्म सरस्वति जुषस्व वाजिनीवति | या ते मन्म गर्त्समदा रतावरि परिया देवेषु जुह्वति || परेतां यज्ञस्य शम्भुवा युवामिदा वर्णीमहे | अग्निंच हव्यवाहनम || दयावा नः पर्थिवी इमं सिध्रमद्य दिविस्प्र्शम | यज्णन्देवेषु यछताम || आ वामुपस्थमद्रुहा देवाः सीदन्तु यज्ञियाः | इहाद्यसोमपीतये ||

vāyo ye te sahasriṇo rathāsastebhirā ghahi | niyutvān somapītaye || niyutvān vāyavā ghahyayaṃ śukro ayāmi te | ghantāsi sunvato ghṛham || śukrasyādya ghavāśira indravāyū niyutvataḥ | ā yātaṃ pibataṃ narā || ayaṃ vāṃ mitrāvaruṇā sutaḥ soma ṛtāvṛdhā | mamediha śrutaṃ havam || rājānāvanabhidruhā dhruve sadasyuttame | sahasrasthūṇa āsāte || tā samrājā ghṛtāsutī ādityā dānunas patī | sacete anavahvaram || ghomadū ṣu nāsatyāśvāvad yātamaśvinā | vartī rudrā nṛpāyyam || na yat paro nāntara ādadharṣad vṛṣaṇvasū | duḥśaṃso martyo ripuḥ || tā na ā voḷhamaśvinā rayiṃ piśaṅghasandṛśam | dhiṣnyāvarivovidam || indro aṅgha mahad bhayamabhī ṣadapa cucyavat | sa hi sthiro vicarṣaṇiḥ || indraśca mṛḷayāti no na naḥ paścādaghaṃ naśat | bhadraṃ bhavāti naḥ puraḥ || indra āśābhyas pari sarvābhyo abhayaṃ karat | jetā śatrūn vicarśaṇiḥ || viśve devāsa ā ghata śṛṇutā ma imaṃ havam | edaṃ barhirni ṣīdata || tīvro vo madhumānayaṃ śunahotreṣu matsaraḥ | etaṃ pibatakāmyam || indrajyeṣṭhā … || ambitame nadītame devitame sarasvati | apraśastā iva smasi praśastimamba nas kṛdhi || tve viśvā sarasvati śritāyūṃṣi devyām | śunahotreṣu matsva prajāṃ devi didiḍḍhi naḥ || imā brahma sarasvati juṣasva vājinīvati | yā te manma ghṛtsamadā ṛtāvari priyā deveṣu juhvati || pretāṃ yajñasya śambhuvā yuvāmidā vṛṇīmahe | aghniṃca havyavāhanam || dyāvā naḥ pṛthivī imaṃ sidhramadya divispṛśam | yajṇandeveṣu yachatām || ā vāmupasthamadruhā devāḥ sīdantu yajñiyāḥ | ihādyasomapītaye ||


Rig Veda

  1. O VĀYU, come to us with all the thousand chariots that are thine, Team-borne, to drink the Soma juice. 2 Drawn by thy team, O Vāyu, come; to thee is offered this, the pure. Thou visitest the presser’s house. 3 Indra and Vāyu, drawn by teams, ye Heroes, come today and drink. Of the bright juice when blent with milk. 4 This Soma hath been shed for you, Law-strengtheners, Mitra-Varuṇa! Listen ye here to this my call. 5 Both Kings who never injure aught seat them in their supremest home, The thousand-pillared, firmly-based. 6 Fed with oblation, Sovran Kings, Ādityas, Lords of liberal gifts. They wait on him whose life is true. 7 With kine, Nāsatyas, and with steeds, come, Aśvins, Rudras, to the house That will protect its heroes well; 8 Such, wealthy Gods! as none afar nor standing nigh to us may harm, Yea, no malicious mortal foe. 9 As such, O longed-far Aśvins, lead us on to wealth of varied sort, Wealth that shall bring us room and rest. 10 Verily Indra, conquering all, driveth e’en mighty fear away, For firm is he and swift to act. 11 Indra be gracious unto us: sin shall not reach us afterward, And good shall be before us still. 12 From all the regions of the world let Indra send security, The foe-subduer, swift to act. 13 O all ye Gods, come hitherward: hear this mine invocation, seat Yourselves upon this sacred grass. 14 Among the Śunahotras strong for you is this sweet gladdening draught. Drink ye of this delightsome juice. 15 Ye Maruts led by Indra, Gods with Pūṣan for your bounteousest, Hear all of you this call of mine. 16 Best Mother, best of Rivers, best of Goddesses, Sarasvatī, We are, as ’twere, of no repute and dear Mother, give thou us renown. 17 In thee, Sarasvatī, divine, all generations have their stay. Be, glad with Śunahotra’s sons: O Goddess grant us progeny. 18 Enriched with sacrifice, accept Sarasvatī, these prayers of ours, Thoughts which Gṛtsamadas beloved of Gods bring, Holy One, to thee. 19 Ye who bless sacrifice, go forth, for verily we choose you both, And Agni who conveys our gifts. 20 This our effectual sacrifice, reaching the sky, shall Heaven and Earth Present unto the Gods to-day. 21 In both your laps, ye guileless Ones, the Holy Gods shall sit them down To-day to drink the Soma here.