
Rig Veda Book 2 Hymn 35 उपेमस्र्क्षि वाजयुर्वचस्यां चनो दधीत नाद्यो गिरो मे | अपां नपादाशुहेमा कुवित स सुपेशसस करति जोषिषद धि || इमं सवस्मै हर्द आ सुतष्टं मन्त्रं वोचेम कुविदस्य वेदत | अपां नपादसुर्यस्य मह्ना विश्वान्यर्यो भुवना जजान || समन्या यन्त्युप यन्त्यन्याः समानमूर्वं नद्यः पर्णन्ति | तमू शुचिं शुचयो दीदिवांसमपां नपातं परि तस्थुरापः || तमस्मेरा युवतयो युवानं मर्म्र्ज्यमानाः परि यन्त्यापः | स शुक्रेभिः शिक्वभी रेवदस्मे दीदायानिध्मो घर्तनिर्णिगप्सु || अस्मै तिस्रो अव्यथ्याय नारीर्देवाय देवीर्दिधिषन्त्यन्नम | कर्ता इवोप हि परसर्स्रे अप्सु स पीयूषं धयति पूर्वसूनाम || अश्वस्यात्र जनिमास्य च सवर्द्रुहो रिषः सम्प्र्चः पाहिसूरीन | आमासु पूर्षु परो अप्रम्र्ष्यं नारातयो वि नशन नान्र्तानि || सव आ दमे सुदुघा यस्य धेनुः सवधां पीपाय सुभ्वन्नमत्ति | सो अपां नपादूर्जयन्नप्स्वन्तर्वसुदेयाय विधते वि भाति || यो अप्स्वा सुचिना दैव्येन रतावाजस्र उर्विया विभाति | वया इदन्या भुवनान्यस्य पर जायन्ते वीरुधश्च परजाभिः || अपां नपादा हयस्थादुपस्थं जिह्मानामूर्ध्वो विद्युतं वसानः | तस्य जयेष्ठं महिमानं वहन्तीर्हिरण्यवर्णाः परि यन्ति यह्वीः || हिरण्यरूपः स हिरण्यसन्द्र्गपां नपात सेदु हिरण्यवर्णः | हिरण्ययात परि योनेर्निषद्या हिरण्यदा ददत्यन्नमस्मै || तदस्यानीकमुत चारु नामापीच्यं वर्धते नप्तुरपाम | यमिन्धते युवतयः समित्था हिरण्यवर्णं घर्तमन्नमस्य || अस्मै बहूनामवमाय सख्ये यज्ञैर्विधेम नमसा हविर्भिः | सं सानु मार्ज्मि दिधिषामि बिल्मैर्दधाम्यन्नैःपरि वन्द रग्भिः || स ईं वर्षाजनयत तासु गर्भं स ईं सिशुर्धयति तं रिहन्ति | सो अपां नपादनभिम्लातवर्णो.अन्यस्येवेह तन्वा विवेष || अस्मिन पदे परमे तस्थिवांसमध्वस्मभिर्विश्वहा दीदिवांसाम | आपो नप्त्रे घर्तमन्नं वहन्तीः सवयमत्कैः परि दीयन्ति यह्वीः || अयांसमग्ने सुक्षितिं जनायायांसमु मघवद्भ्यः सुव्र्क्तिम | विश्वं तद … ||

upemasṛkṣi vājayurvacasyāṃ cano dadhīta nādyo ghiro me | apāṃ napādāśuhemā kuvit sa supeśasas karati joṣiṣad dhi || imaṃ svasmai hṛda ā sutaṣṭaṃ mantraṃ vocema kuvidasya vedat | apāṃ napādasuryasya mahnā viśvānyaryo bhuvanā jajāna || samanyā yantyupa yantyanyāḥ samānamūrvaṃ nadyaḥ pṛṇanti | tamū śuciṃ śucayo dīdivāṃsamapāṃ napātaṃ pari tasthurāpaḥ || tamasmerā yuvatayo yuvānaṃ marmṛjyamānāḥ pari yantyāpaḥ | sa śukrebhiḥ śikvabhī revadasme dīdāyānidhmo ghṛtanirṇighapsu || asmai tisro avyathyāya nārīrdevāya devīrdidhiṣantyannam | kṛtā ivopa hi prasarsre apsu sa pīyūṣaṃ dhayati pūrvasūnām || aśvasyātra janimāsya ca svardruho riṣaḥ sampṛcaḥ pāhisūrīn | āmāsu pūrṣu paro apramṛṣyaṃ nārātayo vi naśan nānṛtāni || sva ā dame sudughā yasya dhenuḥ svadhāṃ pīpāya subhvannamatti | so apāṃ napādūrjayannapsvantarvasudeyāya vidhate vi bhāti || yo apsvā sucinā daivyena ṛtāvājasra urviyā vibhāti | vayā idanyā bhuvanānyasya pra jāyante vīrudhaśca prajābhiḥ || apāṃ napādā hyasthādupasthaṃ jihmānāmūrdhvo vidyutaṃ vasānaḥ | tasya jyeṣṭhaṃ mahimānaṃ vahantīrhiraṇyavarṇāḥ pari yanti yahvīḥ || hiraṇyarūpaḥ sa hiraṇyasandṛghapāṃ napāt sedu hiraṇyavarṇaḥ | hiraṇyayāt pari yonerniṣadyā hiraṇyadā dadatyannamasmai || tadasyānīkamuta cāru nāmāpīcyaṃ vardhate napturapām | yamindhate yuvatayaḥ samitthā hiraṇyavarṇaṃ ghṛtamannamasya || asmai bahūnāmavamāya sakhye yajñairvidhema namasā havirbhiḥ | saṃ sānu mārjmi didhiṣāmi bilmairdadhāmyannaiḥpari vanda ṛghbhiḥ || sa īṃ vṛṣājanayat tāsu gharbhaṃ sa īṃ siśurdhayati taṃ rihanti | so apāṃ napādanabhimlātavarṇo.anyasyeveha tanvā viveṣa || asmin pade parame tasthivāṃsamadhvasmabhirviśvahā dīdivāṃsām | āpo naptre ghṛtamannaṃ vahantīḥ svayamatkaiḥ pari dīyanti yahvīḥ || ayāṃsamaghne sukṣitiṃ janāyāyāṃsamu maghavadbhyaḥ suvṛktim | viśvaṃ tad … ||


Rig Veda

  1. EAGER for spoil my flow of speech I utter: may the Floods’ Child accept my songs with favour. Will not the rapid Son of Waters make them lovely, for he it is who shall enjoy them? 2 To him let us address the song well-fashioned, forth from the heart. Shall he not understand it' The friendly Son of Waters by the greatness of Godhead hath produced all things existing. 3 Some floods unite themselves and others join them: die sounding rivers fill one common storehouse. On every side the bright Floods have encompassed the bright resplendent Offspring of the Waters. 4 The never-sullen waters, youthful Maidens, carefully decking, wait on him the youthful. He with bright rays shines forth in splendid beauty, unfed with wood, in waters, oil-enveloped. 5 To him three Dames are offering food to feed him, Goddesses to the God whom none may injure. Within the waters hath he pressed, as hollows, and drinks their milk who now are first made mothers. 6 Here was the horse’s birth; his was the sunlight. Save thou our princes from the oppressor’s onslaught. Him, indestructible, dwelling at a distance in forts unwrought lies and ill spirits reach not. 7 He, in whose mansion is the teeming Milch-cow, swells the Gods’ nectar and cats noble viands. The Son of Waters, gathering strength in waters, shines for his worshipper to give him treasures. 8 He who in waters with his own pure Godhead shines widely, law-abiding, everlasting— The other worlds are verily his branches, and plants are born of him with all their offspring. 9 The Waters’ Son hath risen, and clothed in lightning ascended up unto the curled cloud’s bosom; And bearing with them his supremest glory the Youthful Ones, gold-coloured, move around him. 10 Golden in form is he, like gold to look on, his colour is like gold, the Son of Waters. When he is seated fresh from golden birthplace those who present their gold give food to feed him. 11 This the fair name and this the lovely aspect of him the Waters’ Son increase in secret. Whom here the youthful Maids together kindle, his food is sacred oil of golden colour. 12 Him, nearest Friend of many, will we worship with sacrifice. and reverence and oblation. I make his back to shine, with chips provide him; I offer food and with my songs exalt him. 13 The Bull hath laid his own life-germ Within them. He sucks them as an infant, and they kiss him. He, Son of Waters, of unfading colour, hath entered here as in another’s body. 14 While here he dwelleth in sublimest station, resplendent with the rays that never perish, The Waters, bearing oil to feed their offspring, flow, Youthful Ones, in wanderings about him. 15 Agni, I gave good shelter to the people, and to the princes goodly preparation. Blessed is all that Gods regard with favour. Loud may we speak, with heroes, in assembly.